The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

Gotta love how hypocrisy is definitely a requirement for being a Democrat. Even more, a President. As I posted on a comment on my previous article, The Obama Administration is asking a federal judge in Virginia to dismiss a lawsuit that seeks to prove that the Obama Healthcare Bill is unconstitutional and should be repealed (Link). Now, obviously a person like Obama would not want such a thing as a lawsuit take away his “Holy Grail” and give the people what they want (as this article here apparently proves). So why not use his powers of persuasion (the fact that he’s President and thinks he can just ask for things and they get done because he said so) to ask a judge to drop the suit. Seems to me like he’s scared there might be some truth to this lawsuit so he would rather not have it happen at all. I mean who do these people think they are going against legislation legally passed right?

Ah, but while the Obama Administration doesn’t want to be sued, they don’t have a problem doing some suing of their own. According to this articleA team of Justice Department attorneys reviewing the new immigration law in Arizona has recommended that the U.S. government challenge the state law in federal court”. Yes people, Obama does not want to be sued over his policies, but he may be considering suing Arizona for their policies.

If this isn’t hypocrisy, I don’t know what is. Talk about having the “cojones” to ask a judge to dismiss a lawsuit to avoid getting his butt kicked or at least exposed while at the same time considering going after Arizona with the intentions to kick butt or at least expose it. If you keep thinking this man actually cares about anything but his own agenda then you are definitely in the Twilight Zone.

BTW, where is the outrage over this oil spill and it being Obama’s fault? Last I checked Bush was being blamed for this one. The Democrats would choke to death if hypocrisy did not exist.


The glue that binds the Democrat party

I think this Administration forgot that they work for us, not the other way around.

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on May 26, 2010

A team of Justice Department attorneys reviewing the new immigration law in Arizona has recommended that the U.S. government challenge the state law in federal court”.

The news story I read on this, and even your blog misses a critical point.  At least you touched on it, albeit in a different light.  Oh, the crowning irony and hypocrisy!

What grounds are they suing AZ on (or suggesting the suit)?  That Az is usurping federal authority.  In other words, they are claiming that Az is doing their job!  The Irony?  The claims of racism means they are more racist!  So Rush is right (he would say I told you so).  Obama is the most racist president in history.  And his minions are proving it with every incompetent action they take.

Az is trying to stop the racial profiling, Obama is trying to enforce it!

on May 26, 2010

That Az is usurping federal authority.

Good point, I did kinda miss that. It's ironic they would sue, probably by claiming "it's our job" which would be an admittance that the Feds would be more racist. So, how would this Administration handle this? if they ignore the law, they would seem to be agreeing with Arizona (which would make them look bad in the eyes of their favorite voters, Hispanics. But if they sue them, then it could be seen as admitting that they are the actual racist ones, not to mention they would have to admit they screwed up.