The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on January 23, 2009 By CharlesCS In Blogging

It looks to me like those from the Republican Party that survived the November elections were probably better off losing seeing as their opinions and votes are almost as useless as a knife in a gun fight. According to the Media, Obama warned the Republicans on capital Hill to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh if they want to get things done. If by “getting things done” he means getting what they want, then those Republicans he was warning can only be 1 of 2 things to be able to actually listen to Obama and “get things done”:

Cowards or traders

So Mr President, where is the freedom to listen to any talk show host of your choosing? Where is the freedom to disagree with your policies? Where is the freedom of choice? Is this the hope everyone who favors Obama is looking for? Do you truly believe that the only way to accomplish anything in this country is to silence the opposition as oppose to having equal rights to object? That kind, caring, charismatic person everyone keeps saying Obama is seems to be fading away little by little ever since Obama was inaugurated. So far I have heard  nothing but put downs towards the Republican members. I don’t think I have ever heard Bush speak to anyone in that manner. Bipartisan does not seem to be part of Obama’s plans to fix this country. My way or the high way seems more like Obama’s style. Republicans are not being asked to help find ways to fix the country, they are being told to agree with the Democrats because they need to get along with them in order to pass Obama’s policies.

Obama may as well have a filibuster proof Senate, at this point, I see no stopping the Left. I can only hope that the Republicans do not listen to Obama and chose freedom over defeat. At least when Obama’s true intentions come out and everyone finally asks themselves “what have we done?” They will have only themselves and the Democrats to blame. This is gonna be a very interesting 4 years. And JU will have all of it collected so that later on we can say “I told you so”.

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on Jan 24, 2009

And JU will have all of it collected so that later on we can say “I told you so”.
I'll certainly sleep better at night knowing this!

Boy those grapes sure are sour.

on Jan 24, 2009

They will have only themselves and the Democrats to blame


As I mentioned in Donna's article, blame is exactly what they elected Obama for.  He promised to bring change, and when he doesn't, the fact that they as individuals changed absolutely nothing can be nicely covered by "well he said HE was going to do it."  He's the perfect scapegoat for a loser, and that's why he was elected.  We have a lot of losers these days.

on Jan 24, 2009

I'll certainly sleep better at night knowing this!

I'm happy for you. I'm sure the past 8 years have been nothing but nightmares.

Boy those grapes sure are sour.

Mmmm, sour grapes.

As I mentioned in Donna's article, blame is exactly what they elected Obama for. He promised to bring change, and when he doesn't, the fact that they as individuals changed absolutely nothing can be nicely covered by "well he said HE was going to do it." He's the perfect scapegoat for a loser, and that's why he was elected. We have a lot of losers these days.

Exactly, personal responsibility will be topersonally make Obama responsible.

on Jan 24, 2009

It won't take long before they try to bring back the Fairness Doctrine.  Obama saying this just shows how much of an idiot he really is. 

What it really showsw is how Obama is afraid of real conservatism.


on Jan 24, 2009

It's a political strategy to neuter the opposition.  Sadly, some RINO's believe it.

on Jan 24, 2009

Did you read this morning what Obama said yesterday to GOP Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona when he questioned Obama on one of his proposals? 

Obama replied that an election had been won in November and that "I won.  I will trump you on that." 

I've never heard such arrogance before and so soon into his Presidency no less.  

on Jan 24, 2009

Obama warned the Republicans on capital Hill to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh if they want to get things done.

So Mr President, where is the freedom to listen to any talk show host of your choosing

I can only hope that the Republicans do not listen to Obama and chose freedom over defeat.

Do I really need to point out the hypocrisy and bias clearly demonstrated in the obvious similarity in the the two statements?

They will have only themselves and the Democrats to blame. This is gonna be a very interesting 4 years. And JU will have all of it collected so that later on we can say “I told you so”.

you can't wait for his failure .... can you?

It is soooo sad that you dont realize that his failure IS our nation's failure .... and you can't wait for that?!!!!

all so you can say "i told you so"?

shame  on you and all who put Ideology and their they-win-we-lose attitude ahead of the Nation's and its people's (including YOU) well being !!!!!

why can't we all win regardless of who is doing it or what theory is being used?



on Jan 24, 2009

It is soooo sad that you dont realize that his failure IS our nation's failure .... and you can't wait for that?!!!!

