The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

Hmmm, I was watching the news this morning and thought finally someone has proof of the criminal acts done by the Tea Partiers and then I noticed something very interesting. They weren't Tea Party members.

"Opposition to the law grew Monday as opponents used refried beans to smear swastikas on the state Capitol, civil rights leaders and others demanded a boycott of the state, a petition drive began to put the measure to a public vote and the Obama administration weighed a possible legal challenge." Link

Refried beans? Swastikas? And ABC dares to claim they are peaceful protesters? Some video on the news showed people getting arrested, a woman attacking a camera man and even bottles being thrown. Wow and the Media has yet to provide proof of Tea Party bad behavior. And all this for an Immigration law, the protestors are probably illegals themselves. That is just too funny.

But I have a question or 2 I would like to ask. Let's say Arizona eliminated this Immigration Bill and the Gov't stepped in with a bill to solve the problem. How exactly would this problem be solved? Would the Gov't not have to create some kind of task force to do exactly what these local cops were given the power to do? How will immigration officers find out who is illegal and who isn't without asking them? Seems to me the only real solution will still be a cause for these protest even if the Federal Gov't was the one passing the bill. It seems more like some people want to allow illegals to move about without any punishment for breaking the laws. That's how I see it.

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on Apr 27, 2010

No, they are not Tea Partiers.  Nor are they Immigrants, Hispanic, Mexican or anyone affected by the law.  The fact they used the symbol of the swastika, plus the re-fried beans clearly indicate 2 things:

1. They are race baiters.

2. They are racists.

Al Sharpton should feel right at home.

on Apr 27, 2010

1. They are race baiters. 2. They are racists.

That much I agree. It's funny though how this is barely in the Media while the Tea Partiers are called racist without any proof.

on Apr 27, 2010

That much I agree. It's funny though how this is barely in the Media while the Tea Partiers are called racist without any proof.


Not only not any proof, proof to the contrary.

on Apr 27, 2010

Face it lefties, you respect the rights of every nation on earth.. except the US.  Apparently we have the responsibility to free Tibet, Dafur and pretty much everywhere else on God's green earth, but no right to our own borders.

on Apr 28, 2010

but no right to our own borders.

Just lefts?

Yes, the statement from Mexico is very amusing! (I think Daiwa posted the irony on another blog).