The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

Don't get me wrong, I actually feel bad we are not gonna get the Olympics here in the US. Mind you I could think of a few better places than Chicago to host them but hey, Chicago is part of the US as well so.

With that said, I guess we can finally accept that when it comes to Obama and the International community, that magical, God-like, charm of his didn't quite go so well considering the US was the first country to be eliminated. Perhaps if he had his Communist friends, Ahmadinejad, Chavez and Qaddafi, voting he may have stood a better chance.

Oh well, I guess now that he's no longer focusing on the Olympics in Chicago, maybe he can get working on some really important issues, you know, like General McChrystal's request for more troops, the economy, oh and maybe he can start paying attention to the opposition against his Healthcare plan. Not that any of these were more important than getting the Olympics for Chicago.

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Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 02, 2009

I'm happy for Brazil. They deserved the nomination hands down IMO. As for Obama I guess part of the reason many love him outside of the US is because he embodies the persona "don't do anything for the US because we are bad". So what did he expect? If you preach "Bad US" don't be surprised when the choir sings it back to you. Even the liberals and socialists of the world have no use for a weakling, if the US is weak they believe that it elevates them.

I did get a kick out of the concern about crime in Rio, and laughed because it's not much better in Chicago.

Again Brazil, my sincere congratulations.   

on Oct 02, 2009

Communist friends, Ahmadinejad, Chavez and Qaddafi

You actually had the balls of calling Ahmadinejad and Qaddafi communists?

on Oct 02, 2009

Not that any of these were more important than getting the Olympics for Chicago.

Mmm, I feel that if we got the Olympics, it would've been a plus to repairing our international image. I mean it hasn't exactly been polished.

That being said, I'm laughing my ass off that you called Ahmadinejad communist. He's had countless communist leaders both in and out of his country consistantly speak harshly against him. They don't like him, period.

Sorry Charles, but you stuck your head up your tush on that one.



on Oct 02, 2009

You actually had the balls of calling Ahmadinejad and Qaddafi communists?

Communist, socialist, maxist, dictators. It's all the same to me. And yea, I do have some pretty big cojones.

Mmm, I feel that if we got the Olympics, it would've been a plus to repairing our international image. I mean it hasn't exactly been polished.

As I said I would have liked it to have been here but the International Community has spoken. As to repairing our image, I would think we would have had to lose most of the competitions and win few gold medals just so they dont think we rigged the games somehow.

That being said, I'm laughing my ass off that you called Ahmadinejad communist. He's had countless communist leaders both in and out of his country consistantly speak harshly against him. They don't like him, period.

As I told Cikomyr, communist, socialist, maxist, dictators. It's all the same to me.

on Oct 02, 2009

it would've been a plus to repairing our international image

Wait a few, Obama isn't finished smashing our image as a world leader and reducing us in to the Albania of the Western Hemisphere in the eyes of the world.

on Oct 03, 2009

Needed Card Check for the IOC, I guess.

on Oct 03, 2009

Communist, socialist, maxist, dictators. It's all the same to me.

Members of The few, the proud, the Ignorants!?

Ahmadinejad isn't a dictator, ya should know (and while Chavez is definetly unheathily leaning toward it, its not totally the case). Only total ignorance of realities (or convenient political agenda) would make you think otherwise.

And since why would you qualify Obama as "pals" with these people? Your whole post reeks of irrational partisanship.

on Oct 03, 2009

Wait a few, Obama isn't finished smashing our image as a world leader and reducing us in to the Albania of the Western Hemisphere in the eyes of the world.

What, you think we saw you as "world leader" in the past 6 years?

on Oct 03, 2009

Wait a few, Obama isn't finished smashing our image as a world leader and reducing us in to the Albania of the Western Hemisphere in the eyes of the world.

Oh sure, I remember where it is written that we're the leaders of the world......right, it isn't. I'm beginning to understand why foreigners get pissed off at our country - we have no right, nor do we have any responsibility to lead the world. We need to stay out of shit we don't belong in, period.


As I said I would have liked it to have been here but the International Community has spoken. As to repairing our image, I would think we would have had to lose most of the competitions and win few gold medals just so they dont think we rigged the games somehow.

Mmm, I doubt it, but who knows.

As I told Cikomyr, communist, socialist, maxist, dictators. It's all the same to me.

Well then you my friend, are not considering all the details. A socialist is not necessarily a dictator, and not all dictators are socialist (and so on so forth). It's the generalized,paint brush thinking that gets people into trouble you know.



on Oct 03, 2009

I'm not surprised that the IOC slapped them, especially after the arrogance of Michelle's "look what a sacrifice I made" commentary. Obama seems like he's striking out no matter where he goes... everyone is telling him no. what a total loser and complete crash and burn for the Democrats.

on Oct 03, 2009

Members of The few, the proud, the Ignorants!?

Ah yes, and so the attacks begin. I guess it's pretty hard for some to prove someone wrong without  resorting to insults.

Ahmadinejad isn't a dictator, ya should know (and while Chavez is definetly unheathily leaning toward it, its not totally the case). Only total ignorance of realities (or convenient political agenda) would make you think otherwise.

Call him what you want. dictator, sociolist, marxist, communist. I don't care. The guy is evil plain and simple. If you want specifics than go to some highly specialized blog for perfectionist. I'm not here to please your needs for daily perfection. Besides, what do you care? You only reply to these forums and you find something that seems correct but never actually comment are the topic itself. Plain and simple, if I need a grammar police, a dictionary police or an encyclopedia police, I'll call you. In the mean time, if you have nothing of value to add to the topic, keep your comments to yourself.

BTW, I am not taking away any freedom to provide unrequested replies. I am simply asking that if you gonna reply, at least make a decent effort to tackle the topic itself as well. Thank you.

