In my quest to spread the word on my blog and this site, I have been doing some research on what sites were good for getting my stuff put out there. There are great places such as and where you can share websites and blogs you find, there are also facebook and twitter where you can post links to your own blog. But I wanted a way to not only get them to my blog, but also to share it with others.
While trying to get my Windows Live Writer program to work on my to post my blog articles, I came across some interesting plugins for Live Writer that gave me an idea. There’s this Digg plugin for Live Writer that puts a Digg button on you article when it’s posted by Live Writer, giving those who read your article the option to Digg the article so that others can find it on
That’s when inspiration hit. As I researched online for sites to share my articles I notices most had these icons to share the webpage on different places like Digg, Reddit, facebook and Twitter, so i figured, why can’t I do the same for my blog? After a lot of work, a lot of research and a whole lot of trial and error, I finally came up with the links at the end of this article(and every article from here on). Hopefully with these links I can spread the word on my articles and get more comments.
Give it a try, spread the word.