So I was listening to a recent episode of one of my favorite podcast, (I highly recommend this site and their podcast) and they shared a very interesting website. This website,, allows people who have found or purchased cameras with photos in them to post some of the pictures with the hopes the owners of the camera might happen to see them and be able to get the camera back or at least the pictures.
I checked the site out and although the concept of the site is interesting and well intentioned, it seems like it would require some serious patience to sift thru the multiple post in the hopes of finding a picture you might recognize and hopefully be able to get the pics and if lucky the camera back. None the less this is a really cool website that I would definitely recommend people to check out and bookmark because you never know if you might accidentally lose your camera or even find one and wouldn’t you want to get it back or give it back?
The concept is great but I would like to make a suggestion that could help in getting your camera back as long as the person who finds it is honest enough to want to return it. Today’s digital cameras all use some type of memory card and as most of us know a memory card is just another form of storage like a hard drive or a memory stick so pictures, videos and even music are not the only things that can be found and stored on camera’s memory cards.
All you have to do is create a text file (.txt) thru a program like Notepad from Windows and name it something like “If this camera is lost, please read this file” and enter some information about you such as your name, an email and maybe even a phone number (or a Google voicemail # if you have one) asking to contact you to return the camera (or maybe the memory card itself) so the person who finds it can contact you to return it, again hoping they have the desire to do so. I would also suggest not using a personal email to avoid spam and such, instead use a spam email you may have for websites you don’t want sending garbage to your personal email. Maybe have the email forwarded to your personal email for some time in the hopes of receiving a msg about your camera being found. None the less although this site is a nice way to help find their pictures and /or videos or even the camera itself, this text file can make the return a lot more likely.
So what do you think about the website and my suggestion? Do you have a suggestion of your own? Share it here.