The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on April 6, 2011 By CharlesCS In Blogging

Considering how bad things are these days with the economy in the US, I welcome any penny that gets sent my way; especially the way things are going in my own household. It’s been a while since we’ve seen any extra money from the company I work for but it was very nice of them to finally come thru for us and give us a raise (for those who qualified anyways) but I can’t help but find what I got to be hardly enough to be noticeable in my next check. Basically, had I not been told I probably would not have noticed it at all.

Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate they gave us anything, especially during these times, but $20 extra bucks a week in my household will probably guarantee an extra gallon of milk and 1/3 tank more of gas. Not exactly cost-of-living relief, especially when the cost of living never stopped going up every year yet raises did. I wasn’t expecting $100 or $200 extra a week for the same job or position but after taxes this $20 will likely be more like $15.

Am I wrong for thinking like this? Should I simply be grateful and not even consider this “minor” issue?

on Apr 06, 2011


I don't think you're wrong to want to earn more money for your family.

If this job isn't meeting the income you want to make, maybe you should try and get some training (technical school or college) and apply for better paying positions.

on Apr 06, 2011

"Expect" and "want" are 2 separate animals.  You stated you do not "expect", but like most of us, you do "want".  That is not bad, and as Tova said, start looking for a new job.  We are told that we should be thankful we have a job - and indeed I am.  But should I get into a position where I cannot make ends meet, I will look at developing my skills and get another one.

Good luck.

on Apr 06, 2011

I wish it was that simple. I want to study to be able to get paid better in another position, such as IT, but for the moment I cant afford school and now that I will need a part time I may not have the time for it either. Not sure if I will be able to balance 2 jobs, school and 3 kids and a wife. But, I am not exactly in a position to be thinking like this and it may just be what I have to do. I guess I will have to find some way to make it work. Thanks for the comments, I actually feel much better now.

on Apr 06, 2011

Chuck it is always better to job search while you have a job.