Well, if this doesn't prove Sotomayor's obvious racist mentality is a problem we should not be ignoring, then we may as well turn this country into a dictatorship and get it over with. Anyone remember that little story about the Connecticut firefighters, 19 White and 1 Hispanic, who were denied promotions because not enough minority people passed the test? Remember who was one of the Appeals Court Judges who ruled against these firefighters denying them their promotions just because most were White? For those of you already crying "that's not true" you can cry all you want. We all know this was reverse racism, especially when coming from a woman who believes that she can do a better job that a "White man" because she's a "wise, Latina woman".
Well those firefighters were vindicated today when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the firefighters overturning Sotomayor's previous ruling against them. Talk about bad time as Sotomayor's nomination hearings are about to start in July and many had already been against her nomination for her comments about her being a "wise, Latina woman" and her ruling on the Connecticut firefighters. Could this ruling by the Supreme Court put a huge dent in Sotomayors chances of being nominated?
Personally, I hope it does and I hope she is denied her nomination. I am a Puerto Rican (like Sotomayor I believe) who believes that one should earn their way in life by hard work, determination and skills. I don't believe in Affirmative Action because it does not eliminate the problem, which is racism, but turns it against those who could be considered racist. To me this is like cheating, this is like getting to the top by elevator rather than walking up the steps. I want to be able to get into college, get a good job and become a person of high importance in my company because I earned it not because I'm a Minority and they feel bad for me. Had I been one of those who took the firefighters test and failed I would have stood by their side fighting for their rights to be promoted fairly. Where were all those who failed the test when those who passed it needed help defending themselves? Had she been a "wise, Latina woman" she would have never opened her mouth and said such a shameful comment. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.