The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

This week Congress convenes again for the last time, in what is called a lame duck session, to take care of this years last details before the new Congress takes over in January. One of the more important items to be debated and voted on are the Bush Tax Cuts which are set to expire in 2011. Now, I have 2 issues with this “lame duck session” and neither really have anything to do with whether some, all or none of the Bush Tax Cuts should me extended or made permanent.

My first issue is the whole lame duck session” concept. According to Wikipedia:

A "lame duck" session of Congress in the United States occurs whenever one Congress meets after its successor is elected, but before the successor's term begins.

Can’t get any more basic than that. But what I don’t like is how this session is used, and basically, misused. There is so much talk about Congressmen and Senators who will basically throw out the window any concept of “doing the right thing” and simply vote against the opposing party simply because they will not be here next term so they don’t have to worry about the consequences of their votes. One would think a person such as a politician, who is given the responsibility to put forward the needs and wants of their constituents, would do their job till the end (I know, in our dreams or in a  perfect world) but it seems that corruption often wins and they play their political games simply to deal a blow (even a small one) to the opposing party.

To be perfectly honest, considering most if not all politicians are corrupted almost by definition, one would still hope they would do their jobs till the end which is to serve their constituents and not be a bunch of crybaby, sore losers who would screw everyone they could just because they got voted out of office. I think it’s a shame our society has allowed this Gov’t to reach such a point and it’s even more of a shame when some people see this as the norm simply because it’s been done for so long they don’t believe it can be changed. Makes me wonder why we do elections at all if that’s the case.

My other issue is with this whole notion that somehow people who make $1 million or more (rich people) are somehow different. Why do I say this? Every time I see a debate on whether the tax cuts for the “rich” should be kept, extended, made permanent or eliminated all together I always see this subtle hint that somehow they are different from everyone else, as if they become a separate, evil part of our society. It’s kind strange how people who are citizens of this great nation and who have more money than the average person is somehow seen as bad and not equals yet those who are not citizens, who enter this country illegally, who commit acts of terrorism within our borders, are seen as having the same rights as the rest of us.

Why should people who make more money somehow be the exception just because they have more than the average. I thought they were Americans too. When it was written in the Constitution “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”, did our forefathers assume that rich people would somehow be the exception?

This argument is not about whether rich people should keep these tax cuts or not; this argument is about how rich people are somehow being treated as if they were different, simply because they have more money than the average. It’s interesting to see this considering for decades we have fought to eliminate the idea of people being treated differently just because they are different in someway; race, sex, etc. And yet here we are once again creating a separation in our society based on income. It’s ironic considering what makes this country so great, what makes this country so desirable to foreigners, what the words above found in the Constitution that grants the citizens on this nation “unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”; all this also knows as “The American Dream” is what everyone basically hopes to achieve; it’s sad to see that achieving this means you become the target of the hatred and dislike of those who could not achieve it and of those who claim to fight for them. And the you are expected to give up this money you worked so hard for just because, for some reason, someone thinks you don’t need it since you have more than enough.

I can’t deny every time I see people who own beautiful, huge homes, drive fancy cars and own just about every electronic gadget I can only dream of ever touching, I get a bit jealous; but it does not encourage me to hate them for it and demand I get a piece of their pie. Instead I am encouraged to seek and attempt to grab my own American Dream. To me they are Americans, just like me and just like there are soldiers giving their lives for all of us equally I believe rich people should be treated as equals and not like they are another, separate part of our society.

I don’t currently have an opinion on whether any of the Bush Era taxes should stay or go since I don’t fully understand them enough to have a real opinion although I know if they all go I won’t get the usual amount of money I get every year on my tax refund. Personally I think not having to pay more in taxes to a Gov’t that does not know how to spend it properly is a good thing so if keeping them from expiring will do this than so be it. Lame duck session is probably the most accurate name for this, because these current politicians from both sides are lame.

on Dec 03, 2010

I don’t currently have an opinion on whether any of the Bush Era taxes should stay or go s

Maybe you will understand this:

Delaying Tax Vote Could Crash Stock Market

on Dec 03, 2010

Maybe you will understand this: Delaying Tax Vote Could Crash Stock Market

That is definitely scary, makes me wonder if politicians truly understand this stuff or if they actually think this is somehow good for us.

on Dec 03, 2010

You know what's funny (I seem to be starting off a lot with that phrase lately)? A lot of "rich" and super "rich" Democrats support the "tax the rich" initiatives. Now one must ask themselves "why"? You don't have to look far. How many in this administration alone got busted not paying taxes? How many are still out there? How many more will there be if the tax rates go up? How many "skirt" the laws with their "special above-the-law" dispositions? Like Kerry skipping out on the boat taxes. Where's his jail time? That's where you or I would be if we did it. Bet Obama is glad he published his books while the Bush tax cuts were in place. Do you think he made up the difference? You know, to support his "strong" convictions? He seems dead set against making anything over $250K richey goodness threshold without paying more for it. More do as I say, I suppose.

The fact is very simple the very wealthy, with little assets to to hide (i.e. little no job producing businesses, no inventory), such as lawyers, consultants, politicians, or chairpersons, can hide their bottom line very easily ala Charlie Wrangle. It is easy to be for something that one can easily "work around", and if it makes one appear a little more benevolent, well what's the harm? Beware of rich people railing against the rich. While they are shaking your hand the other one is in your pocket.

on Dec 03, 2010

This argument is not about whether rich people should keep these tax cuts or not; this argument is about how rich people are somehow being treated as if they were different, simply because they have more money than the average. It’s interesting to see this considering for decades we have fought to eliminate the idea of people being treated differently just because they are different in someway; race, sex, etc. And yet here we are once again creating a separation in our society based on income.

You're describing Liberalism. Liberalism is driven by an antaganism to unity, to government integrity and traditional values such as the Founders believed...i.e. all men are created equal.

Liberalism divides. In this case it's pitting the the rich against the poor trying to reduce productive people to government dependency.

The lame duck session is a bunch of Liberals who could care less about the self-evident truths of unalienable rights and only fools follow Liberalism.

on Dec 06, 2010


Maybe you will understand this: Delaying Tax Vote Could Crash Stock Market
That is definitely scary, makes me wonder if politicians truly understand this stuff or if they actually think this is somehow good for us.

The short and simple answer is no- they already did it once - the housing crises that they created.  That was by no means the first nor will it be the last.

on Dec 06, 2010

You know what's funny (I seem to be starting off a lot with that phrase lately)? A lot of "rich" and super "rich" Democrats support the "tax the rich" initiatives. Now one must ask themselves "why"? You don't have to look far. How many in this administration alone got busted not paying taxes?

2 issues with this Nitro - First, they want to tax the rich because the tax is INCOME and they inherited theirs (so they do not have to pay).

And second, John Kerry (the one who served in Vietnam) still has not paid his tax on his yacht.  Why?  because they are walthy enough to shelter their assets to avoid taxes (the stupid ones use evasion - which is illegal).