Are you one of those people who spent a life time and a fortune building your incredible DVD collection of movies only to be stuck with a DVD player these days while your friends enjoy the incredible quality of HD movies on their HD TVs because it's just to darn expensive to buy blue-ray movies especially when you already have the movie on DVD?
Don't feel so bad, Warner Brothers has the solution for you and you won't even have to put a second morgage on your house or sell your laptop at the pawnshop to get them. Actually you won't be getting a second copy of a movie you aready own, you will be "upgrading". presents DVD2Blu, a program where you get to trade in your Warner Brother DVD movies for a Blue-ray version (if available) at a discounted prices between $5 and $8 per movie. Not too bad. You get a Blue-ray version of the movie with all the extra features for $5 to $8 while getting rid of your dust filled, probably scratched old DVD movie. Of course they say nothing is free in life and this program is not without it's downsides.
According to the FAQ section you are limited to 25 movies per household to trade in, there will be a shipping charge of $4.95 for the entire shipment regardless of amount of movies (not too bad actually) and worst of all it can take up to 5 weeks to complete the process. The shipping and process time are not too bad and expected; after all you are getting Blue-rays for DVDs at a very discounted price and you don't even have to send the movie cases of artwork. But the 25 movie limit kinda sucks. I mean, what if I have more than 25 WB titles and what if I am willing to change them all and can afford it? Why a limit? Not that one can not find ways around this. At this point there are around 90 titles to exchange and the odds of you having them all is small, not to mention having the $5 to $8 per title to pay also but if you do happen to have more than 25 titles (or all of them) and you can afford to pay the $5 to $8 per movie price, you can always use moms name and address for another 25 titles and you can also use a brother or sisters name and address if they are willing. Unless they have movies to trade in themselves then you're shit out of luck there.
Anyways, this sounds like a great way to enjoy the quality of HD movies and all the extras without having to break your bank buying every WB movie that you already own on DVD all over again at full blue-ray price. We can only hope the other movie companies follow suit and offer a similar programs (if they don't have them already) so you can eventually put the DVD (and it's player) on retirement next to the VHS and the 8-Track.
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