The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on December 16, 2009 By CharlesCS In Politics

Why are the JU Liberals so quite all of a sudden? How come they are not posting their opinions on recent events where Democrats are making fools of themselves? Why are they not making excuses, defending and at the least denying all these Demo-gate issues we are seeing on a daily basis?

Do you agree or not Obama deserves the B+ he gave himself? Do you agree or not with his non-surge surge for Afghanistan and the timeline he gave for it? Do you think all this Global Warming, Climate Change data fudging is a lie or the truth? Is the current healthcare bill that keeps shrinking and shrinking and changing from what the Democrats really wanted what you really want? Do Obama's abismal approval ratings bother you? Iran building more nuclear plants and testing new long-range missile while dismissing Obama and his "Diplomacy" and the U.N., does this not make you question our current policies?

Or is it that reality has finally sunk in, that everything you expected from Obama was nothing but lies, that this Administration has done more harm than good while blaming the previous Administration for their failure to get anything done, that Obama's B+ is more like a D-, that it was a mistake to vote for him?

Did I want Obama to fail? Yes, his policies would turn this country into everything our Forefathers were against, what our Constitution is against, what our culture is against. Do I want this country to fail? No, but I was not the one who voted for Obama and sometimes mistakes must be made and prices must be paid in order for the good to be learned. This is a 4 year lesson on how not to run this country and ignore and lie to it's people.

11 months, that's gotta be a record for failure.

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Comments (Page 8)
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on Jan 12, 2010

That said, I'm taking a fellow JUser's advice and "detoxing." I again apologize for my temper; I really am a much more mature person than my failure to control it implies. I hope that one day I finally prove that. I'm a better man than my faults.

You may also want to consider looking in the mirror and accept who you really are. This whole "I am more mature than I seem" is not very reassuring when your own comments show admission of immaturity. Perhaps you are not as mature as you may think or believe. I consider myself a pretty mature person but won't deny that from time to time I may lower myself to child-like behavior but I don't apologize for it, I simply accept it.

on Jan 12, 2010

I consider myself a pretty mature person but won't deny that from time to time I may lower myself to child-like behavior but I don't apologize for it, I simply accept it.

And that is the onset of true wisdom.  being able to see yourself as others do.  You have matured a lot in the past couple of years.  I am going to have to hand over my gray hair to you soon!

on Jan 12, 2010

I am going to have to hand over my gray hair to you soon!

Got enough already. And I'm only 33. 

I always thought that whole "stress creates gray hairs" thing was just a say. Boy was I wrong.

on Jan 13, 2010

Got enough already. And I'm only 33.

Look at it this way - you got hair!  My cousin was bald at 33.

on Jan 13, 2010

My cousin was bald at 33

It all depends on the shape of your head. If it's pointy, that's bad.

on Jan 13, 2010

If it's pointy, that's bad.

Did not seem to bother Beldar.

on Jan 14, 2010

It all depends on the shape of your head. If it's pointy, that's bad.

Wife gave me a #1 cut a few weeks ago, didn't look to bad on me. At least I know I would look OK as a boldy.

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