The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

I love reading tech articles from sites like Maximum PC, Tested and more, keeping up to date with today’s technology and newest gadgets coming down the pipes. But I notice more often than not how I always come across that one person who always seems to have a conflicting belief of who should make the products we buy and how much they should get paid.

Take for example this article from Maximum PC on how Apple is facing retaliation from Samsung after they sued Samsung for patent infringement. One of the comments shows a reader stating Apple should be opening factories here in the US and have their products made here in the US to create more jobs for Americans. Now, the readers intentions are great and all, something I too would agree with, if I was willing to pay twice as much for Apple’s products that is. Some times I think people don’t seem to be aware that they have mixed beliefs where in a sense one concept just can’t work with the other in the real world. For example, I can guess this same reader probably thinks most Americans deserve to be paid more for the jobs they do (who doesn’t right?).  But if you think about it, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. You can’t have a product made in the US, creating jobs for Americans, pay decent wages (compared to the cheap labor in China) and then expect a product like the iPhone to be cheaper than it is now or even at the same price. The math just doesn’t add up because companies exist to make money, not to create jobs for other people to make money. That should be obvious.

Let’s be realistic here people. You can't have products made in the US so that Americans can have jobs, have American made products and then expect these products to be cheap. You can’t complain about jobs being shipped overseas and then complain about the prices as well. You tell me, in all honesty and not because you think you would do it simply because right now you may not have a business, but would you really create a business with the intentions of paying good wages to your employees even if it meant you not making a large profit (not becoming millionaires and all) or is your intention to make a business so you can make money, lot’s of it?

on Apr 20, 2011

Last I heard, Ben & Jerry's was a profitable business and Mikey Moron has not given his wealth to those who created it (the camera operators, and movie goers).

Only those who have nothing would answer your question in the affirmative.  Oh, and liars as well.

on Apr 20, 2011

Last I heard, Ben & Jerry's was a profitable business and Mikey Moron has not given his wealth to those who created it (the camera operators, and movie goers).

Well, maybe the movie goes as he did not match a big deal out of his 911 movie being downloaded illegally online. Supposedly he wanted to the word to spread.

on Apr 21, 2011

Well, maybe the movie goes as he did not match a big deal out of his 911 movie being downloaded illegally online. Supposedly he wanted to the word to spread.

HE does not make the big deal.  MPAA DOES.  I deal with their gestapo tactics daily, and if they find it, they cry like a stuck pig.  If he was truly open about allowing it to be available to everyone, he would issue a cease and desist on the MPAA on going after scofflaws.  He has not.

on Apr 22, 2011

Charles, do you think it's important to buy American made products?  To what effort would you go to do so?


on Apr 29, 2011
