The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on October 21, 2010 By CharlesCS In Blogging

There’s one thing I have noticed quite often in the many years of hanging around (any the many Stardock sites that get interconnected thru the forums) and that is that there are certain people who will defend their opinions when they post them in articles, even when proved wrong, yet these same people will not dare venture on other peoples opposing views. An example would be the few “Democrat policy favoring” or “attack against Republicans” articles that show up every once in a while by some of the Stardock forum members. These people seem very passionate of their beliefs, to the point of actually banning people (blacklisting) who disagree just as passionately with them. I guess “Freedom of Speech” only applies when their own freedom is infringed on, having the power to take away people speech is more like a show of power to them. Typical of people who follow Democratic policies; one needs only to look at the actions taken by this Administration and those who blindly follow it to see how they have come up with elaborate ways to shut up the opposition. If you need me to point them out then you need to follow the media more often and do your homework. Well, I’ll be nice and give you a clue since you might need one, just go read the rules on just to get a general idea of the definition of “Freedom of Speech”.

Ironically, very few of these people actually venture onto articles written by members of opposing views. When they do they hardly respond back. Why? I can only assume that they are afraid of defending their positions because they fear being wrong. Some with use the excuse that those with opposing views will never change their minds even with facts; oddly enough they seem to be describing themselves in the process as this is the main reason they don’t participate in the first place.

This is why has gotten a bit slow on the debating and why the site is seen as a Republican haven. Not because only Republicans and/or Conservatives hang here and post articles here, but because most of the Democrats and Liberals of the site will only debate on articles controlled by them. Kinda sounds like how this administration works and how those famous townhall meetings were done. It seems only Liberal and Democrat articles get a lot of discussion around here because it’s the only place where they will “put up a fight” although some here refuse to debate them because of their arrogance when on their own articles and others are not even given a chance because they fear the truth and excuse their banning with complaint of rudeness and disrespectful behavior.

The way I see it I am all for you having your different opinion, it’s why I blog and debate. I want to learn how other people think and why; especially on a topic as important as politics, a topic where my future, the future of my family and the people of the nation is in the hands of the voters and far too often do we see how stupidity and ignorance are common traits found in the average voter.

So i say to all those out there too afraid to defend their position in the political battlefield of the blogosphere, stop being afraid. If you believe in your position, stand by it and allow the rest of us to do the same. Defend it by participating rather than hiding behind your own fortress (your own blog). So what if you are wrong sometimes. I would rather be proved wrong today and learn something new than continue to be ignorant tomorrow. I challenge you to clear your blacklist (except for those who actually deserve it of course) and stand by your beliefs whether it’s standing by President Obama’s side or against him. Unless you are afraid? What say you?

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