The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on May 10, 2008 By CharlesCS In Blogging

It would seem that Respect is not so much something that is earned on JU, but more like a reward for being invited to join a club or something. Some who come on this site are never really given a chance to become part of this community, they are labeled as “annoying” or something and regardless of what they do to change (if they do anyways), it’s too late. Then there are those who, from minute 1, reek havoc on this site to the point of driving everyone nuts and eventually getting kicked or banned. They lose their respect and are never given a chance to earn it back by the community even if they could somehow prove they have changed and are sorry for what they did before.

My view is that JU has, in a sense, been hijacked by a few elite members who feel their word should reign supreme and that even admins should see things from their perspectives or be subjected to their rants. I say elite because these are people who been around here for quite a while, some from the beginning. Because they have been here for sometime now, they feel they have some kind of power on this site. The very thing that gets defended on this site, freedom of speech, at times gets thrown out of the window because of personal feelings of entitlement on this site for the years of being a member and the time they have put onto this site provided interesting and sometimes not so interesting articles and replies.

Since the beginning I have been branded annoying and stupid, to the point I am being groups with some recent problematic members and some past members coming back under new names. I could care less what anyone thinks of me, I could care less if I earn anyone's respect or not, I did come to this site looking for a new crowd to be part of, but I'm not desperate for friends. Those who enjoy my company, comments and personality I will always have respect and appreciation. Those who wanna gang up on me and begin childish arguments ranging from insults, to name calling, to witty replies can bite by behind (not the smartest thing to say, but good enough for me).

There's no such thing as respect on JU from certain members. But that doesn't matter. So long as they are not the admins or owners of this site, they are just another sad JUer. Thank God at least the admins have some sense to not give in to their demands.

Feel free to comments as you wish. I don't blacklist people just for fun or delete comments that offend me. Speak your mind.

I am a curious person by nature, so please, those of you who have issues with me, do tell why I somehow make your days irritating when I'm around. I'm all ears.


Comments (Page 2)
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on May 12, 2008
I appreciate everyones comments. Gene Nash, I apologize for not being specific about Col gene.


I was one of those looking for acceptance, now I just wanna be. I like JU and plan on sticking around so long as I am permitted.


Believe what you want. I did once care because in a way you did seem like a nice person and someone interesting to get along with. But you chose to shove me to the side and compare me to the likes of Lucas, erath and such. I am nothing like them. I may be annoying from time to time but so are many others here, including you. All i wanted was a place to debate, to disagree and maybe from time to time to argue. But I found it disturbing to get nothing but insults for my comments from a few on this site who never even tried to get to know me. They just branded me a loser from the get go and every now and then they would jump in and insult me due to one of my opinions as oppose to simply disagree with me.

And about the telling new people part? I never told erath about how to deal with you. I told him what I believe to be the truth. You do like blacklisting people for silly reasons, we argued this once a long time ago. I told him he should deal with being blacklisted and move on. The irony is you accused me of talking about you but it was him who was talking about you, I merely stated the obvious that he should just grow up and move on. That's your problem, you attack me at every chance even when I say nice things to you as in other articles before. And as usual, you are looking for more arguments with your comments. You can't even comment on here without some kind of insult or poking to start something. Then you claim it is me the one looking to get people started. You know, it's funny, I recall you accusing DrGuy of something similar a while back. But that's not important.

What do you say we stop this nonsense here and now? I'll stay off your back and you stay off mine. We'll stick to commenting on the topics and not insulting each other, even if the topic is about one person or the other. Hows that?

on May 12, 2008

I'm not talking about the site restricting my freedom of speech. I was talking about the people on this site wanting to restrict people from expressing themselves just because what others have to say bothers them in some way by wanting them banned, stripped of their ability to post or simply nagging them till they leave.

I will stay true to myself. I will blog what I feel and think regardless what others have to say. That is why I may be coming off a bit like a jerk to some. I tire of the abuse, of the fear of being banned. I respect so long as I get respect and I will slap back just as hard. No more backing down. Brad himself has no problem expressing his opinions, even if it means losing a customer, because he refuses to gve up his freedom to express himself just for $50. I agree with him 100%.
on May 12, 2008
compare me to the likes of Lucas, erath and such.

You are nothing like them. You have a lot of experience that comes out in your writings, experience and maturity. It is one of the reasons I like to read your stuff.
on May 12, 2008
Thanks DrGuy. I've never considered myself an expert at anything on this site. I never liked history before I came here and my political knowledge was non-existent. Since I came to JU, I have learned a lot about politics, I have finally figured out where I stand when it comes to my political beliefs. I have found a bit more interest in history that I didn't have before. Debating on this site has forced me to work harder on researching topics before I open my big mouth and make a fool of myself.

