The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on February 1, 2008 By CharlesCS In Politics

From Hilary Clinton, to Barack Obama, to Randy Roe. If I got a dime for every time Democrats say the word change, I'd make Donald Trump bank accounts look like chunk change. But when Democrats talk about change, what exactly do they mean? I mean, don't we always want change every time we are looking to vote for a new President? Even when we vote for the same person for 2 terms, don't we hope they make changes to that they didn't change the first time around? But when we say we want change, what kind of change are we really looking for?


Is what the Democrats offer really the kind of change we want simply because Bush is Republican? Are we gonna chose a candidate based on the idea that because the current President is a Republican, that somehow a Democrat should be able to make me happy? I'm sorry but even though our choices for the next President are about as great as a Corvette on a 15 MPH zone, I just can't shack the thought of taking my hand out of the fire just to stick it into the grinder. But hey, that's just me opinion. This is American, and you have the right to vote for who you think is the best choice for your personal gain. After all, don't most of us Americans vote for our own personal reasons and not necessarily for the country's personal benefit? Think about it, why would a poor person vote for a Democrat if not for self benefit, if not for envy of what rich people have, if not for wanting something they don't have to work for to earn. Take it as you may, but sometimes the truth hurts. The proof will most likely be found in the comments below.


As Schnitt put it today, McCain may not be my choice between the current Republican candidates, but if he wins, I am not voting for Hilary or Obama.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 01, 2008

Change is not a new chorus in an election.  "More of the same" never got anybody excited to get out and vote. 


Anne Coulter said that if McCain got the Republican nom. that she would campaign for Hilary.  Now that I would like to see - lol.

on Feb 01, 2008
Frankly anything but a shrub.
on Feb 01, 2008
Change is not a new chorus in an election. "More of the same" never got anybody excited to get out and vote.

I don't know about you but I ate my moms cooking for 18 years and you know what, I could go on for another 20. More of the same motivates me, as long as the same is good. Sorry to say that while change is a must in our current Gov't, I want good change and neither of the Democrats represent good change to me. It would not be more of the same, it would be a worse version of what we currently have. Kinda like going from Windows XP to Windows Millenium.

Anne Coulter said that if McCain got the Republican nom. that she would campaign for Hilary. Now that I would like to see - lol.

Hypocrisy at it's finnest. Nothing but a spot light greedy hog. People like her don't know how to stand still for long periods of time, they are easily influenced by someones comments as oppose to standing their ground.

Frankly anything but a shrub

   I guess I can't always understand everyones opinion.
on Feb 01, 2008
A vote for McCain would be a vote against Obama or Hillary in my case, whilst holding my nose, then heading straight for the decontamination room.
on Feb 01, 2008

The Democrat candidates do want change.  Hillary wants a change to socialism, Obama wants a "passing of the torch" kind of change.  McCain wants to change to be a Democrat, and it looks like he made it. ;~D

on Feb 02, 2008
A vote for McCain would be a vote against Obama or Hillary in my case, whilst holding my nose, then heading straight for the decontamination room.

exactly, in the end it would seem that we will have to chose between a Democrat and an almost Democrat and considering I don't agree with Hilary or Obama more than I do with McCain, it's obvious the the least Democratic candidate is the one for me.

The Democrat candidates do want change. Hillary wants a change to socialism, Obama wants a "passing of the torch" kind of change. McCain wants to change to be a Democrat, and it looks like he made it. ;~D

Kinda funny how change is the key word in today's elections when most people love making excuses not to have to change. Gotta wonder how that works.
on Feb 02, 2008

If it comes down to McCain and Hillary. The choice will be how much liberalism do you want.



on Feb 02, 2008
I won't vote for McCain. I'd rather the Democrats take the full blame of their idiotic policies.
on Feb 02, 2008
while change is a must in our current Gov't, I want good change and neither of the Democrats represent good change to me.

