Don't get me wrong, I actually feel bad we are not gonna get the Olympics here in the US. Mind you I could think of a few better places than Chicago to host them but hey, Chicago is part of the US as well so.
With that said, I guess we can finally accept that when it comes to Obama and the International community, that magical, God-like, charm of his didn't quite go so well considering the US was the first country to be eliminated. Perhaps if he had his Communist friends, Ahmadinejad, Chavez and Qaddafi, voting he may have stood a better chance.
Oh well, I guess now that he's no longer focusing on the Olympics in Chicago, maybe he can get working on some really important issues, you know, like General McChrystal's request for more troops, the economy, oh and maybe he can start paying attention to the opposition against his Healthcare plan. Not that any of these were more important than getting the Olympics for Chicago.
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