I’ll make these questions simple so that there is no confusion here. I’ll be creating individual articles for each question to avoid confusing comments.
Hypothetically speaking, say the Democrats were to retain control of both Houses after November 2 2010 and the Republicans were more or less in the same powerless position they are today. Let’s also say that 2 years from now, say today, October 21st 2012 The Obama Administration together with the Democrat controlled House and Senate failed to stop unemployment from raising, failed to help stimulate the economy, failed to help create jobs, the healthcare bill turns out to due more harm than good, etc.
Would you still defend and/or vote Democrat in 2012after this track record? Would you give President Obama a second term?
Now be honest here in your comments. I would hate to read comments where people would vote Democrat just because they always do. Bare in mind I am looking for some legit comments based on the topic of the article, please try to stay on topic. I’m not looking for “what if Republicans were in control” comments, not yet anyways. This is a Hypothetical question, not what will happen for sure. Thank you.