The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

It seems that what many believed Google would eventually do is now set to be available before the end of the year. To follow in Google's attempt to offer a new way to browse the Internet, Google Chrome, Google is now ready to make available Google Chrome OS, an operating system meant to be simple, lightweight, fast and to better with web applications.

Personally I look forward to checking out this new OS. I'm curious to see just how plain, simple and clean it is. And of course, like Linux, Google claims it will make it as virus and spyware free as possible but us smart people know that even Apple and Linux are not immune to viruses or spyware and that all it takes is for a hacker to be interested enough, smart enough and dedicated enough to create them.

As the PC World article put it, not only has Google given MS something to keep an eye on when they took over online searching with, invaded Internet browsing with Google Chrome, taken a bit out of web apps with Google Maps, Google Calendar and others and make itself mobile with Google Android cell phone apps, now Google takes another shot at MS with Google Chrome OS. Now all we need is a Google based touch screen MP3 player (Google Pod?) and even Apple will start to watch Google more often.

PC World

Life Hacker

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on Jul 10, 2009

If they take the idea of could computing all the way there's no reason why you wouldn't be able to play demigod or whatever else you want on the thing.  Supposedly Onlive is already functional, though I'm skeptical that it could be popular in the US or any other country with a similarly crappy internet backbone until some major infrastructure development takes place (aka not especially soon).

on Jul 10, 2009

i dont know about this whole ms vs google thing, but i know that my mom and dad use the computer differently than me, and my little brother uses it even more differently than i do. Mom and Dad surf news and weather, not much else, i play some games, do my homework, look things up, email and socialize a little, mod Sins  and sleep.  My little brother plays games and chats, surfs the net looking at guitars, while listening to itunes in his ears and texting with his phone in his lap while he does the rest. Mom and Dad are on maybe an hour a day, im on two or three, my brother is on like 5 or 6. Lotta time.  

But i do notice he uses the web mostly, something like Google might be interesting, and nice if its free.

just my two cents, but remember that im no expert at this, haha, so im just saying what i think.  



on Jul 10, 2009

On topic, how fucked up does your company need to be to be LESS trustworthy than Microsoft? Yet Google does it effortlessly.

Microsoft states in its privacy policy that it DOES NOT collect or store personally identifiable data... Google does NOT state this.  In fact, as I recall, there was some public outrage that Google stated in its Chrome browser EULA that by clicking the agree button users consented to the collection and storage of personal search inquiries/surfing habits, etc... meaning the browser has spy and phone home capabilities.

Yeah, right, like that's going to instil and confidence in potential/prospective users.  It's not whether you have anything to hide, but the fact that Google assumes the right to snoop on all your internet activities... and this Chrome OS will just make their prying that much easier. 

The OS will no doubt have phone home capabilities... meaning that not only would your internet activities monitored, but also that the contents of your PC would be accessible to Google.  And it doesn't matter if you're storing personal documents or a drive full of porn, the fact it that it is YOUR property and Google has NO right to view it. That's tantamount to some filthy lecher peering through the keyhole while you shower/take a bath... and Google, given its history, IS that perverse parasite peering through your internet/PC keyhole, if you're naive or foolish enough to believe they're doing you a favour with this 'supposedly free' shiny new OS... it WILL have strings attached.

on Jul 10, 2009

With Linux you do not register with anyone nor sign any terms and conditions. Some things are free.


Wrong. You must agree to the fact that GNU must be respected. If you modify and give out your own version, it must have GNU agreement.


Otherwise its very nice agreement indeed.

on Jul 10, 2009

REDstyler, please stop screwing with the fonts. Not only does it make your posts basically unreadable, it can sometimes break pages in IE (assuming you are copy/pasting from word instead of doing that manually here).


Get with the times and use Firefox.

on Jul 10, 2009

REDstyler, please stop screwing with the fonts. Not only does it make your posts basically unreadable, it can sometimes break pages in IE (assuming you are copy/pasting from word instead of doing that manually here).

Sorry, I use Firefox, and it looks fine - but I'll stop

Get with the times and use Firefox.


Wrong. You must agree to the fact that GNU must be respected. If you modify and give out your own version, it must have GNU agreement.


Otherwise its very nice agreement indeed.

Agreed. The license is free open, and I think that one should look at RESPECTING the license, rather than just aggreeing to it.

on Jul 10, 2009

Naturally, the logical thing to do is not store incriminating or confidential information on your computer. But that doesn't make data harvesting any less disturbing, does it? For those of us in America, what the hell happened to the right to privacy?

on Jul 10, 2009

I do NOT give Google personal information... nor the consent to use it, yet Google has pages of data on me, as a recent forum thread here revealed. Shit, they even know my real name... and I certainly didn't give it to them. So much for their privacy policy!!

Furthermore, I am NOT giving Google information when I visit WC, DA or any other site, yet google analytics is there watching, data mining at every page load. That is my personal business... my relationship with those particular sites, yet google analytics knows my IP address, location and what I'm looking at. So tell me, if you can, how that is respecting my privacy?

I did NOT send Google an open invitation to pry into my surfing habits... so yes, they DO need a warrant/court order to "look around". Do they have one? No, they do not!!! So yes, my argument does fly.
If you put data on the web that is not secured by the site you post it on then your problem should not be with google but with the hosting site.