Wy dont you tell us what represents a "good change" to you charles?

why would a poor person vote for a Democrat if not for self benefit, if not for envy of what rich people have, if not for wanting something they don't have to work for to earn. Take it as you may, but sometimes the truth hurts.

and if he is a selfless, goodhearted and hard working poor he should vote for a republican then?

and what are the basis on which you vote charles?

truth sure hurts, but some people lost even the sensation to feel the hurt and the sense to see the truth.

on Feb 02, 2008
They're looking to shake the 'change' out of everyones pockets.

McCain might be able to stop it. If you cant understand the difference between Hillary, Obama and McCain, it wouldn't take long after the election for you to wake up. socialized medicine, failed security policies, new gun legislation, 'world Islamic summits,' partial birth abortion, and at least 1 more Ruth Bader Ginsberg, etc.
on Feb 03, 2008
at least 1 more Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Eeeuuuuh. God what a scary thought.
on Feb 03, 2008
I won't vote for McCain. I'd rather the Democrats take the full blame of their idiotic policies.

Good to see you consider voting for a Democrate, Draginol.

I'm curious, though, what policies of the Republican party over the last eight years have been particularly successful? It seems to me since Clinton left office, our economy is in the shitcan, our debt has gone ballistic (while we now owe our children's future to the Chinese government), and while a damned interminable war is costing us today nearly 500 billion dollars. Yeah, let me have more of this crap. I like Exxon to make 40 billion dollars profit in a single year while everyone else suffers to get to work.

If anyone today votes Republican he or she should hide in utter shame.
on Feb 03, 2008
Wy dont you tell us what represents a "good change" to you charles?

Sure. Start doing what is good for the country, not for themselves. You may think that what Republicans are doing is bad for the country but in reality it only hurts those who do not wish to try harder to better themselves. I'm one of those people who believes that people could do better than they are today if they only tried harder, I am proof of that. We spend too much time trying to put feather pillows under peoples feet so they don't get hurt when they fall that we eliminate the lesson that could be learned from the fall. Why does anyone have to learn to do anything when we have people like Hilary and Obama who wanna give them everything without having to work for it. Why should my kids go to college if they wanna give them free healthcare, more welfare money, free daycare services and even help them buy a a house and pay for it.

We are not helping people by giving them everything with little or no effort. We are creating a nanny state that will be full of babies who will need everything done for them and when those with the money paying for this realize that it's pointless to continue to do the work they will either shutdown or leave and that will hurt the country more.

and if he is a selfless, goodhearted and hard working poor he should vote for a republican then?

He should vote for who will make him/her a better person, who will better their financial situation. Not continue to be poor while getting assistance from the Gov't.

and what are the basis on which you vote charles?

I vote based on who offers the closest to what I believe in cause we do not live in a perfect world and I have to accept that things won't always be the way I would like them to be. But hell I am not gonna go for that which will be worse than what is possible.

truth sure hurts, but some people lost even the sensation to feel the hurt and the sense to see the truth.

The truth doesn't hurt anymore. Thru out the years people have learned to deal with the truth and replace it with a fantasy they believe is real. The only person worse than a lying politician is the person lying to themselves just so they can trick themselves into believing that what's wrong is not really happening. People don't care anymore, if they did we would not be where we are today.

on Feb 04, 2008
I like Exxon to make 40 billion dollars profit in a single year while everyone else suffers to get to work.

It's quite a stretch to say the economy is in the "shitcan", or that "everyone" is suffering to get work.  This is the typical exaggeration about U.S. domestic policies that are the highlight of the DNC talking points.

Let me guess....Exxon should just hand out paychecks to Americans?

our debt has gone ballistic

Yes, and democrats and their national healthcare, matching retirement funds, $5000 per person born, etc. will definitely stop that!

on Feb 04, 2008

I wont vote for Hillary, period.  I have to look at myself in the mirror each day.

I will probably vote for McCain, but if Obama gets it, it will be a tough choice.  I at least agree with some of McCain's stands, and almost none of Obama's.  At this point they are both politicians, and as such their word is worth nothing.  But at least I have some respect for them.

If the primaries continue as they appear today, this will be the first time since 1960 that a sitting senator was elected president.  And that will probably be the only similarity.

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