The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

It seems that what many believed Google would eventually do is now set to be available before the end of the year. To follow in Google's attempt to offer a new way to browse the Internet, Google Chrome, Google is now ready to make available Google Chrome OS, an operating system meant to be simple, lightweight, fast and to better with web applications.

Personally I look forward to checking out this new OS. I'm curious to see just how plain, simple and clean it is. And of course, like Linux, Google claims it will make it as virus and spyware free as possible but us smart people know that even Apple and Linux are not immune to viruses or spyware and that all it takes is for a hacker to be interested enough, smart enough and dedicated enough to create them.

As the PC World article put it, not only has Google given MS something to keep an eye on when they took over online searching with, invaded Internet browsing with Google Chrome, taken a bit out of web apps with Google Maps, Google Calendar and others and make itself mobile with Google Android cell phone apps, now Google takes another shot at MS with Google Chrome OS. Now all we need is a Google based touch screen MP3 player (Google Pod?) and even Apple will start to watch Google more often.

PC World

Life Hacker

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 09, 2009

Hey they can go for it, I personally will not use it as I do not wnat my files kept somewhere else except on my Hard drives and the various media I have. I just do not trust GOOGLE as far as privacy issues. I only use Google Search period.

on Jul 09, 2009

I suppose Google is expecting a big trend toward 'cloud' computing, which is quite possibly the scariest thought I've had all month.


Cloud computing and a horde of computers controlled by one of the world's largest corporations..... Sky Net anyone?

on Jul 09, 2009

little unfair and mixing apples with oranges. been tempted to use outlook but never have but office has greatly improved. was using office 2000 and had to upgrade when we bought new computers as we misplaced the key. while I find myself adding functions to the customized toolbar (the layout is not intuitive) I am impressed by the improvements.

I dont think I'm mixing "apples and oranges". The round about point was that being able to backup a primary file for a program is a fundamental function in my opinion, yet in six (I think)  versions of MSO that feature is still not an option! Hence my "sitting on its ass" comment.

on Jul 09, 2009

As a supplemental OS on a supplemental PC . . I like it and wish Google much luck.

on Jul 09, 2009

As long as it's skinnable!

So long as it's skinnable eh?  Wouldn't matter that Google would use it to data mine and collect personal info/PC/surfing habits to its own advantage... not yours????  Not in this lifetime... not on my PC!!! Being skinnable does not make the Google OS any more attractive... certainly not more trustworthy... if you didn't trust a diamondback rattler before you dressed it in mink, why would you trust it afterwards!!!!


I just do not trust GOOGLE as far as privacy issues. I only use Google Search period.

And how does using only Google Search protect you from Google snooping?\

On the WWW your PC and IP address is identifiable... the moment you submit a query to Google Search you compromise yourself and your privacy.... open yourself up to targetted ads based on key words contained in your search reference.  So yeah, use Google Search and Google Mail and they lay claim to your internet history for their own purposes.

This says it all......

who in their right mind would give google (or any other company) access to business sensitive material and/or inadvertent personal data. google spys on it's customers.

And Using Google's OS would serve only to enhance its ability to spy on users. Not bloody likely!  Not Here!

on Jul 09, 2009

I trade data for services with google.  I do it knowingly.  There is some data I don't/won't upload . . . but most . . I will.

As an additional bonus . . the more info I share with google . . the better their services are for me. 

I use the little grocery card the same way.  The more then ytrack my purchases teh better they can serve me and then I'll go back to their store.

on Jul 09, 2009

Zubaz, you do realize that you're providing free marketing data to these stores. I do the same thing, don't get me wrong, but I don't think they are doing this to better serve us. I don't think their motives are altruistic or with you in mind. you're just a number to them that they can apply data to. how better to part you from your money.

on Jul 09, 2009

Zubaz, you do realize that you're providing free marketing data to these stores. I do the same thing, don't get me wrong, but I don't think they are doing this to better serve us. I don't think their motives are altruistic or with you in mind. you're just a number to them that they can apply data to. how better to part you from your money.
Oh no!  I tottally know that they are doing it for them.  But I'm a vegetarian . . and the more they know that I shop there and buy veggie alternatives the more likely they are to keep them in stock.  Furthermore, I often get targetted coupons for my crazy food that saves me money while keeping me at thier place.

