The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
CharlesCS's Articles In OS Customization
March 6, 2010 by CharlesCS
I was hoping to yet again ask the artistic members of Wincustomize for some help with an image. I am a member of a gaming clan and would like to create an avatars for my profile. What I am looking for are some dog tags with my gaming name in it, see below for the words I would like: Brotherhood-Clan [BHC]BraveStarr Just like it is above, all 3 lines. I would like them to look metalic, like real dog tag words. Doesn't have to be perfect just good looking...
May 10, 2010 by CharlesCS
First let me say thank you to those who have helped me in the past and provided some great images for my blogs. Today I come with another request as my photo editing skills still are lacking. I really wish I could learn to create my own images but there are some things some are just not good at and photo editing is one I am not. I was hoping someone could make a picture of the american flag for me, one that has the cool glass kind of look of the Windowblinds skins we see in Wincustomize these...
April 1, 2010 by CharlesCS
OK, I have Fences Pro and the concept of the program is awesome. However, I have a small problem that I have not been able to solve and it drives me nuts. Oddly enough I never got around to posting about it till today, I would forget about it since I don't use the desktop icons often. Basically, everytime I play a game, say Call of Duty, the desktop screen resolution changes and when this happens the icones on my desktop go all over the place even with Fences. By the time the game shuts down ...
June 30, 2011 by CharlesCS
How cool is this? I’m a big fan of Tekzilla , an excellent online tech show found on the Revision3 website and on one of their Tekzilla Daily videos they features Fences as a cool way to customize and organize your desktop. Here’s the video: Pretty cool to be on Tekzilla. Way to go Stardock.
November 27, 2011 by CharlesCS
I just don't know what the deal is. I am using Fences Public and no matter what I do it continues to restart my explorer to the point of disabling Fences. Makes me wonder how well known this issue is considering there is a feature that disables it because of the fact that explorer crashes. Can someone please help me out here. Fences is an awesome program and would really rather not uninstall it. I use to own the pro version but, Stardock rules about buying software are rather funny and th...