Google scans public sites for public info.  That's not infringing on anyone's rights.

on Jul 10, 2009


REDstyler, please stop screwing with the fonts. Not only does it make your posts basically unreadable, it can sometimes break pages in IE (assuming you are copy/pasting from word instead of doing that manually here).


Get with the times and use Firefox.

At home I have Firefox and use it only for pages people break doing stupid shit like this, because I find it generally inferior to IE, but that's just me. Right now, I'm at work and don't have the option of installing Firefox on a university computer.

on Jul 10, 2009

If you put data on the web that is not secured by the site you post it on then your problem should not be with google but with the hosting site.

Based on that argument, then, my complaint is with WC!!!

Google scans public sites for public info. That's not infringing on anyone's rights.

So my profile here is public information, is it???   I must be mistaken, then... I thought access to personal pages was reserved for WC subscribers... yet the Google page I was linked to shows info that would only have come from my PP... my full name has never appeared in the forums.

on Jul 10, 2009

Send me the link and I'll look into it.

on Jul 10, 2009

Send me the link and I'll look into it.

I don't recall exactly which thread it was in right now... I just remember clicking on a link that took me to a Google page containing multiple references to me, and reading in one: "starkers aka Mark *******"

I'll try to hunt it down, but I won't use Google to locate the page... against my principles.

on Jul 17, 2009

my wife and I had a discussion about the free linux open source, she works for a company that uses open source on their end user product. What I was told is that the free open source OS requires a little more than superficial knowledge about computers. correct me if I'm incorrect but this is not some *.exe file but a zip file that further needs to be configured, compiled and installed.

my lack of skills would make this an unreasonable consideration.

yes, it is true that IF the software in question isn't available in the repos, you must manually install it from the source, which is usually provided in a zip file.  However, instead of a *.zip, it is usually a *.tar.gz (they're called tarballs, but are just zip files). Most of the time, you just right-click on them and select "extract here" from the context menu (should be very familiar with Windows users) and then there will usually be a file called "" or something like that. you just double-click it and when the dialog box pops up, you select 'run'. It's not hard like it used to be, and the learning curve from Windows is very minimal nowadays.  In most cases, the software is available in the repos (most Linux distributions have thousands of programs in their repos) and you can install the software titles with just a few mouse clicks automatically and entirely painlessly (and free).

With Linux you do not register with anyone nor sign any terms and conditions. Some things are free.

This is very true. Also, all of the current Linux distros that I know of have Firefox and software, and also has eye-candy that beats Windows 10 times over (look at Compiz-fusion's 3D desktop cube...WOW). Linux shouldn't be associated with Google, it is among the most stable and secure operating systems (along with Unix) available anywhere for any price, and it's absolutely free with no strings of any type at can even change it, copy it and sell it.  You programmers out there that love Windows, how about downloading the source code of an entire operating system and play with that for a while? OMG! Try that with Windows.

You folks figured out that I'm a Linux fanboy? LOL I would guess that 90% of everyone who ever trys it will feel the same way.

on Jul 31, 2009

I'll try to hunt it down, but I won't use Google to locate the page... against my principles.

Jesus christ, that sounds like a mental sickness.

Who do you think you are? And more than that, who do you think can damn cares about you?

God, you can be at best just a little bunch of statistics for Google, nothing more. Do you really think they are going to hunt for your private garbage?



on Jul 31, 2009

Who do you think you are?

Hmmm, let's see! 

Orright, I are my own person...meaning that what I do and what I share with others is MY business

I are NOT the property of Google... yet Google assumes the right to store my personal data, gathered either via google-analytics or trawling the sites I visit. Now what I put on the forums here is there for all to see, and thus is public knowledge, but when Google covertly collects/stores data via it's web monitoring tools (google-analytics) it is an invasion of my personal privacy. I have NO Google products or services on my PC, nor have I signed any EULA agreements with them, yet they still data mine as if i had, via google-analytics.  Last I heard, law enforcement needed a warrant to *say* tap phones to gather information, so why is it, then, that Google is still being allowed to do what is tantamount to the same thing via 'illegal internet tapping'????

And more than that, who do you think can damn cares about you?

It isn't about whether anybody cares about me or not... it's the principle of the thing.  At no time have I authorised Google to collect or store data on me, yet it does.  It's not about whether or not you can 'google' my name and find references to my WC activities... it's about Google data mining me with the intent to seek profit. If I refuse to use their products and services on the basis that I detest advertising and the Google agenda, there's no way on Earth I'm going to sanction the use of my data for the pupose of seeking to profit.

God, you can be at best just a little bunch of statistics for Google, nothing more. Do you really think they are going to hunt for your private garbage?

Again, it's a matter of principle! It's not about whether or not Google specifically hunts for my "personal garbage", it's about Google having the technology and means to snoop/pry into my on-line activities and more... and that being the case, Google more than likely does have personal information on me that I've NOT openly shared and is NOT public knowledge. 

Now I don't give a stuff if people know I once tried pot; visited a particular porn site on such n' such a date; sent my sister a dirty joke... or even that I think Google is the scum of the internet, what I do object to is Google's collection and storage of my personal information, none of which is relevant to Google's continuing operation  More to the point, being that Google is in the business of making money, how long before Google starts selling personal data to the highest bidder??  Oh, that's right, they already do... to corporations seeking your business.  Hmmm, now that is a can of worms just waiting to be opened/exploited by the unscrupulous, isn't it!!!

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