The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on January 23, 2009 By CharlesCS In Blogging

It looks to me like those from the Republican Party that survived the November elections were probably better off losing seeing as their opinions and votes are almost as useless as a knife in a gun fight. According to the Media, Obama warned the Republicans on capital Hill to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh if they want to get things done. If by “getting things done” he means getting what they want, then those Republicans he was warning can only be 1 of 2 things to be able to actually listen to Obama and “get things done”:

Cowards or traders

So Mr President, where is the freedom to listen to any talk show host of your choosing? Where is the freedom to disagree with your policies? Where is the freedom of choice? Is this the hope everyone who favors Obama is looking for? Do you truly believe that the only way to accomplish anything in this country is to silence the opposition as oppose to having equal rights to object? That kind, caring, charismatic person everyone keeps saying Obama is seems to be fading away little by little ever since Obama was inaugurated. So far I have heard  nothing but put downs towards the Republican members. I don’t think I have ever heard Bush speak to anyone in that manner. Bipartisan does not seem to be part of Obama’s plans to fix this country. My way or the high way seems more like Obama’s style. Republicans are not being asked to help find ways to fix the country, they are being told to agree with the Democrats because they need to get along with them in order to pass Obama’s policies.

Obama may as well have a filibuster proof Senate, at this point, I see no stopping the Left. I can only hope that the Republicans do not listen to Obama and chose freedom over defeat. At least when Obama’s true intentions come out and everyone finally asks themselves “what have we done?” They will have only themselves and the Democrats to blame. This is gonna be a very interesting 4 years. And JU will have all of it collected so that later on we can say “I told you so”.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 26, 2009

OK so you're not part of *that* particular whacked out minority. I'll leave it to you to define *which* whacked out minority you do belong to.

I belong to the whacked out minority called taxpayers, i.e. people who mostly didn't vote for Obama.

on Jan 27, 2009

That's just a bald-faced lie and nothing you can say will convince me otherwise.

Exactly; that's the hallmark of a good conservative....they're open to other input, as long as it makes sense and holds with the facts at hand.

It's liberals who aren't open to facts and common sense. Witness global warming hysteria in a season of record low temperatures and snowfalls. It snowed in Dubai, for God's sake! The funny part---when it isn't just sad, that is---is that when you try to present other facts, they'll simply dimiss what you say.

I had that experience with two GW-devotees at work. I pointed out the insanely low temps (it was literally, like 2 degrees outside at that time) and snow, and was informed that this was clear proof of the global warming fact! I tried to argue, telling them a few things I knew, and was completely dismissed, utterly out of hand. They just didn't want to hear any facts pointing the other direction. It was the first experience I'd had with the "global warming as religion" thing.

That's what amazes me about liberals; they would rather believe bad news, than to hear anything that may infer that it isn't happening.

on Jan 27, 2009

the hallmark of a good conservative....they're open to other input, as long as it makes sense and holds with the facts at hand.
Really? I suppose you could be right and I just never happened to notice. But then I don't come to this site all that often, perhaps you could point out an example?

[edit] But I suppose this a self fulfilling prophecy since you can merely claim any lack of an example is simply because you can find no case where your definition of what makes sense and what in your interpretation is fact are actually meet. But wouldn't this in and of itself reinforce my opinion that at this site the right is always right and the left is always wrong? I guess that’s why they call it “right”. [/edit]

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