There isn't a winner/loser here.  There's an exchange.  I controll part of that exchange though and am cool with it.  Right?

It's teh same with Google "services". 

on Jul 09, 2009

There is some data I don't/won't upload . . .

Ah, but what if NOTHING is sacred to Google's new OS... and EVERYTHING is fair game???

I mean, given Google's spying reputation, are you really going to trust their new OS not to pry into data you'd rather they NOT see?

As an additional bonus . . the more info I share with google . . the better their services are for me.

Or is that a case of the more you share/they track you, the more they know what to promote and what to withhold... in other words, limiting your choices to benefit themselves and clients rather than shed light on opposition goods and services.

Many people dislike Microsoft because it is so large and powerful in the OS world... some even going to the length of calling it a monopoly, yet Google is on the exempt list and they flock to it like it's some sort of God or something.  Like WTF is wrong with that???

I'll tell you what's wrong with it!  Google already collects and stores personal data illegally/without consent... something that law enforcement require a warrant/court order to do, and the more powerful Google becomes the greater chance there is that your personal data will eventually be used against you.... because Google is in the business of making money at ALL costs, including sinking various/certain individuals as a means to an end.  As it is, you can do a Google search on just about anyone and get information they'd rather you not see... info that should NEVER be made public knowledge, particularly withour consent.

I use the little grocery card the same way. The more then ytrack my purchases teh better they can serve me and then I'll go back to their store.

Ah, but can't you see that by tracking your purchases (everyone else's) they csn stock shelves in such a way as to limit your options... sell what they want you to buy, rather than offer alternatives you otherwise may purchase if given the opportunity???  This is not servicing you or the general public... this is a few large companies using technology and other slimy practices to squeeze out smaller competitors, and Google hopes to expand its evil empire by offering a freeby to entice, then suck from users all it can to advance its goals

The fact is, Google never offers anything for FREE... there are always strings attached.  They may not always be obvious or visible, but you can bet your ass they're there.


on Jul 09, 2009

What I want from an OS is something that will work - i.e. will be compatable with the various programs and games I choose to run. Unfortunately it sounds like google is pitching this OS at those people who don't care about such things, so I doubt it will prove any real competition to MS - my only hope is it acts as a small incentive for them to improve on windows more than they otherwise would.

on Jul 09, 2009

Ah, but what if NOTHING is sacred to Google's new OS... and EVERYTHING is fair game???

I mean, given Google's spying reputation, are you really going to trust their new OS not to pry into data you'd rather they NOT see?
I'd not post it. 

on Jul 09, 2009

I went and re-read the links in the OP.  Google very well may be able to find a niche in the netbook market just as some software developers have found a niche in the iPhone and similar devices. 

I don't see this much of a concern though in the larger PC market, but then what the heck do I know. 

on Jul 09, 2009

Google already collects and stores personal data illegally/without consent...
Huh?  They have their privacy policy on every page. (  And they are not *taking* your data . . you are giving it to them.  The police don't need a warrant if you let them look around.

Sorry starkers . . that argument doesn't fly.

on Jul 09, 2009

What I want from an OS is something that will work - i.e. will be compatable with the various programs and games I choose to run. Unfortunately it sounds like google is pitching this OS at those people who don't care about such things, so I doubt it will prove any real competition to MS - my only hope is it acts as a small incentive for them to improve on windows more than they otherwise would.

Google is pitching this OS in the hope that people disgruntled with Vista will go to the new google OS instead of trusting microsoft again. They are counting on google's reputation for things that work, and that many people do not know just how much google spies on its users-on everybody.

Google already collects and stores personal data illegally/without consent...Huh?  They have their privacy policy on every page. (  And they are not *taking* your data . . you are giving it to them.  The police don't need a warrant if you let them look around.

Sorry starkers . . that argument doesn't fly.


The problem is you do not choose what data you "give" to google, to use your analogy, if you let the cops look around once they have your permission they can look anywhere. An OS could read everything on your hard drive and anything in memory, i'm already catious about giving microsoft that ability, giving it to google is just scary

on Jul 09, 2009

The problem is you do not choose what data you "give" to google, to use your analogy, if you let the cops look around once they have your permission they can look anywhere. An OS could read everything on your hard drive and anything in memory, i'm already catious about giving microsoft that ability, giving it to google is just scary
You can choose to use it at all.

Other possible issues with Google OS:

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