The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on December 16, 2009 By CharlesCS In Politics

Why are the JU Liberals so quite all of a sudden? How come they are not posting their opinions on recent events where Democrats are making fools of themselves? Why are they not making excuses, defending and at the least denying all these Demo-gate issues we are seeing on a daily basis?

Do you agree or not Obama deserves the B+ he gave himself? Do you agree or not with his non-surge surge for Afghanistan and the timeline he gave for it? Do you think all this Global Warming, Climate Change data fudging is a lie or the truth? Is the current healthcare bill that keeps shrinking and shrinking and changing from what the Democrats really wanted what you really want? Do Obama's abismal approval ratings bother you? Iran building more nuclear plants and testing new long-range missile while dismissing Obama and his "Diplomacy" and the U.N., does this not make you question our current policies?

Or is it that reality has finally sunk in, that everything you expected from Obama was nothing but lies, that this Administration has done more harm than good while blaming the previous Administration for their failure to get anything done, that Obama's B+ is more like a D-, that it was a mistake to vote for him?

Did I want Obama to fail? Yes, his policies would turn this country into everything our Forefathers were against, what our Constitution is against, what our culture is against. Do I want this country to fail? No, but I was not the one who voted for Obama and sometimes mistakes must be made and prices must be paid in order for the good to be learned. This is a 4 year lesson on how not to run this country and ignore and lie to it's people.

11 months, that's gotta be a record for failure.

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on Dec 22, 2009

Tee-hee! Nitro, the links you posted illustrate your ignorance about what is going on in the region. The opening of the pipeline between Kazakhstan and China is actually a major blow to U.S interests, BUT it doesn't even begin to address the purpose I stated earlier. That purpose is to run natural gas (not oil) from the Caspian basin, bypassing Russia to ports and major transit points that are controlled by or reliably accessible to U.S and European oil companies.

And where would your gas pipeline through Afghanistan run in order to be delivered to the US and Europe? Afghanistan is bordered by 5 nations, none of which have a care to particular care to support the US or Europe's natural gas needs. Your the ignorant one from the sound of your comment. We don't need the various "stan's" gas or oil, we only need them to be able to sell it without the single route through Russia (where they make money and can turn it off in a whim). Oil and Gas revenues keep these countries stable, AND THAT IS IN THE INTEREST OF THE US. I know it's hard for your strategically stunted brain to comprehend, you've been force fed the notion that the US needs every last drop of oil on the planet, when that is far from the reality of it. Your deep seated disdain for projected US military power is blinding you. The Chinese oil pipeline (and gas in the future if they so choose) is a good enough alternate to keep these cash flowing into these countries and provide stability. If the US was planning a pipeline at one time, its purpose was surely to funnel money to these countries as natural gas is plentiful and much easier to get else where.

The last thing the US needs is more expensive natural gas when we get it so much cheaper from Canada and Mexico LINK  let alone from an expensive 2000 mile pipeline in central Asia. Oil is another thing entirely as the price justifies the cost of a pipeline.

The US production of natural gas out paces the consumption of the resource. So why do we by it? Who the hell knows, but looking at the list of countries we buy it from, I'd say it is to stimulate their economies, for the same reason we produce steel and still buy abroad.

on Dec 22, 2009

I never said either of the above.

Sorry for my laziness.  I do have a habit of picking up a point and running with it without clarifying that I may not be attributing my direction of thought to the person that caused the original point to be made.  Just lazy writing.  Beyond that....

Bush was terribly malleable to those whom he listened, so much so that at one point he had to pull Cheney aside and tell him not to call the shots in meetings.... something Cheney became accustomed to.

I disagree.  I know it is one of the popular whipping boys for those who hate bush (he is evil, he is stupid, he is so smart, he was manipulated, etc.), but it is clear that if Cheney was calling the shots, we would not have had the domestic garbage we did.  The one argument I do buy about Bush was that it was personal between him and Saddam (due to the hit put out by Saddam on Bush Sr.).  But then he is human, if misguided in some respects.

