I could use some help here from the wonderful “coding pigeons” (having seen that screen in long time now that I think about it) of Joeuser, or answers if possible. I’ve been posting on JU for many years now and have always noticed these “problems” but never bothered to ask till now. I use Firefox (version 3 and 4) and every time I post something or make changes the screen always does some “weird” I would think it shouldn’t based on other websites I also visit (some from Stardock as well).
When I post a comment on any article I never get any of the options on my post like Edit, Quote and Blacklist (see image).
But if I want to edit the comment for what ever reason, I have to refresh the screen in order to see the edit options:
Ironically, once I do the editing and post again, this is what I get:
A blank post which requires me to refresh yet again in order to view my changes. Is this normal or does this happen because of Firefox. To be honest I have not tested it with IE but will post the results in the comment section. Please assist with this, it’s not a real big deal but it’s somewhat annoying to have to be clicking extra times when unnecessary. Thank you.