Sometimes I tend to babble about things that some may not understand but I have a point when I speak. I like being honest and if some cant understand what I write then that's ok. But I won't change my style just to please others. I do what i can to understand their opinions and stuff (and am constantly told how I should at least try to understand) so I feel others should take that same advise and understanding me. And if you disagree then so be it.

I like details. I wanna make sure people get my point and not leave anything to open interpretation as little as possible. People tend to take a few words and take them out of context or misunderstand them or even confuse things like Gene Nash pointed out that I was not talking about him but Col gene. Those are the results of trying to keep it short.
on May 12, 2008
Ok here's something I understand about you Charles.

You have an endearing (to me) way of being human, and a fabulous funny bone. I'm not kidding.

I don't think there is anyone on JU (maybe SC) who has made me laugh out loud as many times as you have.

Just that stupid picture with the big ear above....I think its hilarious.

You have traits that will get you readers Charles....but talking about not being afraid of someone is a sure way to run us off.

Let it go...
on May 12, 2008
Ok here's something I understand about you Charles.

You have an endearing (to me) way of being human, and a fabulous funny bone. I'm not kidding.

I don't think there is anyone on JU (maybe SC) who has made me laugh out loud as many times as you have.

Just that stupid picture with the big ear above....I think its hilarious.

You have traits that will get you readers Charles....but talking about not being afraid of someone is a sure way to run us off.

Let it go...

I appreciate your kind words Tova. But as you can see above your comments LW refuses to let go. I wanted to put an end to our constant arguing and simply stick to what ever topic we happen to be something on but she continues to insult and treat people as if she is almighty. If she refuses to let go, then so do it. But no one can say i didn't try.
on May 12, 2008


I have to point out something paiunfully obvious.

LW says:

Most who have done so have eventually found themselves restricted or exiled--not due to *my* behavior but due to the behavior I've been able to provoke THEM to engage in.

You say:

That's your problem, you attack me at every chance even when I say nice things to you as in other articles before. And as usual, you are looking for more arguments with your comments.

She already told you something that she really enjoys doing. If she were a prosecutor most people would end up saying they are guilty just so she would stop. I'm not sure what about that quality I like, but I do. People that can manipulate others with the written word are talented. It's not like a seven foot tall, five hundred pound guy walking up to intimidate you. It's twisting you with the written word so that you feel like you are on the defensive.

I think Tova is right. You have some qualities that will draw in readers. I probably wont one be a frequent one but to each his own.

on May 12, 2008

Again, Charles, you flatter yourself by assuming I even notice your presence 'on my back.' That's akin to a flea asking a Bull elephant if he's too heavy.

You know, I think I've changed my mind about what I think about you. I would say "not that you would care" but considering you always have something to say I have to go with you do care what others have to say about you. You are actually more childish than I thought you were. You really have a big ego, thinking you are somehow so high and mighty that some of us are bugs to you, and you say I flatter myself? Guess what, the only real bug around here is you. More like a pest if you think about it. The sourpuss of the site. So annoying that even the admins find you annoying, even when they've known you for many years. But we all know you live off of this kind of mentality. Getting your jollies off of annoying other people you don't like. And I thought I was annoying. Queen bee over here needs to grow up and stop thinking she is the prom queen on JU. Get over yourself LW, the only thing you have in common with an elephant is the lack of maturity and humanity. Learn to act more like a person. It's sad some people accept this kind of attitude to the point of coming to your defense when ever someone lashes at you. It's a true shame some intelligent thoughts can actually come from such a foulmouthed, childish, "I'm never gonna lose to you cause I'm better than you", bitter person like yourself. I don't find you entertaining anymore, I actually pity you. Having to live with such a sour attitude, constantly in a bad mood as if your PMS button got stuck on "active". Having nothing better to do in life than to go on JU and find people to annoy. What a sad existence.

And while I may get some interesting replies by those who don't like what I just said. Do me a favor and keep it to yourself if you do not plan on pointing fingers at LW as well since she is the one that refuses to let go yet no one points that out.
on May 12, 2008

