The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

Although I can understand the reason behind the thoughts of those who are actually happy in some way over this Mac Defender trojan that has infected thousands of Mac computers in recent weeks, I am not sure this is really a cause for celebration amongst us Windows user. I mean who wouldn’t want to take an opportunity like this one to rub it in Apple Fanboy faces how their precious Mac computers are not as “bullet proof” as they make them out. How all it would take is someone willing to make the trojan or virus to cause havoc even on an OS that has been regarded as virus-free for so long. Still, this really should not be a time for anyone to be happy and even hoping this is only the beginning as some of the comments I have seen online seem to indicate.

According to this Maximum PC article, it seems the trojan creator has modified the trojan to circumvent the password it required in order to infect the Mac computer. In other words although you still have to be stupid enough to click on a pop up to install it, it’s actually a lot easier to fool someone now to install it. Again it just goes to show how a determined person can screw with Macs if they only had the desire to do so.

On the one hand, I hope Mac users learn their lesson. on the other, I hope this really doesn’t become a serious problem. My kids may want a Mac someday and I would hate for them to have to deal with viruses and trojans as well.

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 28, 2011

All I can say is, Jafo is either in a more lenient mood today...  or he's looking for the WD40 so the exile button works properly.

on May 28, 2011're a trip.

on May 31, 2011


Quoting Jafo, reply 26I'm afraid starkers is correct...



The clock twice a day!  You are on a roll now Cap'n!

on May 31, 2011

Ironically, I found my way to and Stardock thru pirated software about 6 or 7 years ago. I even admitted it on these forums to Brad I believe (and it was cool of him not to boot me) but I had since then removed it and eventually purchased ObjectDesktop Ultimate although i can't currently use it because my subscription has been inactive for some time now. Sad I paid so much and now I have to go thru customer service to be able to get the software I paid for. Once I get my internet back up at home I'll probably do that if not reactivate my subscription. I miss my deskscapes.

It is definitely a very stupid thing to not only mention you have pirated software but to brag about it. To be honest I learned that having pirated software is more of a pain than useful or fun. I'd rather pay. Besides, there are plenty of freeware out there than can do just about anything I need, in some cases even better than paid for versions. Games are the only thing there are no freeware versions that can compete. But I'll gladly pay for one if it's worth it. Now if I could only get my money back on Battlefield Bad company 2.


on May 31, 2011

BTW, was he banned? Just curious.

on May 31, 2011


on May 31, 2011

Cool, glad you guys are not always making sure the exile button is working properly.

on Jun 01, 2011

Apple Fixed it. But the bad guys updated the bug hours later.

on Jun 01, 2011

Feel sorry for mac users who have bought into the whole macs are "more secure" than windows PCs. TBH anyone who knows anything about computers saw this coming years ago.. it was just a matter of when Mac usage was widespread enough to be worth targeting. IMHO you can thank the IPAD and Iphone for the tipping point. (although i dont think iOS is effected by this specific trojan the Ipad and Iphone have helped increase the number of mac users im sure.)

on Jun 01, 2011

Feel sorry for mac users who have bought into the whole macs are "more secure" than windows PCs. TBH anyone who knows anything about computers saw this coming years ago.. it was just a matter of when Mac usage was widespread enough to be worth targeting. IMHO you can thank the IPAD and Iphone for the tipping point.

As any new thing becomes more and more popular, it will become the target for the web criminals. Just makes sense to shoot at a flock rather than at single birds...

on Jun 01, 2011

Yup and with Android being targeted too.....what a mess. Fortunately PC's got some protection whereas MAC and the others are just getting started.

on Jun 01, 2011

As any new thing becomes more and more popular, it will become the target for the web criminals. Just makes sense to shoot at a flock rather than at single birds...

For a hunter, that is a bad analogy.  However, I think it does get the point across.  The same reason that most software (boxed) is written for the majority platforms, is the same reason the bug writers go for them.

(Doc, you never seen Sergeant york?  Everyone knows you go for the trailing bird if you want to get them all! )

on Jun 01, 2011

Dr Guy
For a hunter, that is a bad analogy.

Only 'hunting' I ever did is the 2 legged variety. They 'hunted' back.

Dr Guy
(Doc, you never seen Sergeant york? Everyone knows you go for the trailing bird if you want to get them all! )

If you go for the trailing bird (the last one?), you'll miss them all (unless they're flying directly towards you).  Lead the target. Breathe out 1/2 breath. Don't close your eyes. Squeeze the trigger gently. Works for people. I figure it works for birds too.   

on Jun 06, 2011

It took them long enough.   This gives reason for Mac users to install an AntiVirus & Internet Security Suites just like the rest of us (same goes for you Linux users).  In the information age, nobody is immune to malware/ID Theft.  Now it's only a matter of time until hackers deviate their efforts away from Windows (somewhat) and move onto Android, iOS, and possibly even Linux.

The trouble with Linux is the "you do not need antivirus software" is taken so far that it does not really exist for the most part and what is there is meant for servers (so they do not pass on files containing viruses).

I do use an antivirus in Linux, though the one I have was (as mentioned) mostly for servers (clamav, with ClamTk for a GUI front end. It is specifically for email servers). At least it should help keep stuff out of the partition that is shared with the Windows 7 install.

I really hope the IT department at the college I go to starts requiring AV software for systems other than Windows someday soon to be allowed on the network.

And the bad guys are crackers, not hackers.

on Jun 07, 2011

And the bad guys are crackers, not hackers.


You say tomato.... I say red squishy thing - good to add to Vodka ....

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