I came to JU many years ago looking for a way to put by constant talking to good use. Joeuser.com was a very interesting website, a site I fell for almost instantly. The people on the site were mostly very educated, very direct and not afraid to point out your ignorance. The JU community was a great one back then.
Lately JU has gotten a bit slow on the articles and the comments. Only a few senior members remain and those who join don’t post or comment often. I know it has a lot to do with JU members being mostly of Republican or Conservative opinions, but I find it sad that those of Democrat or Liberal opinions have little by little either moved away or only poke their heads out every so often and quickly go back to their little corners where they watch JU from a distance.
Just the other day I wrote an article looking for advise on a new blog site, one I could not only start a new blog but that I might find similar features found on JU. In the end I found that while there are many sites out there such as blogger.com, blogspot.com and wordpress.com with interesting features and options, they all lacked one thing I loved most about JU. Exposure.
Writing an article on JU automatically exposed your article on JU’s “Recent Article” section on the main page. Any comments made on your article would automatically put it on the “Recent Article Comments” section on the main page. And if you manage to get enough people reading and commenting on your article, you might find yourself on the ‘Popular Articles” section of the main page. But the best part is the “Featured Article” section when not only will your article be displayed in big bold letters but even a short section of the article is shown giving those who see it a taste of things to come if they click on the title and go directly to the article itself. Write enough articles, get enough comments and make enough comments yourself and you can find yourself on the “leading blogs” and “leading users” section of the main page. Now that is what you call exposure, except JU is not out there listed with those other blog sites as an alternative blog site to use.
This is where I come in (and any of you who would like to try something similar) with my new style of blogging for JU. My goal is not only to get people to read my article and post comments, but also to bring more people to JU in the hopes they sign up, comment and maybe even pass the word. How will I do this? Please see the bottom of this and future articles of mine as I provide options for everyone to share my articles with the rest of the Internet community with Twitter, Reddit and Digg. In addition I will also be posting likes to my facebook page, thanks to an interesting plug-in for my Windows Live Writer (which i finally got working) that will automatically post to my facebook page a link to my article as it’s posted and another plug-in will do the same for my Twitter account.
So come on JU member, lets make JU the best blog site on the Internet. Let bring JU to the masses. Heck, this may even bring more customers to the Stardock side of JU and maybe even more members for Wincustomize. The way i see it, it’s a win win situation if it works. So a the song says “Let’s get it started”.
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