The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

Lots of talk about who might run for Republican candidate for the President of the US for 2012 but one of the more interesting ones I see is Donald Trump. Now, I remember hearing about Ross Perot back when I was little but because I did not have much interest in politics back then I knew very little about him except he sounded kinda funny and was very persistent (Edit: I mean annoying not persistent). 

Now we possibly have Donald Trump, another millionaire considering taking the big chair in the big house. I have mixed feeling about him. On the one hand I have never pictured him as a politician, especially for President of the US, so this is kinda concerning to me. On the other hand, he might be what this country needs. Someone who is not really a politician, who is straight forward and also well known. They guy has been on TV more times than Obama has, has had his own TV show, has tons of money and does not seem to be afraid to tell what’s on his mind. Now mind you he is human like everyone else and as a millionaire I am sure he’s just as much a liar as any politician.

I tend to lean Conservative in my political views so I tend to be resistant to change, I like tradition. But only when the Status Quo is good and beneficial (if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it). However the Status Quo is broken and radical, extreme change is necessary in this Gov’t because people are just too use to things being this way so much that too many think it can never be changed so why even bother. Talk about a sad state of mind. Obama ran on the concept of “change” but he brought nothing more than business as usual. Hell he has even gone as far as turning back on his promises, just like a normal politician does. Guantanamo anyone?

So what do you think? Do you think Trump may just be what we need around here or is he probably the worst option we could have? Should we simply continue to stick with the Status Quo and either vote for Obama again or pick another useless Republican politician who will simply maintain the Status Quo? I don’t know how much longer does the BS have to continue till the American people finally decide we need real change, and I don’t mean another black man or a Latino man or even a woman for President. I mean someone who will really make a difference and bring us back to what we were meant to be, even if it means some have to suffer a little along the way. No pain, no gain; I think it’s time to gain now.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 19, 2011

The latest has it that Trump has taken the lead in the polls with 26 percent of the vote. That's enough to call him a serious challenger.

It seems that people like him because he brings "a fresh perspective to the field."   

Numbers mean nothing now.  But one thing does appear to be happening.  The right is vocal on what it wants, but they are willing to vote for ABO - so the last man standing will win in 12.

on Apr 19, 2011

Numbers mean nothing now.

True but I imagine right now Trump is pretty puffed up about them. Getting headlines as #1 is his schtick. It's all interesting nonetheless.




on Apr 20, 2011

Hopefully this will get some serious Republicans attention. If Trump can get this much support when he's not even actually running, just rumors and hints, imagine what it can do to a serious candidate?

on Apr 21, 2011

I really hope Romney doesn't get the nomination.  I don't like him.  At all. 

Even less than I liked McCain.

It's not looking too good right now imo.

Not good at all.

on Apr 21, 2011

I really hope Romney doesn't get the nomination.  I don't like him.  At all. 

Even less than I liked McCain.

It's not looking too good right now imo.

Not good at all.

We can hope for a dark horse!  I agree on Romney - too much like a moderate (first national health plan).  I like Palin and Bachman (Favorite line - republicans need to learn to fight like girls!).  Even Brewer has spunk!

It is still early, but one thing seems to be certain.  Whoever gets the nomination will probably win.  I do not see the economy getting any better for Barry.  And his mouth is going to be his downfall (when he does not use Mr. Teleprompter).

on Apr 22, 2011

I don't think Palin can win.  I know too many people who HATE B.O. but wouldn't vote for Palin.  (Thank Tina Fey!) 

I wouldn't mind her as VP, so she could go to DC and learn the culture of corruption from the inside out.  And I think she'd be on Fox day and night shouting about the

Where is Condi Rice??  I really liked her.

on Apr 22, 2011

I don't think Palin can win.  I know too many people who HATE B.O. but wouldn't vote for Palin.  (Thank Tina Fey!) 

