The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on April 7, 2011 By CharlesCS In PC Gaming

I haven’t seen this question here for a while so I thought I would ask. I, myself, have been stuck on a couple of games I bought over 4 months ago after buying 2 flops in between. I’m hooked on Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 now that there are hardly any hackers in there, since Black Ops came out actually. Black Ops is one of the flops I got, dam thing has never worked properly on my rig thanks to my lack of quad-cores, even with a decent video card. I guess for now I have the incentive of reaching the highest level in Modern Warfare 2 to keep me entertained till I can get a better rig to play Black Ops. Wish I could give away my copy of Battlefield Bad Company 2, the second flop I bought. I just never got the taste for this game, single or multiplayer. I prefer McDonalds to Burger King, right?

The other game I’m kinda hooked on is Starcraft II. Pretty good game if you like strategy games. I am not that good and after watch many casts of this game from the best of the best all over the world, it’s hard to stay interested but I still keep coming back for more punishment.

So what’s new and hot on your PC these days?

Comments (Page 5)
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on Feb 15, 2012




on Feb 15, 2012

Homeworld 2 Complex and R.E.A.R.M.

on Feb 15, 2012

Board games (Arkham Horror and Runebound)

on Feb 21, 2012

Armada 2526 Supernova (mostly PBEM campaigns at the moment)

Distant Worlds: Legends (with the new beta patch)

Crusader Kings 2 demo


on Feb 21, 2012

Dropped R.E.A.R.M. Love the modular destroyers, but there's no complexity when you get to the top tier of tech.

Homeworld 2 Complex v7.4.4

on Feb 21, 2012

Civ V

Panzer Corps

Imperialism II - I just bought this (again) and it's one of the best strategy games ever

on Feb 21, 2012

Still playing SWTOR.  

Trying out the latest DLC for Tropico 4.

Still waiting for a good sale on Anno 2070.


on Feb 21, 2012

Switching between Crusader Kings II and SWToR, while waiting for FE Beta 2.


on Feb 21, 2012

Been playing a lot of Sims Medieval...I love that silly game, for all it's flaws and limitations, I think I actually get more RPG fun out of it than just about any game.

on Feb 21, 2012

Defense Grid Gold


on Feb 21, 2012

I finally came back to Skyrim after a few months and plugged in 40-50 mods or so and love it. Homeworld 2 Complex 8.1, Distant Worlds Legends (spring break going to play some more of it just wrapping up projects now). Ya I need to get one character to 50 in TOR (only level 29? and a level 10). Finally finished my ME2 Insanity playthrough (my hard drive died with my motherboard last year). Waiting for FE Beta 2...

on Feb 21, 2012

There isn't much to do at level 50. I find it's more fun to play more of the class stories I haven't tried yet. Imperial Agent is the best so far.

on Feb 21, 2012

Homeworld 2 Complex 8.1

What's the added material between 8.1 and 7.4.4? Any instability issues?

on Feb 21, 2012

Since the forum hamsters got replaced lets try this again.

The thing is I wish Beghins would put change logs in (some mod communities are like this but what can you do).

8.1 fixed a few energy issues and stability things (all I saw was energy being weird in 8.0). 8.2 is out on 24th or little after since mod dates are never set in stone so expect later. If you want to download faster get a download accelerator (Download Accelerator Plus 20-30mins to download). Also complex 8 should run a little faster 5-10%, they did some code cleaning.

I'll break it down.

1. Energy- If you played Supreme Commander you'll get the idea. You now have a new resource to manage if your good at it your production gets a boost and same with your engines on your ships (the production boost is bigger than the engine boost), if you don't do a good job at managing it your production goes down the toilet. Higs- powerstation and production ships have slots to increase power production and storage. Higs also get 3 techs to boost power slots output and they are expensive (later down the road there will be power abilities ie complex 9). Vay- research better power and some productions ships get power slots. Fighting takes a toll on your energy. Building too much can hurt your energy too and slow you down. Also the power station can be a double edged sword ie more power slots on it the bigger the explosion when it goes so watch it! Also if your energy economy goes to hell your power station will slowly die and then explode ie no power in storage left!

2. Rebalance- (this is still being done) crap load of testing and 8.2 will add more balance changes. Basically Officer and crew counts rebalance, ship counters, master strategies, ship stats being looked at (speeds, weapon damage, etc…), finally fighters and corvettes are better in the end game, frigates got some love too (they are still being looked at), If certain ships were lacking they got buffed, ship pricing, certain ship textures/ assets got replaced ie new X Bomber model, etc... Carriers are better all around which is nice (faster and more health). Certain abilities/ships are unlocked a certain ranks. Vortex got nerfed (no longer the perfect pocket battleship and yes it did exist).

3. New ships- New carriers for both sides, new vaygr fighters, new corvettes both sides, new frigates, new support ships (I play more Hig than Vay so sue me if I forget something...), new Heavy Vaygr Destroyer, new Vaygr Dreadnaught replacement, new hig platforms (Yaygr platform ideas forming), new utility ships both sides, new stations for Higs, ah ya lots of stuff...

4. Few new maps and a new game mode which takes place in a solar system (you can capture planets and also have a civilian crew to manage). You must watch out for radiation when expanding! This is a really slow game mode and only higs can play it at the moment.

These next few things are either coming in at 8.2+ or going in Complex 9. I don't know because I'm a tester and not a developer. 

Tech tree getting some love and a cleanup job. Saw a preview on it and it looks better. Some techs get tied together. More tech too. Fixing descriptions.

New formation system coming.

Ya I am forgetting some other things too. Complex 9 will have a campaign, 3rd race progenitors, Hig Dreadnaught (finally!), etc... Complex 9 date late 2012 or 2013 (bet on 2013).

on Feb 21, 2012

Been playing FE beta and a bit of FFH


Games I plan on getting (in the distant ... distant future)

Disgaea 4

Shogun 2

something 40kish that involves Imperial Guards?

and Skyrim

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