The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on January 23, 2009 By CharlesCS In Blogging

It looks to me like those from the Republican Party that survived the November elections were probably better off losing seeing as their opinions and votes are almost as useless as a knife in a gun fight. According to the Media, Obama warned the Republicans on capital Hill to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh if they want to get things done. If by “getting things done” he means getting what they want, then those Republicans he was warning can only be 1 of 2 things to be able to actually listen to Obama and “get things done”:

Cowards or traders

So Mr President, where is the freedom to listen to any talk show host of your choosing? Where is the freedom to disagree with your policies? Where is the freedom of choice? Is this the hope everyone who favors Obama is looking for? Do you truly believe that the only way to accomplish anything in this country is to silence the opposition as oppose to having equal rights to object? That kind, caring, charismatic person everyone keeps saying Obama is seems to be fading away little by little ever since Obama was inaugurated. So far I have heard  nothing but put downs towards the Republican members. I don’t think I have ever heard Bush speak to anyone in that manner. Bipartisan does not seem to be part of Obama’s plans to fix this country. My way or the high way seems more like Obama’s style. Republicans are not being asked to help find ways to fix the country, they are being told to agree with the Democrats because they need to get along with them in order to pass Obama’s policies.

Obama may as well have a filibuster proof Senate, at this point, I see no stopping the Left. I can only hope that the Republicans do not listen to Obama and chose freedom over defeat. At least when Obama’s true intentions come out and everyone finally asks themselves “what have we done?” They will have only themselves and the Democrats to blame. This is gonna be a very interesting 4 years. And JU will have all of it collected so that later on we can say “I told you so”.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 25, 2009

Disagree as much and as forcefully as you wish ... but wishing that he fails????

we tried tax cuts, cow boy policies, deregulation, greed, corruption and impotence for 8 years and you see the results ... you still dont want to try something else?

Yes, I hope he fails.  His policies are dangerous and will make the economy worse.  Obama failing will be good for America.

Tax cuts aren't the problem, they are the solution.  If you actually do research you will see that government income increased after the tax cuts.  The problem was government spending which can be blamed on both parties. Obama wants to increase spending at an incredible rate.  That's not change, that's just doing 10 times more than Bush did.

As has been shown many times before, deregulation was not the problem.  Lets look at people like Barney Frank who pushed mortgage companies to give loans to people who obviously couldn't afford them.  Why?  Well because they poor, the typical democrat voter.  Notice how Frank and Dodd still haven't been held accountable.



on Jan 25, 2009

Let's be honest; Obama won simply because millions of black people---people who had likely never voted before, and might never vote again, beyond 2012, of course---turned out to vote for a black man. They didn't look into his background, his beliefs, his record (what there was of it), nothing. He's black, and that's enough. If he'd been just another white guy, he never would have made it through the first few primaries.

Millions of young and younger people---again, people who had likely never voted before, and perhaps never will again---turned out to vote for a man whom their PC culture says they should vote for. For a man who simply wasn't Bush---whom their hysterical PC media says was evil. Again, they had no idea who or what Obama is or was, but he was a minority, and he wasn't Bush. That's enough.

But, all this is moot, now, of course, and he has power to defend, now. I fear, somehow, that oppositon will not be quietly tolerated by the Obama Regime. He also has his radical comrades in the House and Senate, to rubberstamp everything he says and does.....and he, them. I really am afraid that the next four years will be a very rough ride for the American Republic, though, thanks to our leftie media, you won't hear anything of it.

Obama will get breaks and passes the way Bush got ridiculous, even dangerous, obstacles and pointless, spiteful criticism. We're going to need a strong candidate in 2012.

on Jan 25, 2009

You guys just love talking to yourselves in your own little world, insulated from reality. Face it, you're simply a whacked out segment of the 22 percent of this country that’s represented by Bush's Final Approval Rating. No reasonable person would give any credence to the rabid drivel that's spouted on this site on a daily basis other than as an interesting source of comic relief. You guys are funnier than most sitcoms on TV today.

But go ahead and take your shots at the occasional liberal that wanders in every once in a great while. It’s really very difficult to be insulted by someone when pretty much everything that comes out of their mouths makes you laugh.

[edit] Oh, and as far as Rush Limbaugh, I wouldn't really know. Those of us with jobs that actually work for a living don't have the opportunity to listen to an afternoon talk show or other such soap operas. I mean the guy made himself deaf with his drug addiction, what could be funnier than that? Oh yeah, I know. The holier than thou crowd idolizing a former coke addict/president. Now *that's* funny. [/edit]

on Jan 25, 2009

You guys just love talking to yourselves in your own little world, insulated from reality. Face it, you're simply a whacked out segment of the 22 percent of this country that’s represented by Bush's Final Approval Rating. No reasonable person would give any credence to the rabid drivel that's spouted on this site on a daily basis other than as an interesting source of comic relief. You guys are funnier than most sitcoms on TV today.

Glad to be of service to you, mumble.

on Jan 25, 2009

You guys just love talking to yourselves in your own little world, insulated from reality. Face it, you're simply a whacked out segment of the 22 percent of this country that’s represented by Bush's Final Approval Rating.

I didn't approve of Bush in his final ratings, simply because he wasn't a conservative.  Funny how you mention people are insulated from reality, when the average Obama voter has no clue of what they voted for.


on Jan 25, 2009

Glad to be of service to you, mumble.
Cool, a sense of humor. Happy to return the favor on occasion.

