From Hilary Clinton, to Barack Obama, to Randy Roe. If I got a dime for every time Democrats say the word change, I'd make Donald Trump bank accounts look like chunk change. But when Democrats talk about change, what exactly do they mean? I mean, don't we always want change every time we are looking to vote for a new President? Even when we vote for the same person for 2 terms, don't we hope they make changes to that they didn't change the first time around? But when we say we want change, what kind of change are we really looking for?
Is what the Democrats offer really the kind of change we want simply because Bush is Republican? Are we gonna chose a candidate based on the idea that because the current President is a Republican, that somehow a Democrat should be able to make me happy? I'm sorry but even though our choices for the next President are about as great as a Corvette on a 15 MPH zone, I just can't shack the thought of taking my hand out of the fire just to stick it into the grinder. But hey, that's just me opinion. This is American, and you have the right to vote for who you think is the best choice for your personal gain. After all, don't most of us Americans vote for our own personal reasons and not necessarily for the country's personal benefit? Think about it, why would a poor person vote for a Democrat if not for self benefit, if not for envy of what rich people have, if not for wanting something they don't have to work for to earn. Take it as you may, but sometimes the truth hurts. The proof will most likely be found in the comments below.
As Schnitt put it today, McCain may not be my choice between the current Republican candidates, but if he wins, I am not voting for Hilary or Obama.