The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

While I, personally, would never send someone to, I received an email today where has a Live Vote currently that asked the following question:


from where you can comment about the Live Vote


So what do you think? Should it be removed or is this argument stupid as some on the site say?

Should the motto "In God We Trust" be removed from U.S. currency?"

I figured one visit to this particular artticle of the site would not hurt much and instead could yield some interesting results. I recommend you try it just to see what people have voted so far.

Then I recommend you check out a link at the bottom

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on Apr 18, 2009

Now is it a coincidence that this chief deity, a moon god, was worshipped in the heart of where Islam is centered today?  I don't think so especially considering their half moon symbol. 

Many gods were worshipped in Mecca. Muhammed was exiled because he refused to do so.

The half moon symbol was the symbol of the (Christian) East-Roman Empire. It has only become an Islamic symbol when the Muslims took Constantinople. To argue that the half moon symbol adopted by Islam from a Christian source 500 years ago somehow is evidence for Allah being a "moon god" is ridiculous at best and dangerous at worst. Who is to say that the fact that Christians used that same symbol for over a thousand years, over twice as long as Muslims did, does not prove that the Christian god is a moon god using the same logic? After all, Paul grew up in a region where the Semitic pantheon was still revered.

Perhaps Paul believed Jesus was the moon? Perhaps that is why the Christians adopted the half moon as their symbol in Byzantium? I know the Bible says it is not so (any quotes where the "New Testament" directly contradicts the Christian god being a moon god?), but then so does the Quran contradict the claim that Allah is the moon god.


on Apr 18, 2009

The pledge of alligience is a different manner though, you are required to pledge it in elementry school, you are required to pledge it when becoming a citizen... and also, why are you required to swear over a christian bible in court?

The pledge of allegiance did not originally include a reference to a god. It was added in the 1950s. If today it were to be removed and replaced with a reference to a couple of Hindu gods it would be as authentic as it has been since 1952.

You are also not required to swear over a Christian Bible in court. They let you use any symbol you want. At least that's how it is handled in Germany, and Germany is a Christian nation*.


*Technically the Federal Republic is not, but all the member states except two are constitutionally Christian, teach Christian religion in schools, use crucifixes as official symbols representing government power, and all German states treat church officials as national officials. This includes the parts of France that used to be German as well.


on Apr 18, 2009

on the back of the one dollar bill are the 13 five pointed stars placed about the eagle formed into the star of David. 

David's "star" (It's actually a shield. It's the Christians who have this star thing, not the Jews) has six points. The five-pointed one is the seal of Solomon. It's not used by Jews, it's used by the kings of Morocco and the emperors of Ethiopia, both houses claiming descent from Abraham via Yishmael and Solomon respectively.

In the dollar bill they represent the 13 free colonies, not Judaism.

The Shield of David has also never represented Judaism. The Minora represents Judaism. The Shield of David represents solely the House of David and the Jewish state, not the religion or even the people.


on Apr 18, 2009

The Shield of David has also never represented Judaism. The Minora represents Judaism. The Shield of David represents solely the House of David and the Jewish state, not the religion or even the people.

It has been adopted since as far back as I can remember. I do remember radio commercials in the 20's and 30's where Mogen David was used on anything Jewish in America, it was even used on steel wool soap pads. blue colored soap with the Star in the center. Don't forget Mogen David wine. I used to hate Passover just because we had to drink such lousy wine. The Mogen David was used all over for different reasons it was adopted by the Jewish state as a symbol, the Shield of the lion of Judah, if I remember correctly.

My point was not that it was chosen by a Jew it was chosen by President Washington as a symbol and a remembrance. All the man asked for was something to used in everyday life that would remind Americans that a Jew helped when the fledgling country needed friends.

on Apr 18, 2009

but then so does the Quran contradict the claim that Allah is the moon god.

can you tell me where this is and quote it for me Leauki?

on Apr 19, 2009

A distinction, of course, is in order. We can recognize that when a Muslim prays to “Allah”, he is praying to the only God there is, however imperfect his understanding. ....But we cannot take a word now universally used to describe the Muslim conception of God and use it as our own.

