It seems that Obama has more time to make jokes about Arizona's new Immigration Law these days, taking shots at the expense of the cops of Arizona who, without any facts or proof, have been labeled racist and likely to abuse this law.
But where is this Administrations solution to the problem? Where are the calls to find a better solution to the illegal immigration issue? Where is the Federal Gov'ts efforts to pass new legislation? It seems The Obama Administration and the Democrats, who spend more time defending illegal immigrants than keeping them out, have failed to even get something going on this issue, but very few point this out and very few even notice. In a way the Arizona law has done more than just scare illegal immigrants. It has opened the peoples eyes to the reality that is this Administrations inability to resolve any real issues and instead go about apologizing to the world, throwing parties and making jokes at the expense of those who risk their lives on a daily basis to serve and protect the people of this Nation.
You can keep fooling yourself into thinking this Administration is working hard to fix this Nation. You can keep fooling yourself into thinking this Administration is trying and that we should give them a chance. But there is one thing you can’t keep fooling yourself, people like me will be pointing out and reminding you of what this Administration does and doesn’t do; because when it comes to the safety, security and survival of this nation, ignorance is not bliss.