The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on April 22, 2010 By CharlesCS In Politics

You've all heard of Conservative Talk Radio. Democrats constantly cry how Conswrvatives control the radio airwaves to the point they tried many times to pass the "Fairness Doctrine". Not sure why they cry so much, I have heard plenty of Liberal Talk Show host, Randy Rhodes comes to mind; her show is more annoying that educating. But she has the right to rant her mind, even if it is to constantly make fun of Conservative talk show host as oppose to make a decent point.

Anyways, Democrats already fume over Conservative Talk Radio, but how do you truly drive them crazy, scare the hell out of them, make them scrambble to find ways to make us "the Evile Conservative Fringe"? You create a network dedicated to nothing but Right Wing shows.

Welcome to, a company who plans "to entertain, engage, and enlighten Americans who are looking for content that reflects and reinforces their perspective and worldview" not only thru the Internet and mobile options but also thru TV as an actual channel. Can you imagine, a Conservative Channel? I don't see why not though, we have a channel just for animals, an channel just for kids, a channel just for women, hell Spike TV claims to be a channel for me and BET? A channel for Black people.Why not a chnnel for Conservatives?

I came across a few sites where the comments were quite entertaining:

"What, Faux isnt conservative enough?"

"But I thought they already had that channel; Fox News.
Most of their personalities CLAIM to be entertainers, not journalist. They are half right.
They aren't entertainers....well unless you like train wreaks."

"kelsey has always voted as a republican to protect his political interests so get ready to watch the stuipd tea bagging network which are represented by uneducated simpletons who doesn't have a job nor a education!"


Well, not everyone will be happy about this. As a matter of fact many will not only be mad but also scared, scared of a network that will provide constant Right information. It will be interesting to see this channel start and even more interesting to see how long it last. I may think it's a cool idea and hope it works but even I'm smart enough to believe this may not last long. But you never know, right?

Powered by Zoundry Raven

on Apr 23, 2010

I am a Kelsey Grammer fan and I like his politics.

I watched the trailers. Sounds promising. Their concept of "reality TV" sounds educational (I don't know how people run for office). Their stand-up comedy is good.

So if this will be available via the Internet and if by "conservative" they don't mean "Sarah Palin", I'll likely be a customer.


on Apr 23, 2010

Did you post this blog entry with Zoundry Raven? How does that work?


on Apr 23, 2010

To be honest, I am rather happy for those who has this idea. If there is a market for it, I say: GO. That's what good capitalism is about.

on Apr 23, 2010

I am a Kelsey Grammer fan and I like his politics. I watched the trailers. Sounds promising. Their concept of "reality TV" sounds educational (I don't know how people run for office). Their stand-up comedy is good. So if this will be available via the Internet and if by "conservative" they don't mean "Sarah Palin", I'll likely be a customer.

I enjoy his Fraiser show, I like that kind of comedy. It's relaxing. I find it funny how some people use things like his alcoholic problem to put a questionable mark on him. As if some of these people don't have family or friends with alcoholic problems.

Did you post this blog entry with Zoundry Raven? How does that work?

It works great. I like it becauise its portable and it has a nice interface and it has really good features. Not to mention it's free.

on Apr 23, 2010

To be honest, I am rather happy for those who has this idea. If there is a market for it, I say: GO. That's what good capitalism is about.

That's partially how I feel. But as a Conservative, by choice not brain washing, I like the idea of having a channel that speaks to me, that provides more information about what I want. I consider myself smart enough to know when I am being "dupped" (as Obama put it) so I can decide what I like and what I don't.

on Apr 23, 2010

That's partially how I feel.

Why only partially?

But as a Conservative, by choice not brain washing, I like the idea of having a channel that speaks to me, that provides more information about what I want. I consider myself smart enough to know when I am being "dupped" (as Obama put it) so I can decide what I like and what I don't.

I don't really believe people are conservative or liberal by brainwashing. However, there might be things that they believe or think about that are wrong, because it has been wrongly reported to them, so they have misconception about reality that comfort them about the political choice they made.

on Apr 23, 2010

Why only partially?

because while I am all for making money, I also think some things don't necessarily have to be built around the idea of making a profit. Nothing wrong with educating people and knowing their education is payment enough.

However, there might be things that they believe or think about that are wrong, because it has been wrongly reported to them, so they have misconception about reality that comfort them about the political choice they made.

Wrong can be a subjective word as what some people think is wrong does not necessarily mean it is. People should not take everything they hear so literally and as fact without some legitimate proof and with a bit of researching. The problem with this country is not that people can be ignorant, is that it's accepted, expected and nothing is done about it. People should always be advised to research it yourself if you have doubts.

on Apr 23, 2010

Left wing vitriol will probably drive up viewership. I wonder how many people that were "appalled" at some folks hoping Obama's policies failed, will want a job-producing venture like this to fail?

BTW in an unrelated topic. I have to give it to Nancy Pelosi for speaking the truth. It seems we are finding out more about this health care bill and just how much it will really cost. She was dead on. Truth in politics, yeah!

on Apr 26, 2010

To be honest, I am rather happy for those who has this idea. If there is a market for it, I say: GO. That's what good capitalism is about.

Spoken like a true capitalist!

I agree - let them give it a try.  I personally do not think it will fly (lack of audience), but when you have a show devoted to shopping, anything is possible!

Nitro Cruiser
Left wing vitriol will probably drive up viewership.

I think that will help initially, but one of the reasons Air America failed is that Conservative talk radio basically ignored it (as Charles indicated in the OP, AA was always talking about conservative talk radio, so they were not really presenting anything that conservative talk radio could or would want to reference).

Oscar Wilde - "the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about"

on Apr 26, 2010

Left wing vitriol will probably drive up viewership.

I think that will help initially, but one of the reasons Air America failed is that Conservative talk radio basically ignored it (as Charles indicated in the OP, AA was always talking about conservative talk radio, so they were not really presenting anything that conservative talk radio could or would want to reference).

I see your point, but I don't think a conservative TV channel will resemble anything close to Air America. The lack of a conservative world view was quenched when FOX went on the air. The lack of conservative entertainment should be good for a TV channel start up. Have you watched Comedy Central lately? I'd guess that 90% of the non-movie shows get their scripts from the DNC.

on Apr 27, 2010

Have you watched Comedy Central lately? I'd guess that 90% of the non-movie shows get their scripts from the DNC.

I have never watched any of their shows (just an occasional movie).  You may be right, but then Comedy Channel is not a top cable outfit.