Today is the day we vote, not because we are Democrats, Republicans or Independents. Today we vote because we want a better future for our country, even if we all see different ways of achieving this goal. Today we vote because we are Americans and it is our duty as citizens of this nation to choose those that will serve our nation best, key word serve.
As a proud American, I ask you to please go out and vote and that when you vote you do it wisely and well informed. Do not vote simply because you have always voted Democrat or Republican, do not vote simply because you are mad at the Democrat or Republicans and more than anything do not vote yes or no out of ignorance just because you don’t know what you are voting for and you think yes or no is what most people will vote. Keep in mind that any vote you give does not simply affect people locally, your vote will affect the entire nation.
So remember who you are voting for and why. You may be patting yourself in the back for doing a good job later on or you may be looking at yourself in the mirror telling yourself how stupid you were for voting out of ignorance.
So onward fellow Americans, vote for a better tomorrow, vote for the right candidate, vote for the right amendments and bills. Remind these politicians this is our country and they work for us.