The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

2009, a year where the Republicans became the minority in the Gov't and lost most of their power to keep balance in the Gov't, the GOP in Congress have shown still have a backbone and will not back down and bow down to he who believe's because he won that somehow his will shall be done.

Bush was criticized by many for approving the $700 billion stimulus package that was said to go against what the majority of Americans wanted. To this day the bill has done very little of what was said it would do. Our economy continues to go down, jobs continue to be lost and businesses are closing faster than the roadrunner can run; as oppose to going into complete metdown, the degredation of our economy was simply brought to a slow and more painful crawl.

Now President Obama and his Democratic majority in Congress have passed their first "obsticle" (if it can be called an obsticle) as the second bill for the $819 billion stimulus package goes to the Senate for approval, a bill that, again, goes against what most Americans want, except this time the Republicans chose to stand their ground as Obama tried to reel them in to be "bipartisan" in these preceedings. But, it would seem that while Obama continue to grill the Republicans for not being "bipartisan" with his ideals, some Democrats also voted against the new stimulus package. It would seem that not only does Obama not have the support of the Republicans in Congress but has lost (if ever had) the support of some of his own people.

I am glad the Republicans in Congress chose to stand their grounds on this new stimulus package as it has been shown to be anything but a stimulation to the economy. This bill goes agaisnt everything Obama said he would do; at a time when we should not be wasting money, the stimulus package is stuffed with many Democratic policies and plans that seem unnecessary at a time when we can not afford them. But I will be told by many that these things are needed and I will simply say "what ever you say" as I will have no choice but to sit back and watch as those benefits work for a little while, all the while reality begins to set in and many will realize that this bill did not do what it was promised it would. Why do I say this before we even see it in action? Simple, we already saw what the first stimulus package did, very little if anything and we can't even verify what the banks did with the money they were given not to mention now they want more, and we also have countries like Japan as testament of this kind of action that did not work.

I hope the Republicans in the Senate stand up to this bill as well, if we gonna pass some kind of stimulus package in the hopes to save our economy, we need to eliminate a lot of the crap that was put in this first installment of the 2009 bill. I am sadden that Obama has decided to decieve his voters by going agaisnt that which he promised but I am even sadder his followers are too blind to see the realities of this bill and instead will follow him faithfully like some kind of God or Prophet.

They say things will get worse before it gets better. Obama seems determine to prove this saying. And we are his lab-rats for the testing. God help us all.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Feb 02, 2009

During the TARP debate the Democrats & Bush where able to pick off a few more votes by adding more pork. 

It is so easy for our elected officials to oppose something until a billion dollor project for their district mysteriously appears.

Unfortunately it is sad that this Bill may get bigger, not smaller.

Lets see if the Republicians have any back bone, or will they cave in for a few golden trinkets?

on Feb 02, 2009

'Course, it doesn't mention ACORN by name,

aha!  the old "don't mention them by name" combined with the old "don't even allude to them" scams.  

if only i coulda found some of those limbaugh/american specatator x-ray vision goggles i woulda seen it too.

on Feb 02, 2009

Nice attempt at humor there, but I know you're not that naive, kb.  The 'alluding' is very plain - the qualifications for eligibility read like ACORN's mission statement.

on Feb 03, 2009

and since you're such a righteous non-paranoid, non-elitist objective thinker, you'll be able to respond by quoting all actual provisions of the obama stimulus bill which directly fund acorn.

... and since your s self-serving elitist, unable to do his own research:

New York Post (Jan 27,2009)

"A line item in the stimulus package - under the heading "neighborhood stabilization activities" - sets aside $4.19 billion for low-income advocacy groups such as ACORN."

The American Spectator - Jan 27, 2009

"Title XII of the spending legislation backed by the Democratic congressional leadership and the Obama administration would dole out $1 billion in old-fashioned slush funds for the Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) program. Local politicians love CDBG because it is flexible. The program gives them wide latitude when spending grant money and allows local leaders to use federal dollars on local projects that they wouldn't dream of spending their own local tax dollars on. ACORN loves CDBG because it is adept at lobbying for CDBG funds."

WCHV January 27, 2009

Obama’s Bill Hands ACORN $5.2 Billion Bailout

By: David A. Patten  

A rising chorus of GOP leaders are protesting that the blockbuster Democratic stimulus package would provide up to a whopping $5.2 billion for ACORN, the left-leaning nonprofit group under federal investigation for massive voter fraud.

Most of the money is secreted away under an item in the now $836 billion package titled “Neighborhood Stabilization Programs.”
Ordinarily, neighborhood stabilization funds are distributed to local governments. But revised language in the stimulus bill would make the funds available directly to non-profit entities such as ACORN, the low-income housing organization whose pro-Democrat voter-registration activities have been blasted by Republicans. ACORN is cited by some for tipping the scales in the Democrats' favor in November.
Need I go on?
What does ACORN say?
"President Maude Hurd (of ACORN) expressed support for proposed policies that will help communities hit hard by the economic crisis:

"ACORN has been building support with allies across the country for swift action on a progressive economic stimulus package as called for by President-elect Obama," Hurd said."

