The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

Do you believe most people here in America are stupid? The Gov't seems to think so. As the years and decades have gone by our Gov't has made it their business to relieve us from the burden of our stupidity. How? Well, every time the Gov't passes a law that basically takes the responsibility away from the people it's just a way of saying "you are not smart enough to do this yourself so we will do it for you". Now, I can accept certain situations where some people may need some help, but I can't help but ask how is one to learn a valuable lesson in life if the Gov't takes us out of the equation?

It seems this Gov't today is more concerned with "giving a man a fish" rather than "teaching him how to fish". Duped, tricked; these are the favorite words of this Administration. The American people were tricked into buying houses they couldn't afford, they were duped by Wall Street and lost money. But this doesn't stop here. Those on the left also think the average American is so stupid they are brainwashed by Talkshow host like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. The Tea Partiers are nothing more than misguided Americans.

Bipartisanship, equality, freedom of speech and choice, the right to believe in any religion you want; all this is good, as long as:

1) The bipartisanship is for something I want, not a compromise

2) Equality is when I get what you get even if I haven't earned it

3) Freedom of Speech is when you say what I want to hear and not the opposite and Freedom of Choice is when you choose what I offer

4) The religion you choose is acceptable to me

Do you watch Foxnews because you are not smart enough to make your own decisions? Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh because he is very smart and you are not? Do you vote Republican because that's how you were raised? I tend to believe that the average person is smart enough to make it their business to educate themselves but I can't deny that sometimes some are just not smart enough to make it their business and instead they follow ignorant mentalities such as voting Democrat just because you are Black or Hispanic, not aspiring to anything more than a maintenance job because you come from a poor family and worst of all staying quite about a subject like for example the Military just because you were never part of the Military.

I think Forest Gump said it best "stupid is as stupid does". No matter what you want to believe, many of the problems Americans face in this nation are by choice and not because they are Black, Hispanic, impossible to educate or completely hopeless. For the uneducated there are plenty of Gov't assistance programs to help you get the education you need to make a living. For the poor there are plenty of Gov't assistance programs to help pay your bills, feed your family and help you find a way out of poverty.

Basically every American citizen has plenty of tools at their disposal that can allow them to improve their lives and laws that protect their rights to pursue happiness. The Gov't is an entity that was created with the intention of assisting not doing for the American people. Only babies, children and some handi-cap and sick people are Dependant on others by necessity not choice.

It's time for the Gov't to stop convincing people that we need them to do everything. People talk about brainwashing but every time this Administration goes out there and tells people how evil corporations are, how unfair Wall Street is, how criminal the Insurance companies are; unless you make it your business to educate yourself enough to understand, this Administration is brainwashing you by depending and taking advantage of your ignorance to get what they want which so far is not what the majority want.

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on Apr 24, 2010

I can't deny that sometimes some are just not smart enough to make it their business and instead they follow ignorant mentalities such as voting Democrat just because you are Black or Hispanic, not aspiring to anything more than a maintenance job because you come from a poor family

1. So you think that there's only one reason to vote Democrat? Only one aspect to a person's life?

2. What's wrong with maintenance jobs? They're very necessary. Thank you for showing me that it's not only Liberals who are elitists.

on Apr 24, 2010

This piece of crap site won't let me edit. Not even with Firefox.

I bet plumbers make more than you. At least those blacks and Hispanics have jobs.


on Apr 25, 2010

1. So you think that there's only one reason to vote Democrat? Only one aspect to a person's life?

Hmmm, seems you missed the point of that common by miles. I don't think this, this is what people comment to me. Did you know that several people were suprised to hear that a guy that makes less than $25,000 a year was Conservative? I was told I should be voting Democrat because I am poor according to their concept of poor. I don't consider myself poor, I am by no means rich or middle but I am not poor. I am a Conservative because I believe in Conservative policies because they make sense to me. But as a Hispanic I am expected to vote Democrat, my mom was suprised to know I voted against Obama, that I was against this Healthcare bill that would "give" her free healthcare. And as a guy who knows and seen enough Latinos in my lifetime it's not often that I see Latinos aspire to more than menail jobs. Every cleaning person in the building I work in is Hispanic, most jobs held by most of my family members have always been in the range of factory worker, cleaning person and bartender.

So next time you wanna question one of my comments, make sure you know what you are questioning. I may not vote Democrat but I don't hold anything against anyone for doing so. But just like many think that Tea Partiers are racist because "aparently" there are no Blacks or Hispanics in these groups many still think certain people should work or vote certain ways when in reality this country was built on the concept of having the right to vote for who ever you want without having to be criticized by the rest of us and being able to work where you want regardless of sex, age, race or religion.

2. What's wrong with maintenance jobs? They're very necessary. Thank you for showing me that it's not only Liberals who are elitists.

I never said there's nothing wrong with maintanence jobs. Again you take comments and completely misunderstand them. I notice you tend to do this often thru out the site. The only problem I have with these jobs is that they don't pay much and people tend to think that if your Hispanic you might be an illegal. People are pigs and lazy so someone needs to pick up after them. My mom has done maintanence jobs and thanks to her we had food on the table.

Do yourself a favor Infidel, next time you wanna look for BS on someones article, educate yourself better before commenting that way you don't make a fool of yourself. There are plenty of Gov't programs that will help pay for your education.

I bet plumbers make more than you. At least those blacks and Hispanics have jobs.

You make it sound like I am anything but Hispanic. I'm sure a plumber does make more money than me. That doesn't bother me, it's my fault for not trying harder. I'm a computer geek, I can do wonder with computers but due to my stupidity I never tried to educate mysef in that field and now I work as a customer services agent for a company making just enough to make a barely decent living. This is all my fault, I still have an opportunity to change all this but have yet to go after it because I am afraid of failing since I failed twice before.

You missed the whole point of this article. I was defending against the idea that the average person is so stupid the Gov't thinks they can do and say what they want and get away with it. The Gov't seems to depend on peoples ignorance to get what they want and treat people as if they were too stupid to do anything for themselves and therefor they should do everything for them.

on Apr 25, 2010

Or maybe you have a knack for not making things clear, like you're Hispanic and which kind of maintenance jobs. There's janitorial and then there's repair.


on Apr 25, 2010

Or maybe you have a knack for not making things clear, like you're Hispanic and which kind of maintenance jobs. There's janitorial and then there's repair.

Or maybe you have a knack of making stupid comments because you look for excuses to push your ignorant agenda. And if it isnt too clear for you then steer clear of my articles and you'll be fine.

on Apr 26, 2010

uhhh, Guys?  Can I break in here with a pithy comment?  Like...the government is not giving me a fish, they are taking all the fish I catch from January to May.  Are you really Hispanic, Chuck?  Or you just looking for the sympathy vote?

on Apr 26, 2010

Do you believe most people here in America are stupid? 

Yes, but then again I think everyone is stupid.

on Apr 26, 2010

uhhh, Guys? Can I break in here with a pithy comment? Like...the government is not giving me a fish, they are taking all the fish I catch from January to May. Are you really Hispanic, Chuck? Or you just looking for the sympathy vote?

I was born and raised in the US but my parents are from Puerto Rico. While Puerto Ricans are born Americans even if born in Puerto Rico, they are still Hispanics.

on Apr 26, 2010


quoting postDo you believe most people here in America are stupid? 

Yes, but then again I think everyone is stupid.

I do not think everyone is, but like most attributes, the brain is grossly underutilized by the majority of Americans.

We all can do stupid things once in a while, but some of us do not seem to do anything else.