I do not fault Tina Fey - she was just doing standup.  But the MSM sure likes to demonize her.  That is why liberals think it is funny now to trash Trig.  They have dehumanized her for being a good conservative.  ANYONE that is remotely as good as Reagan will be demonized fast and furiously so that there will be no Reagan II.  In talking to those who profess hatred for her (very few just do not like her), none can really state why they do not like her.  Other than repeat myths and lies.

I do not know if she can win, but I would vote for her in a heart beat.

on Apr 28, 2011

I like Condi Rice.

And I support Allen West, to noone's surprise.

He is a military man, pro-America, pro-Israel; he believes in G-d but is not extremely religious. He knows what he is talking about, he has seen the war. And his wife is a doctor. That means he is not afraid of women as smart or most likely smarter than he.

A most likely candidate is Mitt Romney. He can attract voters from both sides, I think. Republicans would be smart to pick him. You want a change back from Obama? You have to try to get independents and liberals on your side. I think Romney can do it. I would enthusiastically support him too.


on Apr 28, 2011

You have to try to get independents and liberals on your side. I think Romney can do it.

While this is very true, one must not forget the lesson of Reagan either.  In otherwords, a "Democrat lite" would hardly be an improvement given the dire need for financial reform.

West is for the future.  Still too green, but he is good!  And as far as getting independents - the one killer for all presidents is Inflation.  Nixon, Ford and Carter knew that.  Obama apparently does not.  That is the statistic that everyone has first hand experience with.  If inflation takes off (disregard government figures as it is evident they are cooking them), ANYONE will beat Obama.  The race card is being pulled out early - but like all hysteria - people get tired of it and it soon becomes the boy who cried wolf. 

on Apr 28, 2011

Well what do you folks think?

Would Obama have aired his birth certificate had it not been for Trump?



on Apr 28, 2011

While this is very true, one must not forget the lesson of Reagan either. 

Reagan was another character who could get independents and liberals.

The one mistake Republicans make these days is to act as if religion is more important to them than the country and the people in it.


on Apr 28, 2011

You have to try to get independents and liberals on your side. I think Romney can do it. I would enthusiastically support him too.

Well, I don't want a candidate who appeals to Liberal ideals just to get Liberals on our side. I want someone who can convince Liberals that their ideas are not what this country needs right now or at all. I want them to vote for someone we all agree with, not one who shoots for both sides of the political spectrum as if he/she has the ability to change party affiliation at will.

Well what do you folks think?

Would Obama have aired his birth certificate had it not been for Trump?

I say yes only because Trump put a lot of pressure whether he believed he was or not that Obama was a citizen. But I think he would have done it had there been this much pressure even without Trump. This is a political move, nothing more, nothing less.

on Apr 28, 2011

A debatable issue?

Let me make this easy: No. Just no. 

on Apr 29, 2011


The one mistake Republicans make these days is to act as if religion is more important to them than the country and the people in it.

To a subset of the conservatives, it is the most important issue of the day (you duel with some here on JU periodically).  However, to the vast majority it is not.  What you are seeing that gives you that perception is the MSM trying to cut down all conservatives with the same DNC propaganda.

case in point.  I am against abortion.  However since it is the law of the land, the only time that comes into play is when you have a eugenicist running (not often).  But check the MSM and you will find me pigeon holed with those that bomb abortion clinics.

They HAVE to do that in order to justify their own sins.  While misery loves company - criminals require it, and if nothing else, that is what the state of journalism today has become.

So it is not a mistake republicans make, it is the false accusations of an MSM that has changed to make their only purpose the defeat of republicans (more specifically conservatives).

on Apr 30, 2011

Well, I don't want a candidate who appeals to Liberal ideals just to get Liberals on our side. I want someone who can convince Liberals that their ideas are not what this country needs right now or at all.

Well, good luck with that. I can tell you, coming from the left, that neither Sarah Palin nor Donald Trump ar very convincing. Once somebody has the reputation of a moron, nobody believes them any more. And it doesn't help that neither are that clever to begin with.


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