You know, I think I've changed my mind about what I think about you. I would say "not that you would care" but considering you always have something to say I have to go with you do care what others have to say about you. You are actually more childish than I thought you were. You really have a big ego, thinking you are somehow so high and mighty that some of us are bugs to you, and you say I flatter myself? Guess what, the only real bug around here is you. More like a pest if you think about it. The sourpuss of the site. So annoying that even the admins find you annoying, even when they've known you for many years. But we all know you live off of this kind of mentality. Getting your jollies off of annoying other people you don't like. And I thought I was annoying. Queen bee over here needs to grow up and stop thinking she is the prom queen on JU. Get over yourself LW, the only thing you have in common with an elephant is the lack of maturity and humanity. Learn to act more like a person. It's sad some people accept this kind of attitude to the point of coming to your defense when ever someone lashes at you. It's a true shame some intelligent thoughts can actually come from such a foulmouthed, childish, "I'm never gonna lose to you cause I'm better than you", bitter person like yourself. I don't find you entertaining anymore, I actually pity you. Having to live with such a sour attitude, constantly in a bad mood as if your PMS button got stuck on "active". Having nothing better to do in life than to go on JU and find people to annoy. What a sad existence. And while I may get some interesting replies by those who don't like what I just said. Do me a favor and keep it to yourself if you do not plan on pointing fingers at LW as well since she is the one that refuses to let go yet no one points that out.

She shoots... SHE SCORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Didn't you just say you wanted to stop the nonsense? This is why I don't read you often. No sooner did someone point it out to you, you fell right into the trap. She has your buttons all mapped out. All you need to do to get you in a tizzy is to be dismissive. You can't stand that. Don't believe me? Look at the history.

That comment is douche positive.

on May 12, 2008
She already told you something that she really enjoys doing. If she were a prosecutor most people would end up saying they are guilty just so she would stop. I'm not sure what about that quality I like, but I do. People that can manipulate others with the written word are talented. It's not like a seven foot tall, five hundred pound guy walking up to intimidate you. It's twisting you with the written word so that you feel like you are on the defensive.

I think Tova is right. You have some qualities that will draw in readers. I probably wont one be a frequent one but to each his own.

I can understand where you're coming from Just John and to be honest I find it sad that you enjoy such a trait from LW. But as you said, to each his own, I won't hold that against you. I think you're a really cool person and I enjoy your comments. Just keep in mind that while it may seem that LW is manipulating others, at time she is the one on the defense (though she will never admit it and will prove it when she replies to this comment) and others come to her rescue many times. Of course others are condemned for treating LW that way yet a double standard exist for her. You just proved it with your words. And don't think I'm saying I have this manipulative talent, I can be just as if not more annoying than she can and can pretty much get people going so I don't know if you wanna classify that as manipulative.

on May 12, 2008
She shoots... SHE SCORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Didn't you just say you wanted to stop the nonsense? This is why I don't read you often. No sooner did someone point it out to you, you fell right into the trap. She has your buttons all mapped out. All you need to do to get you in a tizzy is to be dismissive. You can't stand that. Don't believe me? Look at the history.

That comment is douche positive.

Nice, so the fact that she said no is my fault. I see. I guess you are gonna be one of those who will defend LW regardless. But what can I expect, you guys know her longer than you know me and you already have me branded so it doesn't matter.

Well LW, I gotta hand it to you, You got them lined up, on their knees, pledging their allegiance to you. It would seem it doesn't matter if I say anything good or bad, I have been branded by your clan. Oh well. Life goes on and my goals on JU are not to make everyone my friend or have the most replies or being the top blogger. I'm here to hang out, post my opinions, agree and disagree and have a good time when ever possible. So here may believe you will drive me to banning myself but if that ever does happen it will be cause I chose to let it happen and not because of some belief that you control me.
on May 12, 2008

I can be just as if not more annoying than she can and can pretty much get people going so I don't know if you wanna classify that as manipulative.

When done intentionally? The shoe fits but it's not very stylish. It's just annoying. On the other hand, if you are trying to take the high road and are lured in on a sucker bet to appear annoying, that's got style.

on May 12, 2008
When done intentionally? The shoe fits but it's not very stylish. It's just annoying. On the other hand, if you are trying to take the high road and are lured in on a sucker bet to appear annoying, that's got style.

What ever you say John. No problem.
on May 12, 2008
LOL double standards are great.
on May 12, 2008

Dude, you're easy. Anyone and I do mean anyone, who has paid you the slightest amount of attention should have your manual memorized. Case in point:

I don't normally call people a douche because as someone else pointed out, that's generally where most guys are looking to get but I paid attention to the fresh wound of TW calling you a douche and I thought I'd pour a little salt. (Wow that was one hell of a sentence - I'll call it a paragraph and leave it alone)

Call us a clan. Call us a clique (I am in right?? Ha!). Call us slaves to LW. It just ain't true. The fact is that I respect her game. For the most part that ain't me. So, if I get a chuckle out of a bug being coaxed onto the windshield of life, sue me.

Let's tell it like it is. You like to be annoying. It may be cute in real life. Hell, it may make you the water cooler hero but that don't mean shit when people see you as transparent. I personally don't mind you. Like I said before I'm not a big fan of yours but you are easy. Maybe that's why I don't waste my time here. I prefer a challenge.

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