The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on October 23, 2007 By CharlesCS In Blogging

It's amazing the things one finds out about our school system every year. I often wonder why we are even bothering fighter for our freedom anymore. What freedom are we fighting for? This country is not what it used to be anymore. We do not have a culture, we do not have a race, we are not a real country. All we are is a piece of land full of people from all parts of the world and our ruler is called money.


Today I just found out that my son will not celebrate Halloween in school. OK, I'm fine with that. Instead they will celebrate what they call "Bookaween" where the kids dress as book characters. This is where things get bad. It seems that my son will not be allowed to dress as Harry Potter (a book character). Why? Well that's easy, he's too magical. Too magical people!! Can someone explain to me what is so bad about Harry Potter? Oh, but it's OK for him to dress as Disney Characters. You know characters from the Magic Kingdom? Does this make any sense to anyone? I am so furious that this is what is being done with the money from our paychecks when they take out taxes.


Well, I will make sure to make myself heard about this. I have a meeting with my sons teacher the day before Halloween and I plan on speaking to her about how offended I feel that my son is not allowed to dress as the character of his choice simply because someone does not agree with it. I believe they should suspend all Halloween activities period. Either they cater to all children or none. This is unfair and I will not stand for it.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 23, 2007
This is about the stupidest thing I'ved ever heard -and I've heard a lot of stupid things! Especially from the State.

I'd remind that, er, "teacher" or whatever it is they're supposed to be about Lewis Carroll.

on Oct 23, 2007
Wow, I just posted it and it made it to front page?
on Oct 23, 2007
This is about the stupidest thing I'ved ever heard -and I've heard a lot of stupid things! Especially from the State. I'd remind that, er, "teacher" or whatever it is they're supposed to be about Lewis Carroll.
My complaint or the story itself? Just wondering.
on Oct 23, 2007
Well said LW. I am so tired of this BS already in this country. I don't care anymore.
on Oct 23, 2007
Is your son in public school?
on Oct 23, 2007
Is your son in public school?

on Oct 23, 2007
You just happened to catch my eye as I did my morning pass-through on the site    And this is a topic I'm pretty interested in.
on Oct 23, 2007
I wouldn’t be surprised if Harry Potter was the reason for this absurd change to begin with. The zealots have had bug up their wahzoo about this character for some time.
It’s just another fantasy struggle between good and evil, you would think they could see that.

They sure embraced the “The lion the witch and the wardrobe” even with all it’s Pagan symbolism. I guess as long as the author is a Christian it’s okay.

I think it’s time we rein in their not so little power grab since 911.
on Oct 23, 2007
I am honestly disgusted with what is happening to our country. Every day that goes by some political BS slashes a piece of what once made this country what it once was and what made me proud to call myself American. Now all we care about is appealing to those who have money to spend so we try to avoid offending them so they can spend their money. Or we avoid offending them to avoid silly and baseless lawsuits. I am close to wishing we never celebrate another holiday from any culture ever again.
on Oct 23, 2007
I hear ya. The same thing at my daughter's school and she is in public school. Where's the fun, the joy, the all out gory fun that Holloween should be. We put too much stock into the pc bs that is going around and I'm sick of it and sick of them and all the crap they dish out to us parents and we have to take it or face the wrath of some holier than though bs system!
on Oct 23, 2007
But Disney supports gay rights. Why are they allowing Disney characters? How dare they! And how does it work that it's Bookoween, but you can't dress up as the character in the most popular book? It's not even a bad story. So there's magic - there's magic in CoN, too.

I think you either dress up or you don't. Once you dress up, as long as you're within a dress code you're all set - no restrictions on who you dress up as.

I don't know why people want to ban things. Harry Potter isn't going to destroy your soul. Harry Potter is just the newest version of the classic good vs. evil story. And, I think, just as relevant as Disney's stories, if not more so.
on Oct 23, 2007

Well, I will make sure to make myself heard about this. I have a meeting with my sons teacher the day before Halloween and I plan on speaking to her about how offended I feel that my son is not allowed to dress as the character of his choice simply because someone does not agree with it. I believe they should suspend all Halloween activities period. Either they cater to all children or none. This is unfair and I will not stand for it.

This is totally the right tact.  Public schools should not be allowed to have this type of authority.  Either they should leave the holidays as they are, or not celebrate them.

I like where I live- we celebrate the holidays as they are.  The only thing we don't do is sing Christmas songs that are religious, but we have Christmas parties (not "holiday" parties) and we have Halloween and even a kids parade!  And, the only thing the kids can be at school as something that is violent, obscene or carries a real or fake weapon.  Of course, we also have creativity programs and want kids to be kids...I guess that's not so everywhere.

on Oct 23, 2007
Charles, does the school library have the Harry Potter books? If it does, then the school decision to ban it doesn't have a leg to stand on.

on Oct 23, 2007
Kids being kids? Pah. Things shouldn't be what they are.
on Oct 23, 2007

Another fine example of zero tolerance and zero intelligence.

When I worked for the schools, the husband of one of the Librarians once told me that School administrators are just burnt out teachers.  I have always remembered that since I had to deal with so many in my job.  And this whole stupidity (with this just being the latest idiocy) seems to prove out that man's point every day.  But burnt out does not always mean brain dead.  Except when it comes to public education.

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