The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

Don't get me wrong, I actually feel bad we are not gonna get the Olympics here in the US. Mind you I could think of a few better places than Chicago to host them but hey, Chicago is part of the US as well so.

With that said, I guess we can finally accept that when it comes to Obama and the International community, that magical, God-like, charm of his didn't quite go so well considering the US was the first country to be eliminated. Perhaps if he had his Communist friends, Ahmadinejad, Chavez and Qaddafi, voting he may have stood a better chance.

Oh well, I guess now that he's no longer focusing on the Olympics in Chicago, maybe he can get working on some really important issues, you know, like General McChrystal's request for more troops, the economy, oh and maybe he can start paying attention to the opposition against his Healthcare plan. Not that any of these were more important than getting the Olympics for Chicago.

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Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 05, 2009

yeah 30 for me...that makes your ecucation "newer".

Really? Hmm, and to think I had you pegged at mid/late twenties. (Or maybe that was Taltamir?) That being said, aside from recent findings in science, history and so on - there really isn't much difference in what you learn. It's still based on the basic reading, writing, and OH MY GAWD BRING ME SOME ASPRIN! (Er, I mean math, lol; I'm not a math person by any means if you can't tell. My forte was video and writing/history).


*rolls eyes* Good grief, I hope you're joking; otherwise, I might take up drinking again. (Yeah, I know I'm odd - a straight edge college student.)



on Oct 05, 2009

Yes, we make mistakes, but does that mean we shouldn't apologize for them? What gives us the right, or entitlement to be arrogant and not think we should own up to our mistakes?

Lets reverse your "thinking". Who apologizes to the US? What gives them the right, or entitlement to be so arrogant and not think they should own up to their mistakes? Does the shark apologize to the sea-lion for eating it? Does the sea-lion apologize to the clam? The clam to tiny organisms? Your liberal (and Obama's) utopia sounds wonderful, but it is what it is, make believe.

"Love is never having to say your sorry" and I love everyone in the world.

on Oct 05, 2009

I might take up drinking again

on Oct 05, 2009

Honestly, I cannot answer that because I've yet to reconcile defensive and proactive action. I believe in defending and would defend my friends and family with a vengeance, but I cannot say that I would seek pre-emptive/preventative action. That to me still rings of aggression and "acceptable" violence.

You may be taking this a few steps too far. You were talking about sticking our noses in other peoples business. I was basically refering to that concept, not jumping to war every time we "think" someone is doing something that could "potentially" be bad. Pre-emptive action, not pre-emptive attack. But as i said, if we think someone like Iran or N Korea is seeking nukes, should we ignore this until something comes up such as a big mushroom cloud?

Why be so concerned about Israel? Okay, so they're our "only" ally (yeah, right. *cough* Saudi Arabia *cough*) in the middle east. Your point? We need to stop coddling or worrying so much about them and more about us. What happens in Israel, should just stay in Israel - you know? Granted, it may affect us, but we'll deal with it when it does.

Why so concerned over Israel? Let's see, they are our allies, they are human beings and they are basically in between a bunch of countries that hate them, wanna destroy them and are surrounded by other countries who seem to be waiting for something to happen in order to take action rather than prevent the events. I like your use of coddling, just a moment ago you were defending gays and lesbians and here you are stating we should not be coddling Israel. You can't have it both ways AJ, you either stand by your friends side and have their backs or you let them fight their own fights.

Charles, he's been in office since 2005 - so that's four years. We've believed they have had the capabilities and intention for a while haven't they given some terrorist some uranium or other radioactive materials for a dirty bomb? He has had a lot of time, and many many opportunities to carry out his threats....but he hasn't. Why?

Hmmm, you are assuming. You don't know what he has done, what he has provided, what he has. The US did not know about the second Nuclear Plant (or at least the Obama Adinistartion lead us to believe they didn't know). Just because he has not done anything does not mean he does not intend to. People like Ahmadinejad are not stupid, they are smarter than we want to believe. Do you want to find out if he is capable? I surely don't and expect the US and any other country willing to stand up for whats right and not what benefits them financially to do the something about it.

Again, I point back to my point regarding him being a blowhard. (Doesn't mean he isn't dangerous, but I feel it is unlikely he'll carry out the threats)

I'm curious, if you knew someone constantly saying they are going to beat you up, would you consider them dangerous? Bush said less things than Ahmadinejad and he was considered dangerous by many in this country alone.

That's presumptious Charles because I don't ignore the good we do. Granted, I do often come off as extremely critical of the United States, but that's because I give a damn (a lot) about my native country.

It's not presumptious, I am going by what you comment and like Obama, you barely ever have anything nice to say about your own country. You use the few bad parts of us and make it seem like we are a orrible Nation and while it may not be your intent, it comes off that way.

Yes, we make mistakes, but does that mean we shouldn't apologize for them? What gives us the right, or entitlement to be arrogant and not think we should own up to our mistakes?

It's one thing to admit mistakes. I do it all the time. It's another to talk about a country, your country, as if you had nothing to do with all the wrong it did, as if we never did anything right either. Obama does not say "we messed up", he blames past Administrations for the dislike others have for us. he forgets he was part of that Administration and what makes his commenst worse is that our countrys Govt is designed to balance power between many people, Congress, Senate, White House and even the Justice Syetem, but Obama says "I" over and over again as i he has all the power in the world to change anthing by himself.

on Oct 06, 2009

Show me one great nation in the history of the world that has apologized to the world for it's actions? Show me a nation that humbled itself (of its own accord) before the world? Obama's actions are unprecedented in history and not in the best interest of the country.