Any arab that follows any Abrahamic religion prays to "Allah". Again, it's merely a way of saying "God". If Latin had been more prevalent in christian countries as the official "religious" language, the only one to properly pray to God the way Arabic is the proper Muslim language, we would probably be praying all to "Deus" (I think..? I never learned latin). Just because there is a general misunderstanding of the difference between the appelation "Allah" and the fact that muslims pray to "Allah" is no reason to accept the whole thing and move on.

And also, I must restate that the Muslim pray to the same god than Christians, Jewish and many other pray too. The only thing that will be different is:

- The interpretation of God's will on Earth (but then again, different christian sects have also that conflict up to a point)

- The interpretation of what effectively happened (a.k.a. they don't believe in the divinity of Jesus, as many Christians didn't until Christianity became Rome's state religion and they decided to propagate the religion in a new way)

Outside of this, it's the same concept, with the same general background of Adam, Lilith and Eve as the first three humans. With Noah who took 2 of each impure animals and 7 of each pure, etc... Not to forget Moses. There is a reason why Jerusalem is a sacred city for the Muslims too; shared roots.

on Apr 19, 2009

The half moon symbol was the symbol of the (Christian) East-Roman Empire. It has only become an Islamic symbol when the Muslims took Constantinople. To argue that the half moon symbol adopted by Islam from a Christian source 500 years ago somehow is evidence for Allah being a "moon god" is ridiculous at best and dangerous at worst. Who is to say that the fact that Christians used that same symbol for over a thousand years, over twice as long as Muslims did, does not prove that the Christian god is a moon god using the same logic? After all, Paul grew up in a region where the Semitic pantheon was still revered.

Hell, when you think about it on the Muslim's point of view, we totally idolatrised one of God's Prophet and turned him into an idol, a God. And that idol has roots/took shape from the most horrible punishment that the Romans could find for non-citizens.

Not to forget that many of our holidays have been taken directly from Rome's pagan calender, and Christmas was the celebration of the Sun.

Christian religion is much more closer to any kind of symbol worship than the Muslim religion ever have been.

on Apr 19, 2009

from any non christian point of view, especially a muslim or jewish, the christians worship three gods... or three "aspects" of the same god, but then again, many polytheistic religions worthip multiplke aspects of the same god.

And a lot of them also worship the virgin mary and a variety of saints.

on Apr 19, 2009

from any non christian point of view, especially a muslim or jewish, the christians worship three gods... or three "aspects" of the same god, but then again, many polytheistic religions worthip multiplke aspects of the same god.

And a lot of them also worship the virgin mary and a variety of saints.

This is true but a true Christian does not worship anything but God himself.  Worshipping Mary is, according to God, an adulterous action.  The trinity comes right from Gen 1 which Elohim (plural) is used 35 times.  It's not three gods but one God; his majesty, power and creative powers and divinity is in a pluristic sense. 

[quote]And also, I must restate that the Muslim pray to the same god than Christians, Jewish and many other pray too. [quote]

This is not true.  Not only from the Christian perspective but even Muslims who have converted to Christianity set about to show the differences.  Go find a book written by a Muslim who converted to Christianity.  There's quite a few out there and they will show you where the differences lie. 

- The interpretation of what effectively happened (a.k.a. they don't believe in the divinity of Jesus, as many Christians didn't until Christianity became Rome's state religion and they decided to propagate the religion in a new way)

This is not true.  Christianity didn't become a state religion until 323 A.D.  The divinity of Jesus was established in the first century.  The whole NT was all about the fact that Jesus was God in the flesh starting right with John 1:1. 

Christian religion is much more closer to any kind of symbol worship than the Muslim religion ever have been.

not true basic Christianity.  There is no symbol worship.  No icons.  No statues.  Christmas can be a pagan holiday or a Christian one depending on how one celebrates it.  Same with Easter.  There is pagan influence in both. 

on Apr 19, 2009

Christian religion is much more closer to any kind of symbol worship than the Muslim religion ever have been.