Well no $urpri$e there. Just because the "stimulus" package doesn't mention "PORK" by name doesn't mean it isn't in there.

on Feb 04, 2009

the qualifications for eligibility read like ACORN's mission statement.

first of all, props for having actually read the bill--as opposed  to recycling opinions and conjecture  (not that i'd expect anything less from you). 

having said that, i'm confused as to which qualifications you're referring.

(i'm about to post what appears to be the relevant text in a subsequent reply).

on Feb 04, 2009

kb -

I appreciate your kind words, but in the interest of full disclosure I've read only parts of the bill so far - it's a slog, to say the least, especially when many of the relevant bits are references to subpart this of CFR that.  I'm referring to the description of eligible entities in that section starting on the page I cited (can't scroll back to refresh the memory while posting).

Nitro -

It's there, they just call it 'the other white meat.'

on Feb 04, 2009

self-serving elitist, unable to do his own research:

several points:

a. i'm not sure how you understand the term "elitist" or why you consider it to be such a condemnation.  notta damn thing wrong with being elite as it's commonly defined and understood by anyone other than marxists who use it as you do. 

b. i'm even less sure as to why i'd have to research claims you make.   what ever happened to the concept that he (or she) who posts an assertion be responsible for providing some sorta evidence to back it up?

c.  as far as your "research" goes, you might wanna take a page from daiwa who actually read the damn bill, rather than posting unsubstantiated opinion pieces authored/published not as journalistic reporting but editorial speculation.  it ain't as if i wasn't already very well aware of the american spectator's spin or hadn't alluded to it in a comment prior to your last post

if only i coulda found some of those limbaugh/american specatator x-ray vision goggles i woulda seen it too


on Feb 04, 2009

this seems to be the section that's being portrayed as


would provide up to a whopping $5.2 billion for ACORN, the left-leaning nonprofit group under federal investigation for massive voter fraud.
Most of the money is secreted away under an item in the now $836 billion package titled “Neighborhood Stabilization Programs.”
Ordinarily, neighborhood stabilization funds are distributed to local governments. But revised language in the stimulus bill would make the funds available directly to non-profit entities such as ACORN,


A rising chorus of GOP leaders are protesting that the blockbuster Democratic stimulus package would provide up to a whopping $5.2 billion for ACORN, the left-leaning nonprofit group under federal investigation for massive voter fraud.
Most of the money is secreted away under an item in the now $836 billion package titled “Neighborhood Stabilization Programs.”


(i left the pagination numbering as well as the actual line numbering so there needn't be any concern i'm cherrypicking): 

6 For an additional amount for ‘‘Community Develop
7 ment Fund’’ $1,000,000,000, to carry out the community
8 development block grant program under title I of the
9 Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42
10 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.): Provided, That the amount appro
11 priated in this paragraph shall be distributed according
12 to the same funding formula used in fiscal year 2008: Pro
13 vided further, That in allocating the funds appropriated
14 in this paragraph, the Secretary of Housing and Urban
15 Development shall not require an additional action plan
16 from grantees: Provided further, That in selecting projects
17 to be funded, recipients shall give priority to projects that
18 can award contracts based on bids within 120 days from
19 the date the funds are made available to the recipients;
20 Provided further, That in administering funds provided in
21 this paragraph, the Secretary may waive any provision of
22 any statute or regulation that the Secretary administers
23 in connection with the obligation by the Secretary or the
24 use by the recipient of these funds (except for require
25 ments related to fair housing, nondiscrimination, labor

P 222

1 standards, and the environment), upon a finding that such
2 waiver is required to facilitate the timely use of such funds
3 and would not be inconsistent with the overall purpose of
4 the statute.
5 For a further additional amount for ‘‘Community De
6 velopment Fund’’, $4,190,000,000, to be used for neigh
7 borhood stabilization activities related to emergency as
8 sistance for the redevelopment of abandoned and fore
9 closed homes as authorized under division B, title III of
10 the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (Public
11 Law 110–289), of which—
12 (1) not less than $3,440,000,000 shall be allo
13 cated by a competition for which eligible entities
14 shall be States, units of general local government,
15 and nonprofit entities or consortia of nonprofit enti
16 ties: Provided, That the award criteria for such com
17 petition shall include grantee capacity, leveraging
18 potential, targeted impact of foreclosure prevention,
19 and any additional factors determined by the Sec
20 retary of Housing and Urban Development: Provided
21 further, that the Secretary may establish a minimum
22 grant size: Provided further, That amounts made
23 available under this Section may be used to (A) es
24 tablish financing mechanisms for purchase and rede
25 velopment of foreclosed-upon homes and residential