Every time the news comes up with a story like "stray israeli mortar kills 5 year old girl at beach" israel first and foremost begins profusely apologizing to everyone for such a tragic accident...

Of course, when a few days later someone notices that the girl in the picture has rigor mortis and is the exact same girl held by the same "rescue worker" (crying, in a dramatic pose, every time) shown in the last 3 "tragic accidents" and put 2+2 together nobody publishes it and israel's own apology counts as an admission of guilt.

If the same dead body is pulled from 4 different explosions by the same "rescue worker" than only two things are possible:

1: she died in the first one, and he is carting her corpse around from place to place to jerk more tears. Where the last 3 instances where fraud.

2: she died from something unrelated, and all 4 cases were fraud. For all we know she died of the flu.

I am leaning towards the second option because she shows rigor mortis in the first picture.

Oh, I forgot possibility 3... she has 3 identical twin sisters who are coincidently all killed in the same week and whose body is found by the same single rescue worker every single time.

on Oct 06, 2009

Every time the news comes up with a story like "stray israeli mortar kills 5 year old girl at beach" israel first and foremost begins profusely apologizing to everyone for such a tragic accident...

Of course, when a few days later someone notices that the girl in the picture has rigor mortis and is the exact same girl held by the same "rescue worker" (crying, in a dramatic pose, every time) shown in the last 3 "tragic accidents" and put 2+2 together nobody publishes it and israel's own apology counts as an admission of guilt.

If the same dead body is pulled from 4 different explosions by the same "rescue worker" than only two things are possible:

1: she died in the first one, and he is carting her corpse around from place to place to jerk more tears. Where the last 3 instances where fraud.

2: she died from something unrelated, and all 4 cases were fraud. For all we know she died of the flu.

I am leaning towards the second option because she shows rigor mortis in the first picture.

Oh, I forgot possibility 3... she has 3 identical twin sisters who are coincidently all killed in the same week and whose body is found by the same single rescue worker every single time.


That or the news agency and/or journalist didn't do their job and get a photo of it; they could easily have decided (rather lazily) to use a stock/previously used photo. It happens all the time, unfortunately.


on Oct 07, 2009

BTW it is one thing to apologize to a family for an accident, it's another to apologize to the world for your predecessors policies (with a big exclusion for yourself and your parties contributing role).

on Oct 08, 2009

That or the news agency and/or journalist didn't do their job and get a photo of it; they could easily have decided (rather lazily) to use a stock/previously used photo. It happens all the time, unfortunately.



1. Fails to explain rigor mortis

2. Does not account for the different background, (I happened to see the photos, the background were different).

on Oct 08, 2009


1. Fails to explain rigor mortis

2. Does not account for the different background, (I happened to see the photos, the background were different).


1. Simple, the person is dead.


2. Sure it does, they're being lazy and/or unethical. To be frank, there is some amazing shit you can do with some of the most basic photo editing software. Heck, with something like Adobe Photoshop I could fix a photo that would be unbecoming for, say, Obama. Isn't that hard really.

It's unfortunate, but in my opinion, the age yellow journalism is back.



on Oct 08, 2009

1. rigor mortis takes some time to occur.

2. If they are using fake photos to prove it, then their claim of israel killing civilians is more than a little suspect.
Reminds me of another "israeli bombing" that happened during the same "lebanon war"... where it just so happens that in that particular case there were photos (smuggled out by an AP reporter who secretly took them - but the AP only showed the photos approved by the hamas) which showed them setting up the scene, dead guys walking into the rabble, getting makeup, and then lying down "dead" in the rabble... the press had a field day showing the corpses, but not the whole setup of the process.

on Oct 09, 2009

1. rigor mortis takes some time to occur.

2. If they are using fake photos to prove it, then their claim of israel killing civilians is more than a little suspect.
Reminds me of another "israeli bombing" that happened during the same "lebanon war"... where it just so happens that in that particular case there were photos (smuggled out by an AP reporter who secretly took them - but the AP only showed the photos approved by the hamas) which showed them setting up the scene, dead guys walking into the rabble, getting makeup, and then lying down "dead" in the rabble... the press had a field day showing the corpses, but not the whole setup of the process.


1. I was being sarcastic, it was a joke.


2. Like I said: It is not hard to do;  I work with Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro all the time.  I figure they were just being lazy and/or unethical.




on Oct 09, 2009

1. Ah, sorry, sacrasm does not convey well over forums.

2. I totally agree that forging pictures is both lazy and unethical

on Oct 09, 2009

I totally agree that forging pictures is both lazy and unethical

*Nods* Frankly, I find it disgusting that any journalist would do that; however, as I've continued with my journalism studies, I've realized why they do it. Or, at least, some reasons why. I'm concerned about the return of yellow journalism, and the fusion of true , fact based journalism with entertainment (not to mention the business aspect). I fear that journalism, which really is a HUGE part of our culture (democracy, etc.), is going to fade away or falter. I would hate to see that happen. Heck, our nation was helped in its founding by journalism.

Ah, sorry, sacrasm does not convey well over forums.

*shrugs* It's all good; I should have put some emoticon with it, but oh well.



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