The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on October 23, 2007 By CharlesCS In Blogging

It's amazing the things one finds out about our school system every year. I often wonder why we are even bothering fighter for our freedom anymore. What freedom are we fighting for? This country is not what it used to be anymore. We do not have a culture, we do not have a race, we are not a real country. All we are is a piece of land full of people from all parts of the world and our ruler is called money.


Today I just found out that my son will not celebrate Halloween in school. OK, I'm fine with that. Instead they will celebrate what they call "Bookaween" where the kids dress as book characters. This is where things get bad. It seems that my son will not be allowed to dress as Harry Potter (a book character). Why? Well that's easy, he's too magical. Too magical people!! Can someone explain to me what is so bad about Harry Potter? Oh, but it's OK for him to dress as Disney Characters. You know characters from the Magic Kingdom? Does this make any sense to anyone? I am so furious that this is what is being done with the money from our paychecks when they take out taxes.


Well, I will make sure to make myself heard about this. I have a meeting with my sons teacher the day before Halloween and I plan on speaking to her about how offended I feel that my son is not allowed to dress as the character of his choice simply because someone does not agree with it. I believe they should suspend all Halloween activities period. Either they cater to all children or none. This is unfair and I will not stand for it.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 24, 2007
Bookaween eh...

I would get my son a little satan costume, and dress him up in that, moustache, trident and all... and teach him a few little choice words to say to his teacher..

"what is the problem miss? Satan is from my favorite book - this bible!!!"

on Oct 24, 2007
"what is the problem miss? Satan is from my favorite book - this bible!!!"

Well played.
on Oct 24, 2007
Cheer up, Charles.

Just be thankful your son's school doesn't have a "health" clinic that without parental knowledge or permission is dispensing out condoms and birth control drugs to his classmates as is happening in Maine's King Middle School.

Depending on how you view Harry Potter, the school could be looking out for children's best interests...this clearly ain't happening in Maine!

Well unless they are looking into keeping children from trying to fly on broomsticks, make wands out of feathers from a Phoenix or use Owls as mail carriers; I just don't get what best interest they are trying to look out for be keeping them away from a Happy Potter costume.
on Oct 24, 2007

I think you either dress up or you don't. Once you dress up, as long as you're within a dress code you're all set - no restrictions on who you dress up as.

Hmm. I agree with Jythier. Who cares what you dress up as? The whole point of Halloween is to be something you're not; to get out of reality and use your imagination to its fullest extent. That's why I love this holiday. Either let the children dress up as what they want or don't celebrate Halloween at all. This in-between crap does not, in any way, suffice.
Besides, what kind of holiday is Bookaween, anyway? That's just a stupid name.
on Oct 24, 2007
Besides, what kind of holiday is Bookaween, anyway? That's just a stupid name.

My point exactly. I mean, talk about trying not to offend people, she didn't even come up with a name that did not relate to Holloween.
on Oct 24, 2007

Yes, a blanket permission to use the so called "health" clinic. Once the girl enters to clinic, what goes on in the clinic is rock solid kept secret from parents as far as the school is concerned.

And yes, LW, so good of you to notice. I am morally outraged over the state doing this evil to minor age girls. I advocate for all children, everywhere. They have an unalienable right to be kept from evil.

If an 11, 12 or 13 year old is acting out sexually, we shout from the roof tops to STOP, and get her help to STOP; not give them the go by prescription birth control drugs and devices and send them on their way.
on Oct 25, 2007
I can't support anything or anyone who thinks a piece of fiction is going to corrupt children. If this were the case, then the Bible should be banned too.

I am morally outraged over the state doing this evil to minor age girls. I advocate for all children, everywhere. They have an unalienable right to be kept from evil.

Are we talking about the same Harry Potter here? I don't remember reading anything about this in any of the Potter books I've read.

Seriously, why is it just about every frickin' discussion on JU lately has to have some one trying to force their religious point of view on anyone who happens by?
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