The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on May 27, 2010 By CharlesCS In Current Events

Rumor has it that BP has finally put a cork in the pipeline that has been leaking oil for weeks now (Link). The solution? Mud, or miracle mud as I like to call it. Who would have thought it would be that simple. Well, maybe not that simple. But the question still remains, will this mud plug hold? I guess once the cement is poured over the mud and it dries, we will have to wait to find out.

However, while this may be a momentous occasion , lets not loose sight on who screwed up in the first place. BP messed up big time here and they gots a lot of cleaning and explaining to do. BTW, because it happened on his watch, this is Obama’s fault too. After all it was during the Obama Administration that “the federal agency responsible for ensuring that the Deepwater Horizon was operating safely before it exploded last month fell well short of its own policy that the rig be inspected at least once per month”, not to mention that Obama had also decided to approve offshore oil drilling just a while before the rig exploded. So sorry buddy, but this one is all on you.

So, lets hope BP’s solution holds. It has already caused so much environmental problems and is also causing financial problems as many States along the Gulf Coast have had to cancel many water tournaments and tourist are not to excited about going to these beaches at the moment. This is gonna be one interesting summer.

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on May 27, 2010

miracle mud

Remember that the next time you see a mud pack on a ladies face.

on May 27, 2010

Remember that the next time you see a mud pack on a ladies face.

on May 27, 2010

I'm glad and pissed off as well. It took over a month for them (BP and the administration) to "unplug" there heads from their asses and plug the leak. I'm not a "greenie" but I hate to see the environment ruined, livelihoods destroyed and resources wasted. The damage is far from over. The could have collapsed the well shaft as soon as the fires were out with a few 1000 lb. bombs in close proximity to the well head. BP was worried about losing the well and Obama was worried about his ass...both fail.  

on May 28, 2010

BP was worried about losing the well and Obama was worried about his ass...both fail.

In the end, both will lose what they sought to keep.