I didn't approve of Bush in his final ratings
OK so you're not part of *that* particular whacked out minority. I'll leave it to you to define *which* whacked out minority you do belong to.

on Jan 25, 2009

Cool, a sense of humor. Happy to return the favor on occasion.

We're all friends here, staring at the same car wreck as we slowly drive by.  I certainly can't tell one electron from another.

on Jan 25, 2009

I wonder if Obama ever listened to Rush's show? I've only heard it a few time myself, but he makes some interesting points. I'm always tickled by those that warn agaist those they never watch (or listen to).

There is a positive out of the election. Maybe now black defendants will stop complaining about being tried by a jury of their peers (an all white jury) since more minorities registered to vote and are now eligible for jury duty. See a conservative that found a positive from this election.

on Jan 25, 2009

Oh, and as far as Rush Limbaugh, I wouldn't really know. Those of us with jobs that actually work for a living don't have the opportunity to listen to an afternoon talk show or other such soap operas. I mean the guy made himself deaf with his drug addiction, what could be funnier than that? Oh yeah, I know. The holier than thou crowd idolizing a former coke addict/president. Now *that's* funny.

I have a job, and I get to listen to talk radio for most of the day. Just lucky that way, I guess.

Rush Limbaugh "made himself deaf with his drug addiction"? That's a new one on me; I thought it was genetic; had something to do with deterioration of the tiny hairs that respond to sound waves. But anyway, you really show the smug, shallow disregard with which you rank-and-file libs view those who oppose them. 

On the other hand, when Teddy Kennedy first came down with his brain tumor, Rush made a wonderful, heartfelt speech hoping for his recovery and asking for prayers for Kennedy and his family.

Say what you want; El Rushbo has class, as do most conservatives, especially as compared to liberals. Has something to do with actually believing in something of values and substance, I guess, rather than in nothing of merit.

The greatest example I can think of, when it comes to liberal callousness and lack of class and decorum, was the guy on the DU, who expressed his extreme pleasure over the death of Reagan by cracking a bottle of bubbly he'd kept in the back of the fridge, in long anticipation of just that occasion. What a jerk.

"The holier than thou crowd idolizing a former coke addict/President".

Well, Obama sold coke as a young man; you clearly forgive that. Yet, you refuse to forgive Bush----a man who openly admitted his addiction, as opposed to Obama, who dodged his days as a pusher. Hey---maybe he sold some to Bush back then?

You people disgust me, and that's one reason I oppose you.

on Jan 25, 2009

You people disgust me
The feeling is mutual. 

on Jan 25, 2009

Electrons do tend to repel each other.

on Jan 26, 2009

It won't take long before they try to bring back the Fairness Doctrine. Obama saying this just shows how much of an idiot he really is.

This should come as no shock to anyone.  How many other candidates have called out Celebrities during the election?  Obama called out Hannity.  He was only demonstrating his lack of brains, not his grasp of the subject matter.

You guys just love talking to yourselves in your own little world, insulated from reality. Face it, you're simply a whacked out segment of the 22 percent of this country that’s represented by Bush's Final Approval Rating. No reasonable person would give any credence to the rabid drivel that's spouted on this site on a daily basis other than as an interesting source of comic relief. You guys are funnier than most sitcoms on TV today.

One of the reasons that Obama did not win in a landslide, was because liberals always miss the forrest for the trees.  WHile there are undoubtably some of the 22% here, it is far from the major voices you hear on JU.  And hardly a majority of the conservative ones.m  Far from Rabid drivel, this site is sane - if you are.  I am sure you think there is more sanity on, or moveon, huffingtonpost, smirking chimp.  Still, I have yet to see the hate, vitriol and out right death wishes posted any where on here that even a quick perusal of the other sites shows to be the norm at the other sites.

But go ahead and live in your fantasy land.  WHen they come for you, there will be no one left to speak up for you either.

on Jan 26, 2009

Don't recall ever hearing a word from Bush or his staff, or McCain or his staff, publicly calling out any specific leftist columnist or opiner; not even Olberman, Matthews or Maddow.  Reason is real simple - Republicans, who actually believe in free speech, have no desire to stifle opposing opinions.  No desire to subsidize them, either, BTW, which is a separate reason to oppose the so-called Fairness Doctrine (better named the Soros-&-Friends-Are-Tired-Of-Pissing-Away-Millions-&-Want-The-Taxpayers-to-Pay-For-Their-Propaganda Doctine).

on Jan 26, 2009

I am sure you think there is more sanity on, or moveon, huffingtonpost, smirking chimp.
Never heard of them. Are they gaming sites?

go ahead and live in your fantasy land
Everyone lives in their own reality, I in mine and you in yours. Since each of us is convinced of the rightness of our point of view, neither of us can be objective enough to determine which is reality and which is fantasy. Most truth lies somewhere in between. If you can't admit to the fact that there's some possibility, however so slight, that it's you that might be wrong, then you can never be right. That is the critical element missing from this site. Everyone is convinced of the total certainity of their opinion and the total fantasy of anything that disagrees with that opinion.

on Jan 26, 2009

Everyone is convinced of the total certainity of their opinion and the total fantasy of anything that disagrees with that opinion.

That's just a bald-faced lie and nothing you can say will convince me otherwise.

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