I’m not a big youtube person like some out there who spend sometimes several hours a day watching all types of videos on youtube. I go on occasionally to view some viral video or to watch some game casting for Starcraft II which I have become somewhat a fan of. But it’s interesting, and very annoying, how youtube has gone downhill, as far as I’m concerned, by now having constant video ads play, without the ability to skip or or stop it most of the time, during almost every video I click on these days. What’s the deal? One thing I liked about youtube was the ability to go from one video to another and enjoy what I was watching but now, not only am I forced to have to endure commercials between almost every video I click on but sometimes it’s the same commercial over and over and over. When I watch TV I usually get 15 to 20 minutes of uninterrupted programming before commercials come on but I can always switch channels and watch something else in the meantime. In youtube, even though they are only about 30 secs long, I either watch it or forget about looking at any videos because if I try to stop it by changing videos it will simply restart and the damn thing is smart enough to know that I didn’t watch the commercial so it won’t let me watch any videos till I see the whole commercial. Keep in mind, some videos don’t even last 5 minutes.
It never fails that someone always looks at the profit angle of anything these days and never consider the people they are targeting. I almost find myself avoiding youtube these days because of these consistently annoying ads. I’d rather download the videos and watch them ad free later. Thank you Google for taking something that was meant to be free and turning it into yet another annoying profit machine.
BTW, this doesn't always happen with every video on youtube, mostly on channels where the channel owners have a large number of people subscribed to them, which ironically tends to be the sites one looks at the most.