1 properties, including such mechanisms as soft-sec
2 onds, loan loss reserves, and shared-equity loans for
3 low- and moderate-income homebuyers; ( B ) purchase
4 and rehabilitate homes and residential properties
5 that have been abandoned or foreclosed upon, in
6 order to sell or rent such homes and properties; (C)
7 establish and operate land banks for homes that
8 have been foreclosed upon; (D) demolish foreclosed
9 properties that have become blighted structures; and
10 (E) redevelop demolished or vacant foreclosed prop
11 erties in order to sell or rent such properties; and
12 (2) up to $750,000,000 shall be awarded by
13 competition to nonprofit entities or consortia of non
14 profit entities to provide community stabilization as
15 sistance by (A) accelerating state and local govern
16 ment and nonprofit productivity; ( B ) increasing the
17 scale and efficiency of property transfers of fore
18 closed and vacant residential properties from finan
19 cial institutions and government entities to qualified
20 local housing providers in order to return the prop
21 erties to productive affordable housing use; (C)
22 building industry and property management capac
23 ity; and (D) partnering with private sector real es
24 tate developers and contractors and leveraging pri
25 vate sector capital: Provided further, That such com-


1 munity stabilization assistance shall be provided pri
2 marily in States and areas with high rates of de
3 faults and foreclosures to support the acquisition, re
4 habilitation and property management of single-fam
5 ily and multi-family homes and to work in partner
6 ship with the private sector real estate industry and
7 to leverage available private and public funds for
8 those purposes: Provided further, That for purposes
9 of this paragraph qualified local housing providers
10 shall be nonprofit organizations with demonstrated
11 capabilities in real estate development or acquisition
12 and rehabilitation or property management of single
13 or multi-family homes, or local or state governments
14 or instrumentalities of such governments: Provided
15 further, That qualified local housing providers shall
16 be expected to utilize and leverage additional local
17 nonprofit, governmental, for-profit and private re
18 sources:


call me blind or naive, but i don't see any mention of acorn by name nor any indication they'd qualify any easier than, say, some of gwb's faith-based non-profits.

on Feb 05, 2009

for purposes
of this paragraph qualified local housing providers
shall be nonprofit organizations with demonstrated
capabilities in real estate development or acquisition
and rehabilitation or property management of single
or multi-family homes

on Feb 05, 2009
believe it or don't, just using this phrase: 

shall be nonprofit organizations with demonstrated capabilities in real estate
development or acquisition and rehabilitation or property management of single or
multi-family homes

doesn't necessarily complete a circuit causing the word 'acorn' to become illuminated
as if by neon.

take a look at the most mundane, non-glamorous legislation regarding
rehabilitation or improvement of property in the public interest and you'll very
likely find similar provisions (see example below) encouraging involvement
by nonprofits including my very favorites--the faith-based community organizations.
(i'll admit to having yet to get over my grant application being rejected;
my church of technoshamanism could have worked miracles counseling fenale
cybersex addicts but...)

[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 7, Volume 14]
[Revised as of January 1, 2006]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 7CFR1955.139]

[Page 216-219]




PART 1955_PROPERTY MANAGEMENT--Table of Contents

Subpart C_Disposal of Inventory Property

Sec. 1955.139 Disposition of real property rights and title to real


(snipped to minimize imprudent use of virtual paper)

[[Page 217]]

fee or sum of all other rights possessed by the Government if such
conveyances are for conservation purposes and are transferred to a
State, a political subdivision of a State, or a private nonprofit
. Easements may be granted or sold to a Federal agency for
conservation purposes as long as the requirements of Sec. 1955.139(c)(2)
of this subpart are followed. If FSA has an affirmative responsibility
such as protecting an endangered species as provided for in paragraph
(a)(3(v) of this section, the requirements in Sec. 1955.139(c) of this
subpart do not apply.

if--and i'm not claiming this to be fact or not--acorn has sufficient
experience and capabilities in real estate etc etc etc., let
em run with it. they can hardly do worse than for-real for-profit
real estate pros.

on Feb 05, 2009

apparently you're in good company here (well...sorta).  dat ol dreaded msm seems to be propagating this nonsense too.

on Feb 05, 2009

doesn't necessarily complete a circuit causing the word 'acorn' to become illuminated
as if by neon.

If it passes as written, we'll see who gets the Benjis.  Then we'll know.

on Feb 05, 2009

If it passes as written, we'll see who gets the Benjis. Then we'll know.

I think it's coming out of the package, it seems Pelosi's liberal "Christmas in February" is being scrutinized further. She couldn't wait 5 minutes for the chair in the Oval Office to cool, before she threw this "pork roast" on the table to feed her liberal interest groups. And good on the Democrats (as well as the Republicans) in the house and senate that saw this for what it was too. Pelosi should keep that San Fransisco craziness back in her own district.

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