The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

So it seems that this recent oil spill disaster is a lot worse than was mentioned at first, so bad that the oil has now reached our shores and some believe this may be worse that the Exxon spill several years ago. Now that is a scary thought. While I am a believer in the idea of become independent from foreign oil by drilling off-shore, this incident can not be ignored. Only a stupid person would think off-shore drilling is 100% safe but the safeties put in place are meant to avoid such disasters if a spill was to happen. One has to accept that this kind of disaster can happen regardless of any safety precautions we may have in place.

It's these kinds of possibilities that make we think we need to truly move away from our dependence of oil, foreign or domestic. But we are too far behind and the financial cost would be extreme, especially with today's financial issues. Moving away from oil will not be easy or fast. This process will take time, money and hard work. But more than anything, we will still need oil till we can move away from it completely. This is a bad situation and I hope we can find a solution that will cause the least impact on our environment but I have to accept we still need oil and we still need to break our independence on foreign oil. because whether it's us or them drilling, the possibilities of disaster is all the same.

So vote for your choice and drop a comment as well below:


on Apr 30, 2010

The Exxon Valdez was not that bad of a spill.  It was aggravated by the remoteness, but the sound has almost completely recovered.  As will the gulf.  God pumps that much oil into the gulf through natural fissures every day.

on May 01, 2010

This disaster should not force a rethink on the issue. The only way forward is to ensure that the Middle Esat does not hold the rest of the world to ransom over oil. Where will the oil-sheikhs be 20 years hence when they run out of oil. Terrorism will also end.

on May 01, 2010

The US government is a reactionary government. This incident will set back domestic drilling. Two groups are salivating over this spill, the uber-environmentalists (because it will make advancing their ultimate agenda easier) and OPEC. Obama wants higher fuel prices, he said as much himself. I don't believe we will have to wait long for an answer.

I don't want to see things like this happen, but here's what is bugging me. Why is it taking so long for action? The platform fire occurred on the 20th of April...why wasn't equipment gathered up in anticipation after the rig fire was extinguished (it eventually sank)? It seems to me a few well places explosives could seal the well. It took 9 days for the oil to reach the shore. Greenpeace could not have planned the governments inept reaction (for anti-drilling impact) better. Every oil skimmer in the gulf could have been there with that amount of time.

on May 01, 2010

Bahu Virupaksha
This disaster should not force a rethink on the issue. The only way forward is to ensure that the Middle Esat does not hold the rest of the world to ransom over oil. Where will the oil-sheikhs be 20 years hence when they run out of oil. Terrorism will also end.


As much as we disagree, these type of replies makes me see you as more of an American than many Americans.  You are far too liberal for me, but you see something in America that most haters of America refuse to see.

Please, as much as we disagree, do not stop posting.  I see hope for the world in people like you.

As for the comment itself, it will not be 20 years.  It will be a lot longer.  Only because technology will keep oil cheap for as long as possible as it is cheap.  And reserves grow because we can drill better.

The next century will see us starting to wean ourselves.  ONly because it is uneconimical to use it for space.

on May 02, 2010

I just said that they should set the oil spill on fire... though in all likelihood that's not the best solution...

But why would we stop drilling?  The US is already grossly dependent on other countries for its continued existence - we don't need to increase that dependency any further.

Of course, other countries are somewhat dependent on us, too, but that just means that the US is taking the rest of the world down with it.

Or maybe I'm too much of a doomsayer and the US is fine, and the world is fine, and we shouldn't worry about funding harmless "terrorists" by driving to work every day.  That seems a bit naive to me, even though my country is currently run by people who think exactly like this.

on May 02, 2010

I just said that they should set the oil spill on fire... though in all likelihood that's not the best solution...

Actually, that is one option in the oil spill play book. This is exactly what should have been done once the rig sank IMO.