The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

The Obama Healthcare Bill, a piece of legislation that marked another historic moment in Obama’s legacy after his election as the First Black President of the US. A piece of legislation, which according to Obama, the American people wanted. But it seems that even before the bill was passed there was a lot of opposition over this bill, opposition the Democrats chose to ignore and passed the bill anyways which Obama then signed. Strange considering Obama promised to do what the people wanted.

Now it seems not only were a lot of people opposed to this bill but now a big majority are in favor of repealing the bill, according to the Rasmussen Report:

Monday, May 24, 2010

Support for repeal of the new national health care plan has jumped to its highest level ever. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 63% of U.S. voters now favor repeal of the plan passed by congressional Democrats and signed into law by President Obama in March. Link

So, since this is the will of the majority, will Obama chose to do the will of the people, or will he continue to do his will? Hope & Change seems so far away these days as Obama’s approval ratings continue to drop and Republicans continue to chip away at the Democrats control of the Gov’t.

Keep fighting the good fight people. Continue to show this Gov’t that it’s the will of the people that gets done, not the will of the President and his submissive Congress and Senate.

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Comments (Page 2)
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on May 25, 2010

You mistake being able to read the general alignment of this site with following the democrat party line. As it turns out I'm a registered republican, but I have a distinct lack of interest in politics, or the viewpoints of any of the major parties.

on May 25, 2010

What I don't care for are those who, regardless of how nice we are, they still insult us , call us names and make it seem as if we are the bad guys.

Charles, quite being so diplomatic and just come out and say the French!

on May 25, 2010

Charles, quite being so diplomatic and just come out and say the French!

OK, the French. Now, back to more important things.

on May 25, 2010

You mistake being able to read the general alignment of this site with following the democrat party line. As it turns out I'm a registered republican, but I have a distinct lack of interest in politics, or the viewpoints of any of the major parties.

While I won't say politics should be something everyone should know about regardless, considering how important politics are to our very survival, i would think people would have a decent amount of interest in something that has a major influence and effect in our lifestyles. It's one thing not to be interested in debating politics with someone, it's another thing to understand why you vote the way you vote, who you vote for and remembering that your vote not only affects you but also everyone around you and those who are not even born yet.

To be honest, I don't quite understand you comment. You seem to be under the impression that I post about Obama because I am a Republican or because he's a Democrat. I post about Obama because I don't agree with his policies, plain and simple. The fact that he happens to be a Democrat is just frosting on the cake. Had he been a Republican, I would have complained about his policies all the same. Bush was an idiot for providing the first "stimulus" crapage, Obama simply 1-uped him with a second one making him ever more idiotic.

on May 25, 2010

Why? Because I would rather be on good terms with them rather than being at war with them. What I don't care for are those who, regardless of how nice we are, they still insult us , call us names and make it seem as if we are the bad guys.

That's all fine and good I suppose, but I think the post-9/11 world requires a bit more stick a little less carrot. 


I hope this was a joke, because otherwise people like you are the reason we have a useless President.

A little bit.  Here:  I'm a professional late twenty something from Chicago who proudly leans right on most issues foreign and economic.  Social issues - I tend to spin  left.  Picking a 72 year old man from Arizona wasn't exactly going to energize me.  I've really never liked anything about him.    Naming Sarah Palin as a running mate made it all a bit easier, as I think she's an assclown of the highest order.   I'm nobody's cheerleader; the GOP made it clear they weren't interested in my vote.  So I took the other guy. 


Now granted, had the mix been different I might have done different.  I wasn't going to put billary as the president again.  Or had it been Rudy Giuliani or ----dare I say it --- Mitt Romney I probably would have made a different decision.  But, you can only vote for who's on the ballot. 



on May 26, 2010

But, you can only vote for who's on the ballot.

Amen to that.  But I held my nose & voted John.  Hard for me to imagine things could be this bad, let alone any worse, had he won.

on May 26, 2010

Amen to that. But I held my nose & voted John. Hard for me to imagine things could be this bad, let alone any worse, had he won.


True enough.  But I'm bad at altruism. A Chicagoan in the white house is a good thing for Chicagoans:)

on May 26, 2010

but I have a distinct lack of interest in politics, or the viewpoints of any of the major parties.

So why comment at all then?

on May 26, 2010

A Chicagoan in the white house is a good thing for Chicagoans:)

It doesn't even seem good for Chicago let alone the White House.

on May 26, 2010

But, you can only vote for who's on the ballot.  

Bob Barr was on the ballot.  At least in my state.  Sometimes not voting for the top 2 is the only alternative, as I do not see not voting as an alternative.

But you make good points.  Obama won because of many like you.  Forget Palin as she was not running for president, but your comments on McCain are very true and why I did not vote for him as well.  Some would say that by not voting McCain, I actually voted for Obama, but that is a lie.  I did expect Obama to win, but that does not mean I have ever or will ever support him.  As a candidate, he at least appeared to be competent.  As a president, he appears to be anything but.

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