And since why would you qualify Obama as "pals" with these people? Your whole post reeks of irrational partisanship.

Perhaps you failed to read the title of my blog, here it is again:

"Just another poor Conservative Joe"

BTW, that's your opinion. Something I have no problam you having. Feel free think what you want about me. I can't always please everyone. But at least say something about the topic as oppose to turning peoples articles into a grammar debate or something of that nature.

What, you think we saw you as "world leader" in the past 6 years?

We were not called the most powerful nation for nothing. But I can understand why you don't want to see us that way. I just hope my Gov't is smart enough to realize how stupid we are for giving large amounts of money to help a bunch of ungreatful countries who either don't need it or have a natural disaster (something sometimes blamed on the US for happening BTW). I guess Brads "Good Will" articles makes more sense now.

Mmm, I doubt it, but who knows.

Your opinion is your own. You can doubt it but I guess we will never know now will we?

Well then you my friend, are not considering all the details. A socialist is not necessarily a dictator, and not all dictators are socialist (and so on so forth). It's the generalized,paint brush thinking that gets people into trouble you know.

A socialist is not necessarily a dictator, but he can be. Not all dictators are socialist, but some are. Some ar marxist, some are not. The one thing I see here as a patern is that they are all evil (as far as i'm concerned) and willing to hurt their own people physically to show their control. More than anything, most of the world accepts they are not good people, plain and simple. Or are you gonna claim they are?


on Oct 03, 2009

Things are going too well to get upset by Cikomyr's personal insults. Oprah and the Obama's have imploded in Copenhagen.... David Letterman's sordid extramarital affairs have been exposed, Whoopi Goldberg has dragged the View into the gutter with her "not really rape-rape" gaffe, and far left congressmen are flipping their lids on a daily basis over the Obamacare debacle. 

on Oct 03, 2009

Call him what you want. dictator, sociolist, marxist, communist. I don't care. The guy is evil plain and simple. If you want specifics than go to some highly specialized blog for perfectionist. I'm not here to please your needs for daily perfection. Besides, what do you care? You only reply to these forums and you find something that seems correct but never actually comment are the topic itself. Plain and simple, if I need a grammar police, a dictionary police or an encyclopedia police, I'll call you. In the mean time, if you have nothing of value to add to the topic, keep your comments to yourself.

Wtf? Maybe I missed it, but where did he become a grammar nazi? There's a clear difference between pretentiously correcting grammar and clearing up obvious errors of facts,etc.

Ah yes, and so the attacks begin. I guess it's pretty hard for some to prove someone wrong without resorting to insults.


Why are you so self righteously defensive when someone "supposibly" insults you, yet you have no problem making comments that are insults to others? Not saying you continuously insult, but you have made such comments before. Where's the consideration or respect for the people you insulted?


Perhaps you failed to read the title of my blog, here it is again: "Just another poor Conservative Joe" BTW, that's your opinion. Something I have no problam you having. Feel free think what you want about me. I can't always please everyone. But at least say something about the topic as oppose to turning peoples articles into a grammar debate or something of that nature.

So, if I get this straight Charles, you're willing to some cases, be a "poor conservative joe," even when some of the shit that happens is...bullshit. Why be irrational? Why fucking add to the political irrationality that pervades our country?


Your opinion is your own. You can doubt it but I guess we will never know now will we?

Thank you for reminding me that my opinion is my own; now, I can live life happy. ;~P Sure, that is true - we may never know.

A socialist is not necessarily a dictator, but he can be. Not all dictators are socialist, but some are. Some ar marxist, some are not. The one thing I see here as a patern is that they are all evil (as far as i'm concerned) and willing to hurt their own people physically to show their control. More than anything, most of the world accepts they are not good people, plain and simple. Or are you gonna claim they are?

I won't deny that 99.999% of them are nuts, evil, and so on. I think it takes a special kind of meglomaniac and egotist to become a dictator. My point still stands though is that you can't just place them all in one group when there are clear distinctions and not always does one equat with another.


on Oct 03, 2009

What, you think we saw you as "world leader" in the past 6 years?

No, just don't really give a damn what you think, you know your place in the world, deal with it. 99% of Americans don't even know the name of your leaders, why? Because it makes no difference in their lives. Where are the Canadian political blogs on JU? I'm sure their are some in Canada, but who cares in the US? Yet, plenty of foreigners come here to bitch about the US, why? Have they solved all their own domestic problems? Isn't that a good place to start. Too many player haters. It might be envy, jealousy, misinformation - pick one. I'm not trying to come off as rude, that's not my intent, but someone needs to tell it to you straight and honest in plain language.

Back to your question. Yes they did. Some in the world don't like the US, that's irrelevant, they still listen when the US speaks. Now the current administration wants a world consensus, we are witnessing what that gets us. Nobody likes the class pussy, they might ignore him, they might say hi once in a while, but he'll never be voted class president or prom king. That's life, I didn't make up the rules. Some people here want this to be so, but they don't understand that most Americans don't like losers. That is why Obama's numbers are dropping like a rock. The world is full of followers, if this administration wants to continue in this direction, someone else will fill the gap (don't worry I believe Canada is safe).

So I can't stop you from losing sleep because you like/don't like the US government (we can count up all your posts on US political issues to measure your "concern"). Just don't be upset because there is no reciprocal interest.

on Oct 03, 2009

Ahmadinejad isn't a dictator, ya should know

Him being declared the winner by a landslide mere hours after the polls OPENED (and 2 before they actually closed) is complete coincidence. And him sending his "police" to brutalize those who protested the sham election is also irrelevant. We should "accept the results of the election" (obama said that)

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