Just like a fellow JU member was inspired to write an article as a response to a debate on another article, I find myself in the same position about an interesting section of his comments and my response.
I like posting the definition of words in my blog in case any doubt of the meanings come to play in the discussion so here they are:
Stupidity - a poor ability to understand or to profit from experience
Ignorance - the lack of knowledge or education
As you can see the difference between the 2 is obvious, one lacks the information and the other lacks the ability to understand the information. Considering how this country, the good old US of A, went from "the Wild West" to "the land of the Brave and the home of the Free", while not perfect I tend to believe stupidity is not a common issue in this country; but ignorance on the other hand seems more common than common sense. This ignorance is a gold mine for politicians. Ignorance is the fuel that drives their agenda bandwagon. The fears they can impose on people who know little if anything about a particular topic they are preaching about is astonishing and scary. Ironically ignorance is more like super fuel to Democrats. Although any party here in the US (Republican, Democrat or Independent) can benefit from the average persons ignorance of particular issues; the Democrats (in my opinion) have the most to gain from it.
You see, it's been my experience, from what I read in the news, in books, on the Internet, what I hear and see on the news, talk shows and some "educational" programing and even what I have witnessed myself, that Democrats depend on the ignorance of the average American to fool them into thinking they do what they do in their best interest. They also depend on this ignorance to make them believe that any action they promise will be put to work immediately when in reality any Gov't policy passed will take time before any benefit can be see or felt. Take the recent healthcare bill that was passed; according to this Administration and the bill most of the effects won't kick in or be felt till 2014, yet on the other hand President Obama is going around saying the bill has already help millions of people in the US. Of course if you pay attention the help is actually future help as it hasn't happened yet but he claims it will. Gotta love how politicians sucker people into believe something is working by telling them it's coming soon. I don't know about you but it's my understanding that something already done implies that you can see the results already not that it's on it's way.
My favorite BS about Democrats is education. Now, you know that if people were educated enough they would not be ignorant enough to fall for the lies of a particular issue when they already are well informed of it. So to actually educate people properly would be a bad thing for Democrats as their need to have people ignorant would be disrupted by the lack of ignorant people and their ability to fool them will greatly diminish. It's the same as the idea of help the poor people. Supposely poor people are likely to vote Democrat because Democrats promise to help poor people (supposely Republicans hate poor people); but there's a problem with this concept. You see there is only one thing you can do to help a poor person and that is to get them out of poverty. But if you are no longer poor then what are you? Middle or rich. And since supposely rich people vote Republican and Middle class are more likely to be Republican as well, then educating and helping poor people out of poverty could actually benefit Republicans, right? These are all assumptions, but it's what people base their opinions on. I should know as most people who find out I am a Conservative tend to freak out as I am consider poor by their definition and I should be voting Democrat because of that according to them but I don't.
I love my country and I'll admit that I am not completely educated on every issue that arises on the news. But there is one thing I can say about myself, I won't just agree because the person making the statement, defending or attacking the issue happens to be Conservative or Republican (no Lemming behind this keyboard), I will agree because my current knowledge allows me to make the best educated opinion I can make and if I happen to come across more information, I will allow it to either reinforce my opinion or change it in any way. My opinions are Governed mostly by logic and partially by feeling, not the other way around.
My point is, don't be part of the ignorant crowd, at least stupid people have an excuse.
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