The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

You know, I have always wonder why we call ourselves Americans when a resident of Mexico is called Mexican and a resident of France is called French. We are rsidents of The United States yet we are called Americans; would this not qualify for everyone who lives in America? I can't blame ourselves for calling ourselves Americans though. I did some reseach as to what we would be called if we used the United States and United Statesian does not sound very appealing so I shall wonder no more and be happy with being called American.

And there lies the point of this article. Some here may not know this but while I was born and raised in the US, my parents are from Puerto Rico, so that makes me Hispanic. Now, as many know, being born in Puerto Rico still makes you an American citizen but they still get to call themselves Puerto Ricans not necessarily Americans. I, however, have always considered myself an American first. I'm a proud American. My country is not perfect by I believe in what it stands for. I believe in the Constitution, in the Bill of Rights and rule of law we have.

Today I find myself frustrated at the story of the 5 students from a California school who were sent home on May 5th because they refused to turn their shirts inside out because they has the American Flags on them (Link). Nothing in the school dress code prohibited weaing the American Flag on students shirts yet the school Administrator decided to enforce this made up rule because he wanted to prevent the possibilities of fights with Hispanic students due to this being Cinco De Mayo, a Mexican non-holiday that is not even considered a Holiday in Mexico. According to history Mexico declared it's independence on Sept 15, 1810, not May 5th (Link). Cinco de Mayo is in celebration of a battle that was won by a Mexican army that was outnumbered and outgunned by a French army knows as the Battle of Puebla. But even Mexico does not put much importance on this date and as many have mentioned this is more of a holiday promoted by beer companies. If anything Cinco De Mayo has more in common with Marti Grass than an actually holiday.

I have no problem with people looking for excuses to throw a party. As a Puerto Rican decendent, I don't even know why we have a Puerto Rican Day parade in New York but people like it and it's an excuse to party, get drunk and go to jail. But there is a limit to how you celebrate your country of origin and if there is one thing I can't tolerate is that you seem to think you have the right to celebrate your heritage (a non-American heritage) in the US but I can't celebrate my American heritage in my own country, the US.

Today I come to find out on the news that we have more than 200 Hispanic students from this school who failed to go to school today in order to march down to the School District office to "demand" respect (Link). Respect? This from students who want Americans to not wear the American Flag in the US on Cinco De Mayo just because it's a Mexican non-holiday? Where is my respect or that of these 5 students who now fear gang retaliation for what, being Americans? For being patriotic in their own country? Where is the outrage for this? How dare these people claim respect when they themselves don't give it? Respect is earned, not given.

I am sorry but while I care for my Hispanic heritage I believe in freedom, our rights, the rule of law and everything else this country stands for so I will not back a fellow Puerto Rican just because they are Puerto Rican. These Hispanic students felt disrespected yet I can garantee most probably don't really know what Cinco De Mayo really is about. If anything those 5 students were disrespected. As Americans, they had my rights violated because they were denied freedom of speech and the right to be patriotic in their own country. I am ashamed this Adminsitration took such exagerated measures and not put these 5 students in the spot light to be humiliated, insulted and now threatened. This Administrator intended to avoid what he considered a possible problem but instead ended up creating an even bigger one now. This is what happens when common sense is no longer common and subsituted for fear and political correctness.

As of today every one of my articles will have the image you see below because I refuse to have my rights violated and taken from me and I have the right to be patrotic. I do not fear celebrating my country. If you don't like it, you are free to avoid my articles. I am an American first and here I make my stand.

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on May 07, 2010

I have always wonder why we call ourselves Americans when a resident of Mexico is called Mexican and a resident of France is called French. We are rsidents of The United States yet we are called Americans; would this not qualify for everyone who lives in America? I can't blame ourselves for calling ourselves Americans though. I did some reseach as to what we would be called if we used the United States and United Statesian does not sound very appealing so I shall wonder no more and be happy with being called American.

The word "American" is part of the official title (United States of America). It also happens to be the name of the continents in the western hemisphere. Someone from Bolivia, for example, could call themselves a South American, just as a German might call themselves a European. Although I don't believe many Europeans even refer to themselves as Europeans, lots of national pride still there. I've no problem with that. Some are offended that "Americans" using the name "American" are stealing it somehow from the America's as a whole. Well if you add America to your countries official name you too could join in on the label. Somehow I don't believe their will be a rush of countries doing this. Canadian Provinces of America (CPA) has a nice ring though.

To the Cinco de Mayo issue: I wonder what reception if a group of Americans waving a flag, shouting USA, USA in Mexico City would get?

OT: Is it just me or does anyone else think of Tim and Eric's Awesome Show when they here the word "Cinco"?

on May 08, 2010

OT: Is it just me or does anyone else think of Tim and Eric's Awesome Show when they here the word "Cinco"?

Not sure, who are Tim and Eric?

on May 08, 2010

To the Cinco de Mayo issue: I wonder what reception if a group of Americans waving a flag, shouting USA, USA in Mexico City would get?

The average person is never smart enough to look beyond a single thought. They never look at every possible reaction to any action they take. These Hispanics demanding respect never considered the idea that if I was in Mexico on the 4th of July I would not be liked or safe if I went around waving the American flag and screaming USA, USA. They are lucky this country is so open and free which is why they or their parents come here. It's funny how they want to benefit from all the riches this country can offer yet completely disrespect it and still be loyal to their country first, even when born here or citizens of this nation.

Let's keep in mind this argument is not about illegals.

on May 08, 2010

Not sure, who are Tim and Eric?

Probably the most stupid show on Adult Swim, but so stupid you can't help laughing. It will rot the minds of susceptible young folks.

on May 08, 2010

To the Cinco de Mayo issue: I wonder what reception if a group of Americans waving a flag, shouting USA, USA in Mexico City would get?

The average person is never smart enough to look beyond a single thought.

Well I've been accused of not critically thinking here on JU, but I always ask myself questions like these. I like to know why people think the way they do. For an example let's take Glen Beck. I can repeat something he says and ask a person what they disagree about in the statement. Usually it boils down to they just dislike GB. Why? Because he is tearing at the ideology that they find comfort in. Politics and religion are very similar in a lot of ways to some. Others, and this is the majority, don't like GB because they were "told" not to like him, directly or indirectly. Their opinion is based entirely off someone else's belief. Is that a reason to hate him? I might disagree with Keith Oberman, but I don't hate the man. How silly is that.

I can honestly say a persons belief system has no bearing on whether I like a person or not. I have a lot of friends with political philosophies the polar opposite of mine. It's much more important. to me, a persons deeds and how they interact. Since we can't experience that in this virtual world, people here are judged by their words alone. So while I do believe that a person should be responsible for what they write, I do give a little slack (might not seem that way to some) to excuse the medium and the persons non-virtual self. So I won't as far as you to say what the average person is smart or not of doing. Plenty of smart people have a poor ability to fully articulate themselves while writing, while others can dazzle the eyes with with words that amount to pile of BS. 

on May 10, 2010

Nitro beat me to the punch on why we are Americans and not United Statesians (although I guess technically we should call ourselves United States of Americans).

I suspect most countries do not have America in their title because they did not want to honor a European.  Although almost any Argentinian will tell you they feel closer to European than they do with the other Latin American countries (do not tell that to a liberal as they have no capacity to differentiate between Latin American countries or peoples).

for me, I have always wondered why almost every continent on the planet begins with the letter A.  Only Europe is different.  It is not like it is the most common letter in the alphabet or even for the start of words.