You only say that because you dont' know what you are talking about and you take the mistakes and failings of once sect and paint all of Christianity with it.

The word GOD is a generic term not the name of a specific god. The God that Jews, Christians, and Islamist pray to is the same God. This God has a name but we are forbidden to say it out loud except when we are speaking to him directly. All this crap about getting rid of God in public is an attack by the ignorant on Christians and Jews yet they ignore Islam in the same breath.

Try this on for size. There are three major religions in the world. Monotheism, polytheism, and atheism. Monotheism covers all beliefs in just one god. Polytheism, covers all beliefs in many gods, and atheism is the belief in no god. I know there probably is a belief system that has only one god that does not include the god of Jews, Christians, and Muslims but I am woefully (happily) ignorant of it. Since there are five billion people on the planet and three billion are monotheistic it will be hard to get rid of god.

on Apr 19, 2009

not true basic Christianity. There is no symbol worship. No icons. No statues. Christmas can be a pagan holiday or a Christian one depending on how one celebrates it. Same with Easter. There is pagan influence in both.

This is why I celebrate Passover, Easter is just Passover for Christians.

on Apr 20, 2009

This is why I celebrate Passover, Easter is just Passover for Christians.

Or the Festival of Eostre if you are pagan

I was reading this thread again and it all became kinda' funny to me.  I mean, at what point does America have no common culture?  We have already adopted the culture of immigrants from all over the world, which is awesome, but at what point do we just become o cesspool of politically correct junk?  At what point do you get to pick which holy book to swear your oath on?  At what point do we strip all the beliefs of our founding fathers from our daily lives?  The way I look at it, the pledge of allegiance, the national anthem, the bible for swearing on for oaths, the images and sayings on our money, the scriptures quoted at the capitol, etc. are all part of our culture and history.  Stripping that away would just be one step closer to creating a society with no common bonds or country culture.

on Apr 20, 2009

Can you tell me where this is and quote it for me Leauki?

I remember that you have already been told before, here on JU.

Anyway, here we go:

And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to Allah Who created them, if you (really) worship Him. (Qur'an 41:37)

And while we are at it: "Elohim" is NOT plural.

(I was just interrupted: Ata rotze te? Do you want tea? Lo, toda. No, thank you... I am in Ramat Yishai in northern Israel.)


on Apr 20, 2009

And while we are at it: "Elohim" is NOT plural.

Leauki, everyone thru the centuries, Jewish or Gentile scholar, says it is except you.  You're the only one I've ever heard that said Elohim is not plural. 

I remember that you have already been told before, here on JU.

well I didn't remember okay?  Thanks for responding.   But that quote doesn't negate what I said earlier.  I did say they didn't worship the moon today didn't I? 

The way I look at it, the pledge of allegiance, the national anthem, the bible for swearing on for oaths, the images and sayings on our money, the scriptures quoted at the capitol, etc. are all part of our culture and history. Stripping that away would just be one step closer to creating a society with no common bonds or country culture.

Exactly.  We've lost our way and it's becoming more and more chaotic in our country. 

Easter is just Passover for Christians.

Well sort of but not entirely.  Easter (Resurrection Sunday) celebrates the Risen Savior.  He was the literal Passover Lamb.  He was our lamb, without blemsih,  sacrificed for our sins.   Passover celebrates the freedom of  the Jews from Egypt (saved by the blood of the lamb) and the return of Elijah (later incorporated) but many don't realize that the whole story of the resurrection is hidden in their celebration.   Jesus died exactly when the lambs were being slaughtered for the Passover celebration.  He was the fulfullment of the centuries of celebrated Passover.  Only the Jews don't see it that way. 



on Apr 20, 2009

that is a good question kfc but i dont think you were being sarcastic... swearing over a bible makes no sense at all because you have no idea if the person is actually chrisitan... and if you did, or if they refused, then it creates an environment of religious tension. Starting a court case by asking the witnesses to either lie about being christian or make a fuss about being a different religion that the jury is not a wise thing.


Not only that, but if you refuse to swear, it could be used agaisnt you in the case. There may be questioning of your truthfulness based off of just that.

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