1) 9/11- when informed that the nation was under attack, Bush sat there dumbfounded for several minutes.

Seconds, not minutes.  And thank god for that.  Are you a Clancy fan?  If so, I would recommend The Sum of all Fears (the movie sucked).  I would prefer a president who does not jump up and "bomb, bomb, Iran" and starts thinking about the situation and the first move.

2) Hurricane Katrina- when briefed on the impending doom, Bush was again sans a smart guy in the room.

Wrong again.  Bush did all he could, but that was in the hands of the governor and mayor.  The US may be strange in that respect, but the president cannot go into a state unless asked.

3) The financial crisis- for a supposedly staunch conservative, Bush did the exact opposite in paving the way for hundreds of billions of dollars to be handed out, no strings attached.

Well, I did say almost always disagree with you.  No argument.  But I think this was Bush's decision again (trying to be Mr. Nice Guy).  It was and IS a bad decision, and one that I totally disagreed with.

on Jan 05, 2010

As my license plate once read; "Don't blame me; I voted for Mc Govern." In the primaries I voted for Hillary. Still, did it ever occur to you that Obama is a hell of a lot better than GeoW?

on Jan 05, 2010

As my license plate once read; "Don't blame me; I voted for Mc Govern." In the primaries I voted for Hillary. Still, did it ever occur to you that Obama is a hell of a lot better than GeoW?

In some respects yes.  He is a known idiot that wants to take away our liberties, where Bush did it surreptisiously.  So what is worse?  Dying by the hand you know?  or the one unseen?  Good question.

But moot as there is still the 25th amendment.  And while you are in the majority for the moment, a 51-44 percent preference of Obama over W is not encouraging for Obama.

on Jan 05, 2010

In the primaries I voted for Hillary.

As would I have done if I had been a Democrat and US citizen.


Still, did it ever occur to you that Obama is a hell of a lot better than GeoW?

In what respect?


on Jan 06, 2010

Though the 25th should have been invoked during the last administration, thank the good lord it wasn't.  GW's redeeming factor was that he was defense against Cheney.

on Jan 06, 2010

Still, did it ever occur to you that Obama is a hell of a lot better than GeoW?

In what respect?

He mastered the TelePrompter.

on Jan 06, 2010


He mastered the TelePrompter.
Gotta give you that!

on Jan 06, 2010

Arguably he's trying to end the wars Bush started and includes their costs in the budget rather as supplements. He at least broached the Gitmo disaster, though I feel he's bungled it. Though he has done a poor job in healthcare, it will pass with flaws but it will be improved on. The economy is tediously  returning. No miracles but better.

on Jan 06, 2010

GW's redeeming factor was that he was defense against Cheney.

LOL - and Obama's one redeeming factor is Biden!  AT least Cheney was not a total idiot - cant say that for the last 2 democrat VPs.


on Jan 06, 2010

 Great come back.

on Jan 06, 2010

LOL - and Obama's one redeeming factor is Biden!  AT least Cheney was not a total idiot - cant say that for the last 2 democrat VPs


See, I don't think Biden is an idiot; i think his major issue is he doesn't know when to shut up, his tendency for loquaciousness goes beyond absurd at times. Then again, he was re-elected consistently in his state - so I guess the people there were confident in him. 




on Jan 06, 2010

Yes, he loves to talk but what politician doesn't? Sometimes  he's guilty of gaffs, but he is far from mean-spirited like shotgun Cheney who is literally undermining national security efforts. 

on Jan 06, 2010

Sometimes he's guilty of gaffs,

Sometimes?  I would like to see your definition of "often".

And Cheney is undermining nothing.  He is squawking a low - just like the whiners Clinton and Carter.  What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

on Jan 06, 2010

And Cheney is undermining nothing. He is squawking a low - just like the whiners Clinton and Carter. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.


I'm curious as to how you would justify the criticism from the former VP of the current Prersident - versus the current president allegedly criticizing a former president. How is that ethical and right again?



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