No, that's irrational & sophomoric.  The left fought tooth & nail to undermine Bush throughout his 2 terms because it believed his policies were wrong, even after the American people settled the 'legitimacy' issue by re-electing him.  I believe Bush failed because he was not vigorous enough as a leader, accepted political setbacks too casually and allowed the assholes in the media who valued elitist style more than substance to cower him.  Currently, I just hope the country survives BO.  I believe BO's policies & actions will harm our economy and make us more vulnerable to enemies who wish to destroy us.  I will therefore encourage the political opposition to fight tooth & nail to undermine BO because I believe his policies are wrong.

on Jan 24, 2009

Do I really need to point out the hypocrisy and bias clearly demonstrated in the obvious similarity in the the two statements?

Ah, so now it's your turn to use the hypocrisy card on us. Yay, the tables have been turned. I am glad you agreed Obama was taking their freedom of choie away. That was what you were trying to say right thinkaloud?

you can't wait for his failure .... can you?

Hold on, wait a asec. I'm not suppose to be the on screaming hipocrit here.

It is soooo sad that you dont realize that his failure IS our nation's failure .... and you can't wait for that?!!!!

Oh, I see, so it took a Democrat in the White House and a Democratic control Senate and Congress for you to realize this? I guess you didn't really care when it was Bush that was failing. But then he only failed so much.

shame on you and all who put Ideology and their they-win-we-lose attitude ahead of the Nation's and its people's (including YOU) well being !!!!!

LOL, what was it that Obama said the other day? OH yea, thanks KFC for the comment:

"I won.  I will trump you on that."

I guess I get to say hypocrit yet again. Dude, you dont know hwo to play this opolitical game still do you?

on Jan 24, 2009

What a great system we have here. No matter who's in power half the population is going to fight to make sure they fail. 

I'm curious to see what they can do without opposition. I'm a liberal so something is always better than nothing to me.

I guess we're going to find out since Republicans have been neutered for the next couple of years at least.

on Jan 24, 2009

It's pretty obvious that liberals can dish it out, but certainly can't take it. 

Lets look at the point Limbaugh has made.  Obama is a socialist, Obama has bad economic ideas.  Why would we want them to succeed?

The only way America can get out of this mess is to cut government, cut spending.....the exact opposite of what a liberal government will do.

on Jan 24, 2009

I'm curious to see what they can do without opposition.

In politics, I.. just.. don't.. wanna.. be.. that.. curious.

on Jan 24, 2009

Lets look at the point Limbaugh has made. Obama is a socialist, Obama has bad economic ideas. Why would we want them to succeed?

Exactly....Under the cover of economic hardship, Obama's policy is tax, borrow and spend....and you know what..... unless and until we wake up....he'll get away with expanding the government and growing debt like never before.

on Jan 24, 2009

Oh, I see, so it took a Democrat in the White House and a Democratic control Senate and Congress for you to realize this? I guess you didn't really care when it was Bush that was failing. But then he only failed so much.

what are you talking about ???? your bias and nonesense is blinding you and clouding your memory...

I challenge YOU to point out that I wished that Bush fails... i pointed out his policies' errors and the consequences of his stupid actions ... Never ever wished that he fails ... and no Dem ever wished that either ... I am talking about the main-stream Dem's here not the fanatics.

you really have to realize that what you are saying is sooooo self-destructive. Disagree as much as your heart desires ... but wishing his failure so you can say "i told you so" is insane and self destructive to all of us.

You accused him of what you yourself did ... you didnt even catch my point .... both you and him asked people not to listen (to someone) .... didn't you do that in your article?

So how does his statement differ in meaning from yours?

Your bias and clouded thinking is very obvious ....

on Jan 24, 2009

The left fought tooth & nail to undermine Bush throughout his 2 terms because it believed his policies were wrong, even after the American people settled the 'legitimacy' issue by re-electing him.

Totally false .... in fact a lot of Dem blamed their own leaders for supporting, going along or being silent regarding many of Bush's actions and policies...

tell me one thing they undermined him in it ..... they even voted with him after they pointed out their objection ... does Hillary's votes on taxes and war remind you?.. ..

most of us objected and pointed out the stupidity in his actions ... but never wished that he fails ... we hoped against hope that we were wrong ..... always .. always hoping that he somehow can miraculously pull it off....

Does the so-called left-wing MSM's silence and  promotion of his cooking of intelligence to support the war on Iraq reminds you of undermining his efforts? Does the Dem's vote for it and for his tax cuts? does their vote on illegal suveillance?

so when and how did they undermine him?

Falsehoods gets you no where

Disagree as much and as forcefully as you wish ... but wishing that he fails????

we tried tax cuts, cow boy policies, deregulation, greed, corruption and impotence for 8 years and you see the results ... you still dont want to try something else?

not only that ... you wish that anything else fails?

what a mentallity !!!!!!


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