The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

The Obama Healthcare Bill, a piece of legislation that marked another historic moment in Obama’s legacy after his election as the First Black President of the US. A piece of legislation, which according to Obama, the American people wanted. But it seems that even before the bill was passed there was a lot of opposition over this bill, opposition the Democrats chose to ignore and passed the bill anyways which Obama then signed. Strange considering Obama promised to do what the people wanted.

Now it seems not only were a lot of people opposed to this bill but now a big majority are in favor of repealing the bill, according to the Rasmussen Report:

Monday, May 24, 2010

Support for repeal of the new national health care plan has jumped to its highest level ever. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 63% of U.S. voters now favor repeal of the plan passed by congressional Democrats and signed into law by President Obama in March. Link

So, since this is the will of the majority, will Obama chose to do the will of the people, or will he continue to do his will? Hope & Change seems so far away these days as Obama’s approval ratings continue to drop and Republicans continue to chip away at the Democrats control of the Gov’t.

Keep fighting the good fight people. Continue to show this Gov’t that it’s the will of the people that gets done, not the will of the President and his submissive Congress and Senate.

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Comments (Page 1)
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on May 24, 2010

On the other hand, if it had been a republican president who forced this down your throat, you would be singing his praises.

on May 24, 2010

Incidentally, this isn't the guy's only disaster.  Couple the healthcare bill with the sort of anemic shots at fixing the economy.....


This really isn't quite the pivot he wants to be on at this stage in the game. 

on May 25, 2010

On the other hand, if it had been a republican president who forced this down your throat, you would be singing his praises.

I fail to see the logic in this.  Mainly because there is none.

Incidentally, this isn't the guy's only disaster. Couple the healthcare bill with the sort of anemic shots at fixing the economy.....

On this I think we agree.  He's certainly had more than one disaster, but I say 'think' only because calling what he pushed through Congress 'anemic' seems to imply he should have indebted us even more.

on May 25, 2010

On this I think we agree. He's certainly had more than one disaster, but I say 'think' only because calling what he pushed through Congress 'anemic' seems to imply he should have indebted us even more.



Are you high? Seriously.

The only thing that statement implies is that what was done didn't work. 



on May 25, 2010

On the other hand, if it had been a republican president who forced this down your throat, you would be singing his praises.

I have to agree with Daiwa, this doesn't make sense because this is not a Republican thing. But just to indulge your hypothetical scenario, I would still be against it. You see, unlike you (based on your comment) I don't follow along party lines, I follow what I believe is right (as in correct) and I don't believe "this" (and I emphasize on "this") bill is the right bill. And Obama knew that, but he didn't care, just like any other politician. That's why he is no different, his only real change was being the First minority and first Black man to be President. Beyond that he is no different that Bush, Bush Sr or Clinton and any other President before him.

on May 25, 2010

Just to add insult to injury, here is more proof that Obama will not do the will of the people:

Feds Ask Va. Health Reform Lawsuit Be Dismissed

on May 25, 2010

The only thing that statement implies is that what was done didn't work.

Then I take you at your word & that's cleared up.

Now, back to my chronic.

on May 25, 2010

Just to add insult to injury, here is more proof that Obama will not do the will of the people:

Saw that this morning lol. If this administration is as forceful as it is with North Korea, Virginia doesn't have a problem.

Obama promised to "heal" US relationships around the world (he didn't), but he seems to be great at disenfranchising states right here is the US. He thinks he's so much like Abe Lincoln and he may be right in one respect, he will preside over a divided US. Change you can believe in, yeah right...

on May 25, 2010

Obama promised to "heal" US relationships around the world (he didn't),

This is one area that I don't have a whole lot of lovin' for.  The whole idea implies that


1.  I care about our 'relationships' with the world

2.  That I care about these relationships

3.  That I'm willing to sacrifice something for these relationships. 


Look, I only voted for the guy for 4 reasons:  He's a sox fan, he's a south sider, he's a smoker, he's left handed.  Kind of like me.  Except, not really.  That, and I was hoping to get the Olympics here so I could take some tourist dollars. 


Meanwhile, watch this Korea mess.  Something tells me this doesn't end well









on May 25, 2010

On the other hand, if it had been a republican president who forced this down your throat, you would be singing his praises.

No, not even if it was Ronald Reagan.  Clearly you missed the outrage against this abortion of a law.  It has nothing to do with the man, but with the law - that no one in government seems to have a clue on what it does and does not do.

on May 25, 2010

Are you high? Seriously.

The only thing that statement implies is that what was done didn't work.  

It didn't.  Only a fool or a democrats would claim (falsely) otherwise.  Any responsible person knows you do not spend your way out of debt or a hole.

on May 25, 2010

That, and I was hoping to get the Olympics here so I could take some tourist dollars.

Well, your honeymoon with him did not last long then.

on May 25, 2010

Look, I only voted for the guy for 4 reasons: He's a sox fan, he's a south sider, he's a smoker, he's left handed. Kind of like me. Except, not really. That, and I was hoping to get the Olympics here so I could take some tourist dollars.

Well you're honest at least. Many voted for him for less of a reason than that. Frankly, I look a bit deeper at a candidate's history. This fish stunk long before the campaign IMO, but people bought it anyway. One must think past the 2 seconds of gratification pulling the voting lever, to the four years that follow.

on May 25, 2010

This is one area that I don't have a whole lot of lovin' for. The whole idea implies that 1. I care about our 'relationships' with the world 2. That I care about these relationships 3. That I'm willing to sacrifice something for these relationships.

You know, there is a limit to what I can like and dislike when it comes to the world outside of the US, but there is one thing I have to accept. Regardless how powerful we may think we are, we need the rest of the world and in the end, good relationships with the rest of the world is crucial for survival.

I do care about our relationship with the world

I do care about these relationships

I am willing to make some sacrifices for these relatioships

Why? Because I would rather be on good terms with them rather than being at war with them. What I don't care for are those who, regardless of how nice we are, they still insult us , call us names and make it seem as if we are the bad guys.

on May 25, 2010

Look, I only voted for the guy for 4 reasons: He's a sox fan, he's a south sider, he's a smoker, he's left handed. Kind of like me. Except, not really. That, and I was hoping to get the Olympics here so I could take some tourist dollars.

I hope this was a joke, because otherwise people like you are the reason we have a useless President.

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