I;m sure many of you think I am complaining just to complain because it's Obama picking the next Supreme Court Justice, but I think my question is valid here. I'll admit my knowledge of what it takes to be a judges is very limited if existent, after all we all have to start somewhere right? But I know that a position such as Supreme Court Justice is not a job people get just because they are judges or they work in a court environment. This is top notch, head honcho, the dream job to get. Am I wrong in thinking this does not sound right?
I have nothing against Elena Kagan, Obama's possible pick. I don't know the woman, don't have any reasons as this time to dislike her or to be against her nomination; except for her lack of judicial experience as to how I understand what that is.
So why would Obama pick such a person for such an improtant position? What does she think about this? I heard Obama was to talk about why he may pick her. I am very curious to see how he will explain her lack of judicial experience.
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