The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on October 23, 2007 By CharlesCS In Blogging

It's amazing the things one finds out about our school system every year. I often wonder why we are even bothering fighter for our freedom anymore. What freedom are we fighting for? This country is not what it used to be anymore. We do not have a culture, we do not have a race, we are not a real country. All we are is a piece of land full of people from all parts of the world and our ruler is called money.


Today I just found out that my son will not celebrate Halloween in school. OK, I'm fine with that. Instead they will celebrate what they call "Bookaween" where the kids dress as book characters. This is where things get bad. It seems that my son will not be allowed to dress as Harry Potter (a book character). Why? Well that's easy, he's too magical. Too magical people!! Can someone explain to me what is so bad about Harry Potter? Oh, but it's OK for him to dress as Disney Characters. You know characters from the Magic Kingdom? Does this make any sense to anyone? I am so furious that this is what is being done with the money from our paychecks when they take out taxes.


Well, I will make sure to make myself heard about this. I have a meeting with my sons teacher the day before Halloween and I plan on speaking to her about how offended I feel that my son is not allowed to dress as the character of his choice simply because someone does not agree with it. I believe they should suspend all Halloween activities period. Either they cater to all children or none. This is unfair and I will not stand for it.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 23, 2007
Charles, does the school library have the Harry Potter books? If it does, then the school decision to ban it doesn't have a leg to stand on.

I will look into that.
on Oct 23, 2007

It kind of makes you want to sacrifice a goat in the school gymnasium...just to piss them off. Halloween by its very nature is supposed to have all kinds of magic, and crazy stuff.


on Oct 23, 2007
Layers and layers of crappola, aka, policy .
on Oct 23, 2007
I feel like if they say a character from a book, they can't say except Harry Potter. The Harry Potter story is the classic story of good versus evil and Harry is good. It has the wonderful effect of getting many children to read for fun. I would think the schools should be encouraging recreational reading not discouraging it. I love Harry Potter. Also Frankenstein's monster was a character in a book. Dracula was a character in a book. Really almost any creature you can think of was a character in a book. It's just silly.

At our school my son got to dress up as "function". They had a vocabulary costume parade.
on Oct 23, 2007
At the Super Bowl, Janet Jackson got to dress up as "malfunction."
on Oct 23, 2007
Has anyone else noticed, back on topic, that Harry Potter does not put much focus on Halloween? As far as I remember, Halloween was never of the importance that Halloween is usually given by witches, thus lending credence to the fact that Harry Potter and the witchcraft/wizardry is not the same as the biblical witchcraft and wizardry, and is, in fact, more along the lines of a fantasy story than having anything whatsoever to do with real life, or the sin of witchcraft.
on Oct 23, 2007
I wonder if a white kid could dress up in Black face with a noose around his neck, to protest the way blacks were hung during halloween in the 1800's?
on Oct 23, 2007
Christians steal eveything and make it their own...we're assholes, really. Take, take,'s fine as long as Jesus is injected in there somewhere.


on Oct 23, 2007
Christianity, ah, seems to have renamed it. Not invented it. Also, most Christian holidays are replacements of pagan festivals. The Pope, obviously, wanted these days off. But could he have ever imagined Christmas break?

The pagan part is still pagan, LW, regardless of who named it.

"Samhain (pronounced sow-in)."

ow like, ouch, or ow like oh, that's how you pronounce that.

Amha! I just hurt my finger!


Amha, that's what you meant.

If you're going to spell it Samhain, I'm going to pronounce it 'Sam - hayn'. Why? Becuz I am hukt on fonix.

I bet the guy who invented Samhain is rolling in his grave 'cuz you said it's a Christian invention.

Thanks for the history lesson, though. It's always good to know where the festivals really come from.
on Oct 23, 2007
My boys' school celebrates Halloween. Next week is Spirit Week and Wednesday they get to wear their costumes to school.

on Oct 23, 2007
I just discussed this with my friends, and we were wondering if it was only Disney characters the kids could dress up as. What exactly are the limitations on costumes? I can better write a scathing remark if I have all of my facts straight.
on Oct 23, 2007
we were wondering if it was only Disney characters the kids could dress up as.

Though if you take away the Disney magic and investigate some of the stories that those characters appear in, I'm quite sure they'd be against it.

Sleeping Beauty(aka Briar Rose) is in a story about a Prince finding her asleep and knocking her up while she was still sleeping.

Ariel, the little mermaid, actually had her tounge cut out when she gave up her voice.

Snow White had 3 murder attempts on her.(Well, 4 if you count the part with the hunter in the beginning) Lovely.

Little more graphic when you start investigating certain tale types. However, with Disney those songs seem to make everything more tame.

on Oct 24, 2007
I just discussed this with my friends, and we were wondering if it was only Disney characters the kids could dress up as. What exactly are the limitations on costumes? I can better write a scathing remark if I have all of my facts straight.

I wish I could give you more details but I have not been able to go to the school to find out about this. I have a meeting with my sons teacher the day before the party and I will find out as much as I can about this. All I know is he is to dress and a book character, except Harry Potter, because he's to magical according to my sons words.
on Oct 24, 2007
All I know is he is to dress and a book character, except Harry Potter,

Cheer up, Charles.

Just be thankful your son's school doesn't have a "health" clinic that without parental knowledge or permission is dispensing out condoms and birth control drugs to his classmates as is happening in Maine's King Middle School.

Depending on how you view Harry Potter, the school could be looking out for children's best interests...this clearly ain't happening in Maine!
on Oct 24, 2007
I meant more fiction book/movie witches, but thinking about it the witches I know (while few) do put importance on Halloween, so... :shrug:
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