The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Shame on them, stupidity at it's finest
Published on May 13, 2010 By CharlesCS In Current Events

I don't know, maybe I'm just crazy, but I would think if you were born in the US, you would consider yourself an American. I'm sure any American citizen facing a possible deportation would be screaming to the top of their lounges how they are American citizens born here.

Yet, here we have a new level of ignorance, stupidity and idiocy as Hispanic students from Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, where the 4 students were sent home on Cinco De Mayo for wearing the American flag on their shirts, decide to skip school the following day and march to protest claiming they want "respect". But how can you ask for something you don't know the meaning of? They dare to ask for respect yet here in the video it shows how they disrespected the American flag by ripping it from a guys hand from inside his truck and tossed it to the ground.


Are you kidding me? They dare come to this country or be born here, enjoy all the benefits America has to offer and then disrespect it in this manner? As a Hispanic (of Puerto Rican decent) born and raised in the US of A (I am an American first) I am ashamed that these people are Hispanics like me. This is not only proof but a great reason why Arizona and other border states should pass and enforce these illegal immigrant laws. They don't deserve the lives they have here in the US. They don't appreciates the freedoms they have here compared to their "countries". If they like it so much, go back. Go back to Cuba, Mexico, South America, where ever. Let's see how long before you start crying about how you not coming back to this country fast enough.

The kid on that video deserves to get his ass kicked, on camera and posted on youtube. His parents should smack him for being an idiot and stupid as his actions were a negative towards their cause. I love Puerto Rico, but I am an American first and I will wear my flag with pride as often as possible. And if you don't like it, you can go back to your country or you parents country. Cause our flag is supreme here, Cinco De Mayo is just an excuse to get drunk. Especially when it's related to a town who won a victory against all odds only to have their asses handed to them the second time around. That's not a victory, that was sheer dumb luck.

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Comments (Page 2)
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on May 17, 2010

Dr Guy

Respect is earned not "demanded".

Excellent point, and I lost it in the rhetoric.  But that one should have been made first.

Anyone that has served in the military (and some astute folks who haven't) will understand exactly what I mean. With a military uniform a certain amount of respect is implied (same for the president), however, if a leader is incompetent, unknowledgeable, or out of touch with their personnel, their credibility is shot. The effects can be quite insidious and severely effects unit cohesion. This is one reason why most smart officers rely on strong NCO's and limit their own exposure to junior personnel. I've seen others try to circumvent this, usually to their detriment.

These school children are at the point in their life where they should be demanding very little (good instruction and tastier lunch's perhaps). They personally pay no taxes or provide nothing toward the education they are receiving.  Maybe they should be showing gratitude for what they are receiving instead of pissing on the institution (that is the US) which is providing for them. If their human rights were in jeopardy, I could understand a level of outrage, but because they want to have Mexico here in their little corner of the US, they get squat.

on May 17, 2010

Anyone that has served in the military (and some astute folks who haven't) will understand exactly what I mean.

It is not only in the military (although that is more a life and death situation).  It is in every aspect of life.  Leaders in church, business, or any avenue.  If they do not know how to lead and delegate (Carter anyone?) they are doomed, as is the organization if they are left to erode it.

Maybe they should be showing gratitude for what they are receiving instead of pissing on the institution (that is the US) which is providing for them.

I had to chuckle at that one.  40 years ago, it was not immigration, but a democrat war, and yes, there were a bunch demanding.  I laughed at them then - as a peer.  And have no time to laugh at them now, just ignore them and their spoiled ways.

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