Considering how bad things are these days with the economy in the US, I welcome any penny that gets sent my way; especially the way things are going in my own household. It’s been a while since we’ve seen any extra money from the company I work for but it was very nice of them to finally come thru for us and give us a raise (for those who qualified anyways) but I can’t help but find what I got to be hardly enough to be noticeable in my next check. Basically, had I not been told I probably would not have noticed it at all.
Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate they gave us anything, especially during these times, but $20 extra bucks a week in my household will probably guarantee an extra gallon of milk and 1/3 tank more of gas. Not exactly cost-of-living relief, especially when the cost of living never stopped going up every year yet raises did. I wasn’t expecting $100 or $200 extra a week for the same job or position but after taxes this $20 will likely be more like $15.
Am I wrong for thinking like this? Should I simply be grateful and not even consider this “minor” issue?