Lots of talk about who might run for Republican candidate for the President of the US for 2012 but one of the more interesting ones I see is Donald Trump. Now, I remember hearing about Ross Perot back when I was little but because I did not have much interest in politics back then I knew very little about him except he sounded kinda funny and was very persistent (Edit: I mean annoying not persistent).
Now we possibly have Donald Trump, another millionaire considering taking the big chair in the big house. I have mixed feeling about him. On the one hand I have never pictured him as a politician, especially for President of the US, so this is kinda concerning to me. On the other hand, he might be what this country needs. Someone who is not really a politician, who is straight forward and also well known. They guy has been on TV more times than Obama has, has had his own TV show, has tons of money and does not seem to be afraid to tell what’s on his mind. Now mind you he is human like everyone else and as a millionaire I am sure he’s just as much a liar as any politician.
I tend to lean Conservative in my political views so I tend to be resistant to change, I like tradition. But only when the Status Quo is good and beneficial (if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it). However the Status Quo is broken and radical, extreme change is necessary in this Gov’t because people are just too use to things being this way so much that too many think it can never be changed so why even bother. Talk about a sad state of mind. Obama ran on the concept of “change” but he brought nothing more than business as usual. Hell he has even gone as far as turning back on his promises, just like a normal politician does. Guantanamo anyone?
So what do you think? Do you think Trump may just be what we need around here or is he probably the worst option we could have? Should we simply continue to stick with the Status Quo and either vote for Obama again or pick another useless Republican politician who will simply maintain the Status Quo? I don’t know how much longer does the BS have to continue till the American people finally decide we need real change, and I don’t mean another black man or a Latino man or even a woman for President. I mean someone who will really make a difference and bring us back to what we were meant to be, even if it means some have to suffer a little along the way. No pain, no gain; I think it’s time to gain now.