I'm a big fan of revision3.com's show Tekzilla. One of my favorite sections of this show is "a website we just can't get enough of" where they point out sites they consider "too useful, too funny or too darn irresistible". On a past episode they pointed out a site I found quite interesting.
This site is pretty interesting. By signing up you get a site that works like a court system that allows you to post your argument as a plaintiff or a defendant. You can even add evidence to your argument post. Once the opposing party's argument is posted, a jury (people signed up on the site) get to vote based on the arguments and evidence (if any) to decide who is right. You also get to be part of the online jury that gets to vote on other peoples arguments. I find it fun and entertaining, kinda like a blog except with 2 points of view on the same article. You will find that some of the arguments are very silly, but that's part of the fun. Check it out, you just might like it.
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